Beast Inside

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Chapter 5 The Beast Inside

Dr. Jamison snatched the patch off her arm and switched on the computer. The patch was a failure. Instead of increasing the hormones and her resistance to the pheromones put out by Cash, they seemed to be increasing the testosterone levels and her attraction to him more.

Shit, shit, shit! She clicked away on the keys and pulled up document after document. She dug the heels of her hands in her eyes. None of the words made any sense and she felt her vision beginning to blur.

Shit! The smell of roses grew stronger and she began pacing as her heart rate climbed. I want to touch him. He's right there. I could easily take him and make him mine.

She angrily shook her head. No! Anyone but him! She clenched her fists. Two years I have been suppressing the urge. Stupid omegas! Not even human. Grown in a tube in a lab. Able to enjoy all the perks of being a human without all the pain. And worst of all...they can have babies. Assholes! Useless genetic garbage!

She slammed her fist on the desk and wiped her forehead. She felt hot and suffocated and undid the top three buttons on her blouse. She snatched a folder off the desk and began to fan herself. Feels like my insides are on fire.

She felt a sharp pain in her stomach. A scream escaped her and a set of test tubes fell as she crashed into the desk. Sweat poured down her face as she sank to her knees.

What the hell?! Her arms shook as she tried to pull herself up. Bashir. Another pain shot through her making her scream again. Shit! It's never hurt this bad before. She closed her eyes. Breathe, Kira. Remember the training.

Cash's timid voice called out to her. "Doctor, Jamison. Are you alright?"

She tried to stand. Stupid fucking omega! "Stay in the lab, idiot!"

"I heard screaming and breaking glass."

"Stay away!" She heard the door jiggle and shut her eyes. No! Don't come in here. She clutched onto a chair and managed to half pull herself up onto her knees.

"Dr. Jamison, open the door."


He banged on the door. "Please, I need to know you're okay!"

"I'm fine, stupid! Go away!" Another pain shot through her and she screamed through her teeth. The chair slipped away from her as her strength left her and she collapsed on the floor curled in a ball. The smell of roses overwhelmed her nostrils. Her eyes began to blur on the edges and she felt her senses slipping away with her reasoning. A single thought took over her. I need Cash.

Her body trembled as her instincts took over. I need him inside me. I need to breed him. I gotta join my body with his. She heard the door break open and began to pant like an animal in heat. A smile curled her lips as her logic and control completely left her and the predatory mating instinct took over. Her body trembled with excitement. Stupid omega. I warned you.

Cash thought the smell of oranges coming from lab two was unusually powerful but he didn't care. A single thought repeated in his mind: she needs me. I have to get to her

His foot kicked in the door, splintering it off its hinges. The door flew into the room and smashed into one of the lab tables, covering the floor with glass. He walked in and looked around.

One of the computers was still up. He saw progress notes for a new patch. The word FAILED was written in large red letters at the top. He frowned. I thought this would work. What happened?

He looked around and saw Dr. Jamison's body lying face down on the floor. He felt energy rush through his veins and rushed over to her as the tingling in his body began to intensify.

He knelt down and turned her over. She was burning up and her hair was sticking to her face. He pushed the hair out of her eyes and shook her gently. "Dr. Jamison!" She didn't respond so he slapped her lightly. "Kira!"

Kira opened her eyes and a wicked smile crossed her face. She looked hungry, like a wild animal, and like he was her next meal. Cash stumbled and fell backward as she sat up.

I want her. I want to be inside her. He shook his head. No! Not like this! She'll hate me. He looked desperately around the room. I gotta leave before it's too late. He felt the strength draining from his as his eyes met hers. No. Let her take you. Become one. Bury yourself deep inside her. Your heat with her heat until you are one.

Her voice broke through his thoughts as she crept up to him. "You should've listened, Cash."

"I'm-I'm sorry." He could see her full breasts hanging out the top of her unbuttoned blouse. He felt his body temperature rising and a tinge in his stomach.

"It's too late now."

He grunted as his hand slipped. I gotta get up and get out. "What about all your training?"

Her voice was deeper than usual.  Sultry laced with seduction.  "It's too far gone," she ran her hands over her belly. "It hurts so much. I can't stand it."

This is all my fault. I shoulda stayed in the lab. "I-I'm sorry."

Her eyes narrowed. "Why you? The one person I didn't want to do this with the most."

He swallowed hard as his back hit the wall. She climbed on top of him and lifted her skirt. His dick began to throb painfully in his pants and his body temperature went through the roof. His mind was screaming "YES!"

"Doctor...please," he begged putting his hands on her shoulders. He could feel heat from between her legs and his mind began racing with excitement.

She grabbed his hands and put them on her breasts. "I'm going to make you mine, Cash. Then I'm going to bind you to me for life."

His cheeks turned red. They're so big and soft. I just want to bury my face in them. He shook his head. Fight it, Cash. Fight. "I-"

She covered his mouth with hers. He tried to push her off as her tongue twisted and twirled around his. The tip of her tongue touched to roof of his mouth and the last of his resolve disappeared. He began to kiss her back with hunger dominating her mouth and tasting every crevice.  Take me. I'm all yours. Devour me.

She pinned his hands above his head with one of hers and pulled away. He panted and looked up at her with glazed amber eyes. "D-don't stop."

"That's a mighty sexy face you're making, omega." She rubbed her butt against his stiff dick. "Nice package too."

Where's all my strength gone? I could easily over power her. Is this what she's like during the moon? He jerked as she pulled his pants down and held him in her hands.

"I wonder how you taste."

"No! Doctor Jamison!" He clenched his fists and let out a loud moan as she took him in her mouth. "If you do this...ah! With me...ngh! There's going back!"

She sucked him harder and stroked him at the same time. He squeezed his eyes shut enjoying what she was doing to him. She was good at this. Too good. He looked down and saw her looking up at him with those hungry dark eyes. He shuddered and moaned loudly as his muscles tensed and he came in her mouth.

He panted heavily. Damn, that was too sexy. He covered his face realizing he'd just cum in his colleague's mouth. "Shit! I'm sorry!"

She grabbed his shirt and tore it open buttons flying everywhere. "We're not finished yet, quick draw."

His eyes widened. "Quick-quick draw?" He clenched his fist. Was she mocking him?

She smirked. "Cumming fast like that at your age? Either you're a slut that LOVES sex or you're like some high school virgin."

That damn personality of hers. How dare she. He felt something welling up inside him as his dick sprang back to life. "You and that mouth of yours." I want to push her down. Shut her up. Drive so hard and deep inside her, she won't be any good for any other man.

What is that? His body felt electrified and he felt this overwhelming urge to dominate her. He shook his head. What is this? I'm an omega. We're not supposed to think like this.

She chuckled. "My mouth is just fine according to your little brother."

He grit his teeth. I'm gonna do her so hard, she won't have energy to talk. He grabbed her by the back of her neck and pulled her closer. "Use your lips for something else besides talking shit."

She licked herlips. "That's more like it."    

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