1: ONE

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Aiko would much rather be fighting curses right now. In fact, she would even prefer to be fighting a special grade curse with her eyes closed and her arms tied behind her back.

Anything would be better than having to sort through the mountains of boxes that filled her office, all filled to the brim with documents that probably no longer held relevance to the clan. After all, most of the sheets that Aiko had painstakingly sorted through had been dated back to several generations before her time. I mean, really, who cared about some missions that happened before even her grandparents were alive. 

See, this wouldn't have been an issue if her brother had just been organised when he was clan head. Now that the position had been passed onto her, he had gleefully passed on the role of managing an entire clan as well as the monstrous amount of paperwork that came with it. 

The girl sighed as she smacked a lid onto yet another box, labelling it neatly before stacking it to the side of the room. 

Three boxes down, only like fifty more to go.

"Hey little robin how is it go- OW" The older Tetsuya sibling screeched as a pen pinged off his forehead, with Aiko muttering to herself as she retracted her arm back to her side. 

"My dear baby sister, abusing me," he exclaimed with a pout, arms folding in front of his chest. "What could I have possibly done to deserve this."

Aiko raised a brow at him, her arms gesturing towards the stacks of paperwork left all over the table and even the floor. 

Yabe went silent for a moment, a thoughtful expression on his face "Yeah. Yeah, I suppose this IS my fault. Fair enough." 

"I'm glad we can see eye to eye, big brother," the red-haired girl responded with a snort, her back turning toward him as she moved towards her office chair.

"Do you want me to help y-" 

Aiko whirled around at the sound of a large crash, only to find a guilty looking Yabe and a series of boxes laying across the floor, files and sheets of paper spilling out and jumbling up into one huge mess.

"I can explain-"

"Yabe, I'm gonna kill you." 

"It's fine, it's fine," he argued as he crouched down, frantically shoving the contents into boxes despite them sliding back out moments later. 

Aiko grumbled as she carefully made her way over, various threats tumbling past her lips. 

Her brows furrowed slightly as her eyes speedily scanned the documents, it's contents unfamiliar to her. 

"Stop for a second," she called out as she caught his wrist, crouching down carefully beside the older male. 

"Something wrong?" Yabe questioned, further halting his movements.

The young woman carefully plucked out various sheets from the pile and raised them up momentarily, before carefully arranging them into a neat order on an unobstructed place on the carpet.

"Is this familiar to you at all?"

She pointed towards the detailed sketch of a katana, with various symbols and markings often affiliated with the tetsuya clan. 

She looked up to find Yabe shaking his head in confusion. 

"I haven't, no. Is it important?"

Aiko hummed slightly in response as she moved to sit more comfortably on the floor, her eyes once again focused on the documents in front of her.

"This katana is supposedly called the Blade of Zeus. And it's a special grade cursed tool." 

"What's the likelihood of there being an unregistered special grade tool out there though?" The male questioned thoughtfully. "I don't think the Zenin clan would let that slide. You know how particular they are about that kinda stuff."

"Hmm. Maybe it was destroyed? It takes a lot to destroy a tool with that much cursed energy though. If it was destroyed it must've been written down somewhere in these records. Some kinda historic fight or something."

"What else does it say about it? Anything about past wielders?"

"Yeah, right here. Apparently.."

Aiko's brows furrowed as she read on. 

"Apparently what?"

"Uh, sorry," she mumbled as she shook her head. "The blade is a.. Tetsuya clan heirloom."

"Huh?? Why have I never heard of it then?"

"I'm not sure. Hmm.. I mean it makes sense given the name but still. Oh wait, the most notable past wielders were the previous Cursed Olympian users. Including the first user herself."

"Actually, that makes sense." Yabe cut off. "Wielding a special grade tool is difficult as it is, it only makes sense that special grade sorcerers like Cursed Olympian users had a more successful time with it." 


"Hey," Yabe called out, concern lacing his voice. "What's on your mind?"

"It's just, according to our records, the last Cursed Olympian user was alive hundreds of years ago. They were also the last person recorded to have used the Blade of Zeus…"

"...so where is it now," Yabe trailed off, finally understanding where she was coming from. 

"If the clan still had it, they would've given it to me by now, right?" 

"Yeah, I mean, I don't see why they wouldn't. Besides, we didn't even know this existed. Maybe they don't either."

"Maybe we should try asking Kato or Grandma Ayame . Surely one of them would have some answers."

Aiko sighed, her head resting against her hand. "What if it was lost even before their time though?"

