Chapter Thirty-Six

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Sunpaw's dreams that night were disgruntled and full of darkness only fear of everything around her could induce. After tumbling through waves of darkness for some time, she found herself face-to-face with Raintail, Doveheart, Lilycloud, and Frost.

She looked at them with dull eyes. "Guess I'll be joining you lot soon," she said.

"No, you will not!" Lilycloud said with a startling intensity.

Sunpaw laughed. "As if I could escape Applestar. And Goldleaf, he'll die too, after me."

"Sunpaw," Frost said. Sunpaw turned to look at her mother. Her voice held a certain hope. Sunpaw wondered how she could be hopeful at a time like this.

Then again, her daughter was coming to join her. Maybe she wanted her to die.

"I have an idea," Frost said hesitantly. "We have the power of the stars at our disposal- we could do something to prevent Applestar killing you."

Sunpaw let out a tired snort. "Frost, I tell you, it will not work. She is too strong. She, too, has the power of the stars in her grasp. She is a leader- how would I be closer to the stars than her?"

She knew instantly that she had made a mistake. Lilycloud muttered something intelligible, Doveheart actually growled, Raintail flicked his tail, and Frost stood up. "Snap out of it!" She snapped, surprising Sunpaw. "We are with the stars. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and open up your mind, or so help me, I will go down there myself and help Applestar to kill you!"

A stunned silent followed. Sunpaw felt abashed- she knew her mother was right, but shouldn't she be allowed just a few minutes to wallow in self pity?

"Frost," Lilycloud said a moment later in astonishment.

"No," Sunpaw said. "She's right." Turning to Frost, she said, "I'm sorry."

Frost flicked her tail in response.

"Well," Raintail meowed to fill the silence, "We have made a plan, if you'd like to hear it."

Sunpaw nodded, and he explained their plan.

"It will require certain sacrifices," he concluded, "but I'm sure-"

Sunpaw cut him off. "Are you... are you suggesting you kill your own son?"

She couldn't believe it. She had thought StarClan was a place of light. Not a place of darkness and plans to murder cats.

"Sunpaw," Doveheart said urgently, "if we can get enough strength on our side we will be able to bring him back."

Sunpaw sighed. "And you're saying that this could end it with Applestar?"

"Yes," said everyone except Frost.

Sunpaw sighed. "Then I will do it."

Ahaha wouldn't you like to know the plan?

I feel so evil XD

Yes this is a rushed chapter but I have to get to bed D:

So see you in the next (and final) chappie! :D

~✨🐱✨ Rainfeather ✨🐱✨

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