Chapter 3

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((Thank you guys for reading!! This is a personal favorite to bring you the rivals of two Yanderes, a brother and a new comer? Oh boi. This is getting weird lol. ENJOY!! 🐑💕))

Rory stood up tall and looked straight forward.

Without looking away, she grabbed Olivia with her tail and sat her on Ada's lap, thus giving a soft pat on her head with her tail.

"No play time till later little one. " She said as she still looked forward.

Everyone in the room whispered till Ida rose her hand to quiet everyone.

Soon came in a gem from Uzo's court, named Blue zircon.

"Everyone will be quiet for the trail is now starting! Guards! Bring in the man!" Everyone looked at the door and saw the soldiers bring in a man with a bag over his head.

Till they put him in place, they uncovered his face to show it was the bronze eyed colored man at the park who threatened Olivia.

Enoch seemed annoyed at the fact from all the shouting and demands that he just couldn't sleep.


He can't.



Someone was there.

His eyes flung open as they rested directly on the bronze colored man's eyes. He was staring back.

Enoch felt his blood boil.

The bronze eyed colored man seemed calm, almost too calm. He wasn't phased at all.

Almost like he's been here before.

I'll kill him, Enoch thought darkly.

When he went to sit up and move toward the dude, Sparrow held Enoch tighter.

He's smirking. At Enoch.

What happened next confused everyone, especially Enoch.

"Hia!!" Olivia's bright smile appears on her face as she waved at the guy, who's eyes seem to have softened a bit in confusion, his gaze now on Olivia.

She's happy to see me? the bronzed eyed dude seems confused.

Maybe she's doing a "I told you so" thing, he added.

"Olivia!" Enoch's voice was deeper than before, more masculine than weak. Olivia's gaze turned to Enoch a bit scared.

"What?" She spoke in a small voice.

"Are you really that stupid?" Was all Enoch said as Olivia pouts.

He's so scary when he's angry, Olivia thought.

Ida and Ada looked quite surprised of how Enoch shouted, never having to see him in such a worked up way.

To both goddesses, it reminded them of Jasp, Enoch's father, but a bit more powerful. The whole room looked surprised by it, but Ida waved her hand to shake it off and continue.

Ada held Olivia and petted her. "It's okay child, just refrain from talking till spoken to." She said looking back at the guy.

Sparrow calmed Enoch down as he sent a wave of reassurance to Enoch, till he spoke to Enoch in his mind.

Don't make me have you get a nap. Relax, then you can deal with him, he spoke through Enoch's mind.

Another power sparrow had.

"W-well... Umm, continuing after what happened. You guy! Were you at the park today where many people where killed! Their lives taken by your own hands!!" Blue Zircon asked the guy.

The bronze eyed man laughed at the Zircon. "Me? Yes, I was there, but I'm not stupid enough to kill people out in public. Oh, call me Brex, please. Don't want you looking unprofessional."

Brex smiled.

It's so annoying, Enoch thought. He growled.

That smile. It makes Enoch so mad. Why? Not even he knows.

Brex wasn't finished. "It was someone who wanted revenge. See. He didn't do business right. He failed. Well, he's more like a rival. You've gotta scare them somehow." Brex was open with himself.

He wasn't ashamed, nor did he care for that matter. His heart was cold.


So he thought.

Every time he found himself looking at Olivia, it made him stop talking.

"I...-" he looked at Ida.

"I had someone assigned to kill his family. I personally, killed his little sister. So of course the man wanted revenge." Brex spoke with no emotion.

His bronze eyes were dull.



Olivia was staring at the guy, affected by what he was telling them.

Enoch noticed.

What the hell? He thought.

She better hate this guy, he nearly killed her. Enoch added.

Enoch didn't want to be here. Especially with HIM.

"He lost his temper and killed Innocents. Something I can't help." Brex shrugs.

Zircon was surprised, but then nodded as she nervously looked at Ida. Ida looked seriously at this one for he seemed like a broken one, wanting to hide his emotions, like he wasn't lying.

She let out a large, deep, growling sigh as she laid back on her throne which got Ada's attention.

"What is the matter?" She asked, concerned. Ida rubbed her head with two fingers annoyed. "He isn't lying, my dear, I'm afraid.... He speaks truth as his shows..."she replied, noticing Enoch getting all boiled up.

"Pull up reports on the other guy." She asked as Ada nodded. She made a screen appear and looked through the lost souls of today. "Aye, true to say.... Family lost, killed and his dear sister killed personally by the man in front of us." She said as she made the reports disappear.

"Zircon! Continue with the trail!" Ida ordered as Zircon jumped. "A-ah... Yes! Your honor! Your highness!" She made her own reports appear and looked through them.

"Mr. Brex! Are you a Mafia boss, aren't you not?" She asked Brex.

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