"Don't be a negative Nancy, little robin," he spoke, one hand ruffling her hair despite her protests. "We will find out what happened to that katana back then and we will bring it back to where it belongs. To you."

Aiko smiled brightly. "Thanks, big brother. Don't think you're getting out of cleaning up this mess though."

"God dammit"

Aiko sighed as she glanced at the images once again, eyes scanning the recorded dates associated with them. 

"Do you think Grandma or Kato would know anything?" The redhead questioned. "It supposedly went missing before they were even teenagers, but surely they'd know something right?" 

Yabe shrugged. "Wouldn't hurt to ask." He paused for a moment. "Maybe it would hurt to ask. They're crazy." He fake shudders. "I can't forget Grandma's vicious grip when hugging me." 

Aiko laughed as she gathered the necessary documents and scrambled to her feet, no longer concerned about the state of the room. “Come on then,” she called as she walked towards the open doorway, head turning to look over her shoulder. “Let’s find some answers.” 

"Maybe we should put up some missing posters-"

"Don't be an idiot."


The Tetsuya siblings made their way towards their grandmother’s cottage home, which was only a stone's throw away from the main Tetsuya estate. 

Aiko raised her brow at the sound of bickering coming from the small abode, and quickened her pace down the gravel path with her brother following right behind her. 

"Grandma?" she called out as she made her way through the building, but quickly realised the sound wasn't actually coming from inside the house. 

The sounds only increased as the redhead made her way towards the backdoor. She stopped in her tracks as her eyes fell on the sight in front of her. 

Aiko's grandmother Ayame was aggressively shaking Tetsuya Kato, another one of the Tetsuya Clan elders, by the collar, curse words spewing out of her mouth. 

"Is.. everything okay?" Aiko questioned as she stepped out of the door and onto the patio, clutching her folder to her chest. 

"Aiko!" The older woman exclaimed as she let go of Kato and stood up, arms reaching out to embrace the younger woman. "My favourite grandchi- daughter" she quickly corrected, noticing Yabe's flabbergasted expression on his face. 

"Granny!” he gasped, his hand clutching his chest. "How could you?" 

Aiko only chuckled as she embraced her grandmother momentarily, before pulling back to allow her to hug Yabe.

"It's good to see you, Grandmother. You too Kato-san," she greeted as she turned towards the older man. "You being here certainly makes this easier."

"What brings you here?" Ayame questioned as the siblings made themselves comfortable around the wooden table. 

"We’re hoping to clear up some of the questions that we have." Aiko opened up the folder and pulled out the sheet with the image of the cursed tool. 

"Have you guys ever heard about the Blade of Zeus?" Yabe questioned as the red-haired sorcerer slid the sheet towards the elders. "It seems to be a katana that was passed through our clan, but I've never heard about it."

"Ohhh," Kato began as he sat up, a look of interest on his features. "It was that white one right? With a gold bolt running through it." 

"Oh, that old thing," Ayame remembered. "Yeah, I know it.'

"Wha-" Aiko spoke in surprise, momentarily turning her head to share a confused look with Yabe. "You're familiar with it? Where is it?" 

Ayame sighed. "Unfortunately, it was stolen from the clan when we were pretty young. It used to be displayed in a room connected to your current office now, and had all sorts of wardings on it." 

"What happened then?" Yabe questioned, leaning forward with his elbows on the pine table.

"I wish I could tell you that there was some kind of big commotion which we can analyse, but we never did find out how it happened and who it could've been. Someone took advantage of the fact that there were no active Zeus Technique wielders, and managed to steal it without leaving a single clue.”

Aiko let out a sigh of disappointment, her body slouching down in her chair. "I see." She stared down at the images for a few moments, before shuffling the paper back into the folder. "What's this about Zeus Techniques wielders, by the way? I mean, I guess the clue is in the name, but still, did they use the sword too?"

Ayame simply nodded. "Yeah, Olympian users were the most known for using the katana, but people with the Zeus technique can control it just as well due to compatibility. I would have inherited it once I became Clan Head if we still had it."

"Ah okay. That's all I wanted to know, Granny," Aiko said as she stood up, 

"What are you gonna do?" Kato questioned. 

"I'm gonna open up an investigation into this," the clan head spoke. "As the current Cursed Olympian User, that katana is rightfully mine. I won't stop til I find it." 


holy sheet it's finally here.

I've been debating with myself over the use of honorifics, and i decided to use it as minimally as possible.

but anyway, i hope you guys enjoy this fic! ive been super excited for it and can't wait to see how it goes <33

A x

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