Author's Note

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Hi everyone—new readers and re-readers alike!

I wanted to get out in front of this and let you know that you might be seeing video ads in my stories.

It's a new initiative that Wattpad is testing as it explores ways to help support authors like me so we can continue providing free content to the community. It also helps cover the costs of running the site and funds improvement to the overall experience.

The ads will appear about every half hour and I would greatly appreciate your support in viewing them before proceeding. Every little bit helps us out as we don't make any book sales out of any of the stories we post on the site.

Who knows? Maybe one day, writers like me can write full-time and bring you more stories to love and enjoy... =)

Thank you!



Also, if you ever need some advice on how to build your brand of writing and get it organized so you can get your stories out there, check out my free class with Skillshare. The class is short and sweet and pretty simple to follow.

Type this link in your browser:

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