Chapter Three

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Sunpaw padded back into the camp, her head drooping and her tail dragging. She wasn't sure how she felt about anything, except that she knew she had to be able to push onwards. She yawned.

Applefoot hissed. "Sunpaw! We've all had a rough night but none of us are scaring all the prey from here to the Sky Tree!"

She lowered her voice. "But I suppose you wouldn't understand," she muttered, clearly not intending for Sunpaw to hear. "You'll always be a rogue. You don't belong here."

Sunpaw snarled, whipping around to face Applefoot. How dare she! "Say that again!" She growled. "Say that once more and I swear-"

"What're you going to do, fight me?" Applefoot sneered. Sunpaw dropped into a crouch, unsheathing her claws, fully ready to leap into battle. Skypelt darted between them. "Stop that!" She hissed angrily. "Why are you acting like kits? You're Clanmates for StarClan's sake!"

Sunpaw dropped her gaze. "Sorry Skypelt," she muttered, still fuming inwardly about Applefoot.

Skypelt hissed angrily and turned to Applefoot. "And you, you're the deputy! You're supposed to be setting a good example. Not provoking fights."

Sunpaw uncurled herself slowly from her crouch on the ground. She lashed her tail once, but then sighed. "Okay. Okay."

Her energy was depleted. Skypelt looked at her sympathetically as Applefoot stalked away, grumbling under her breath. "You've had a long night. Go take a rest, and did Featherpelt want you to come in for any of your wounds?"

Sunpaw shook her head. "He didn't. But I'll rest."

Skypelt nodded. "I'll wake you when it's time for something."

Sunpaw stopped at the fresh kill pile and looked in disdain at the small amount of river fresh kill. She knew the rivers, creeks, brooks, and streams would soon freeze over, so she took a trout. She ate it quickly, because she was tired, and headed to her nest. She curled up and fell asleep.

She was standing in a forest. It was an unknown forest, but it wasn't the Dark Forest. She looked around. A gray pelt flashed through the trees. "H-hello?" She called. A murmur rose from the surrounding trees. "Hello! Hello! Hello!" They whispered.

A gray she cat stepped into view, her amber eyes glowing. "Hello Sunpaw."


A light gray tom joined her. It was Raintail. Sunpaw, confused, dipped her head to the two starry cats. "We have someone for you to meet," Raintail meowed. He nodded into the trees. Sunpaw watched the shadows, her green eyes fixated on one thin branch. Suddenly, a brown and silver face appeared. "Hi! I'm Lilycloud."

The silver and brown she cat leapt gracefully down from the tree, her paws landing softly on the ground. She stalked around Sunpaw, Doveheart, and Raintail. Then she sat and looked at Sunpaw. "We have to show you something."

Without waiting for a response, all three cats got to their paws and padded off. Sunpaw hurried to follow them. They led her silently through the trees. Where are we going?

Then Lilycloud stopped. Her brown and silver tail swished and she pulled to the side. Raintail and Doveheart did the same. "Look in," Lilycloud murmured.

Sunpaw walked forward and looked down at the ground. It was a pool of water and it was clear as the lake near the mountains. She felt a sudden urge to jump in- but stopped herself. She looked up at Lilycloud. "Show us Frost," Lilycloud meowed in a commanding tone, her gaze directed to the water. At once the calm surface began to ripple and distorts, the images of the trees reflected inside quaking. Soon the surface calmed and Sunpaw gazed in.

The image showed a forest. She didn't recognize it; it was made up of mostly oak trees, but one tall tree with bright red fruits hanging from it caught her eye. Her gaze traveled down the trunk, and she reached the roots.

Lying at the roots of the tree was a slender, silver tabby body. It looked remarkably like hers, yet older and thinner. And with a sudden, shocking realization, Sunpaw realized something.

It was Frost. Lying dead at the foot of an apple tree.

A whisper sounded from behind her. "The apple shall rule all."

OMBRBOG!!!!!!! I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN LIKE THREE YEARS! No, jokes, it was like, four days. 😜 But I have a habit of exaggerating 😋

Yes. I love emojis.

And the rumors were true- you get lots of hard homework in sixth grade 😿 Last night's math homework took about three and a half hours by itself.

It was ten problems.

I hate double digit long division.

Okay, I've never been a math whiz. Language Arts, that's an easy A! But math I have to work for it!! ✏️📊📈📉✒️📎📏📐

Don't ask me what any of those things are. I don't know. I just said that I'm NOT a- GETTING OFF TOPIC HOLLY. FOCUS. I had to tell that to myself during Irish dance today 😹 NEVER take a summer off when you're in the second and a half class. BAD idea!!!


Homework is pretty much my reason for not updating... But laziness was a huge factor too. I'm lazy. I'll admit it 😎

Oh! Demons came on! Love that song!

Getting off topic.

Sorry. But.

Don't you just shucking LOVE Imagine Dragons?!

I don't know. I do. Now I better wrap this up before I go crazy and kill you all with boredom. I've done that before. No, kidding. Once I almost broke someone's foot when-



~✨🐱✨ H-

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