Chapter 3: Demise of Dark Ahsoka and Darth Vader/Confession

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(Kabuto is seen sitting on his throne, looking at the galaxy while his teammates are looking for their next destination. Suddenly Raynare, Toga, Ingrid and Miyabi approach him.)

Raynare: Hey, Kabuto. Can we talk for a moment?

Kabuto: Sure. (to his teammates) Hey guys, I'll be right back. I'm gonna talk with the four girls now.

Riki: Alright.

Nathan: Yes sir.

(He nods and they go to the backroom, and Riki turns to his teammates.)

Riki: Have any of you guys seen Poward?

Black Adam: No, I just saw him playing his game.

Deker: He must be playing around.

Nathan: Yeah, that Kenobi guy is just playing his game.

???: Or not.

(Then they turn to see Boba Fett, Dark Ahsoka and Darth Vader holding Poward hostage.)

D. Ahsoka: Hands up!

D. Vader: Or this traitor will die.

Black Adam: You dare command a God?

D. Vader: I don't believe in gods. Not after I was left to die in the empty vastness of space.

D. Ahsoka: I also hoped that a God would punish that bastard for destroying the Jedi Order, but he didn't get any punishment.

Black Adam: I despise your ignorance.

D. Vader: And I despise you for joining that bastard.

????: So you're still alive, brother.

(Then they turn to see Kabuto, Winter, Raynare, Toga, Ingrid and Miyabi.)

Kabuto: I don't know who saved you, but I'll go after him once I'm done with you definitely.

D. Vader: You were right about one thing back then. We're not brothers. Not anymore. Anakin is dead. All you see in front of you is Darth Vader!

Kabuto: So you have embraced your true nature. Typical of a jedi turned sith. Omega Power Active!

(Kabuto becomes Omega Zero)

O. Zero: You will die for your own sins.

(Dark Ahsoka charges at Omega Zero, who shoots her, blasting her away. Darth Vader's lightsaber clashes with Omega's O-Saber.)


(Omega then shoots Darth Vader, bringing him down.)

O. Zero: YOU won't stop me! This is the end for you. Ladies.

(Raynare prepares a light spear.)

Raynare: So it's true. You jedi neglected him for years. You're no different from Khaos Brigade or Rias and her peerage. Cocky villain.

(Then Raynare kills Darth Vader with her spear. Dark Ahsoka gets up and sees Darth Vader's corpse.)


(She charges at him, only for Winter to stab her heart with a lightsaber of her own.)

Winter: This is for Kabuto.

(Toga quickly stabs Boba Fett in the heart in a maniacal way, killing him, and then Black Adam fries the three siths' corpses.)

(Some minutes later, Kabuto keeps looking at the window, seeing the galaxy as he hears the door open, and Winter comes in.)

Winter: May I come in?

Kabuto: Sure.

(She walks inside the room and looks at the galaxy as well.)

Winter: It looks beautiful. The stars are so bright.

Kabuto: Yes, they are.

(They keep looking at the stars, and then Winter turns to Kabuto.)

Winter: (blushes) Hey, Kabuto?

Kabuto: Yes?

Winter: (blushes) When we were younger and you saved me from my abusive father, I became grateful to you. I really can't believe Anakin would do what he did.

Kabuto: He's nothing but a jackass. Only Mace Windu knew the risk of accepting him into the Jedi Order.

Winter: That's true. But I have a confession to make.

Kabuto: What is it?

Winter: (blushes) Well... I... I love you. More than a friend.

(Kabuto gets surprised at first, but then he kisses her and she kisses back. They pull out and notice that they're being watched.)

Kabuto: Raynare? Ingrid? Toga? Miyabi? What are you doing here?

Raynare: (blushes) We just wanted to confess to you as well, but Winter beat us to it.

Ingrid: Yeah, you got Winter now. We're sorry.

Winter: (smiles) Oh, I don't mind sharing.


Kabuto: Are you sure, Winter?

Winter: (smiles) Yes, but I'm the Alpha of this harem.

Raynare: (smiles) Thank you.

(Both Raynare and Ingrid walk towards him and they kiss him on both cheeks, and he blushes and turns back at Winter.

Winter: (giggles) You're welcome.

(He smiles again, and he sits down on his couch and the girls sit down beside him. They watch the galaxy, as they prepare for the next mission.)

(Meanwhile at Death Star, Darth Sidious is seen completely disappointed.)

D. Sidious: I should know Darth Vader would disobey me...

(Suddenly he gets backstabbed by another cloaked figure, which also has a helmet to cover his face.)

????: You're not worthy to command the Sith, Sheev Palpatine.

(Then the figure pulls out a picture of Anakin.)

????: Don't worry, Grandpa. I will avenge you. I will finish what you started. I will kill him for what he did to you and your fiancee. I WILL END THIS AT ONCE.

(To be continued)

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