Chapter Twenty Five

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Sunpaw sat in the camp, her stomach growling. There was no prey to be found on the so-called fresh kill pile, as there hadn't been much to begin with, and that small portion was divided up between the queens and elders. She had gotten a small bite of trout, but that was all.

She felt guilt pang in her belly as she remembered what she had realized during her assessment- that she could save her Clan from the pangs of hunger that came with leaf-bare. She still hadn't gone out to fish. She decided to do that now.

She stood up and looked around. Feathertail and Cloverfur were in Silverstar's den, tending to her. According to Cinderstorm, she had developed an infection in her wound, and was weak. Sunpaw wondered whether she would be able to make it to the Gathering later that night; if she wasn't, then Applefoot would have to be the stand-in leader.

Applefoot was sitting with Goldleaf outside of the nursery, watching her kits, who had just opened their eyes. Goldleaf's gaze wandered, and met Sunpaw's. She remembered what he had told her about how the kits weren't his. His golden eyes locked onto her green ones and she looked away, unable to deny the feeling that crept inside her. There's something wrong with me, she thought, shaking out her silver fur.

Applefoot's kits were clearly recognizable by their pelts. On the way back from the assessment (Sunpaw kept shivering all over when she thought about that- the assessment), Skypelt had told her their pelt colors- Rainkit was a light gray kit with black spots, Fernkit was gingerish, which wasn't the normal color for a CloudClan cat, Briarkit was a dark brown kit, again, unusual. And the last one, Emberkit, was pure white, except for her light brown paws.

Sunpaw sighed and snuck out of the camp the way she and Lightningfeather had before, and headed down to the lake that she and Goldleaf had gone to just when she decided to stay in the Clan. The water wasn't completely frozen over, so she dove in.

She hadn't gone swimming, really gone swimming, in ages, and her power was strange since she hadn't used it much. She struggled to bring in the water through her nose and push it back out the same way, and to get into the flow of swimming. Finally, she began to move more smoothly, and by that time, she had caught a trout and two minnows.

She darted after a skinny fish and caught it, then looked at it. It wasn't much, and probably wouldn't even feed many cats. And she was so hungry. Shouldn't she just eat this one fish, just to keep her energy up? Would that really be bad?

Of course it would! She thought, shocked that she would even consider it. How could you? This is a part of the warrior code, not eating before elders and kits. How could you?

But you're so hungry, a voice told her. She wasn't even too shocked when she realized that it was the voice in her head from the fight with Cloverfur. She drifted in the water, gazing at the fish she had caught. It wouldn't do much harm to eat it, would it?

Sunpaw wondered dimly why the voice wanted her to eat the fish. I can't. But you can. Nobody will find out.

Sunpaw gave in and bent her head, about to bite into its belly. Then she stopped, for a reason she could not explain, and opened her mouth to bite into the back.

Then something grabbed the scruff of her neck, she thrashed, the fih sliding out of her paws, but she was so hungry and in such a bad spot that she really couldn't do much. She hadn't realized she was so close to the banks.

"Come on," he meowed tightly when he deposited her on shore. She had dropped the fish that had been causing her so much indecision falling away into the water. As she watched it fall, she saw that its back was pitch black, and its belly was pure white. The parts where it met were blended to form a foggy gray that was hard to focus on. It had small patches of bright gold dotted all over its gray patches, that were in perfect circles. Like suns. Then a shadow passed over the fish and it rolled over, belly up to the sky.

And suddenly, in a rush, everything made sense to Sunpaw. She was on the halfway point of good and evil. She was the golden spots in the gray. She could choose one way or the other. The voice had been trying to make her eat the black side. To give into the evil inside of her. But Goldleaf had saved her. Goldleaf.

In that moment she forgave him. Because the tom had unknowingly saved her from becoming evil. But she would resist. She would not give into the darkness inside her that threatened to rise up inside of her.

But there was something wrong. Because if she didn't choose, she would very soonly be dead.

She looked up at Goldleaf, seeing him in a new light. "What's wrong?" She asked as he placed her on the ground. She grabbed her meager catches. Goldleaf glanced at her and opened his mouth.

"Silverstar is dead."

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY GOLDPAW!!!! Lol that has to be their ship name right now because you people don't know her warrior name yet! *Taps you on the nose like the awkward fairy I am XP*

But oh dear. Silverstar is dead. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?!

APPLEFOOT IS NOW APPLESTAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Expect another update soon. I have nothing to do today, so.

See ya!


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