Chapter 1; meeting Ranma, the martial arts boy turned red haired angel

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Ben ran through the forest to see a kid being held up by a rope and a man digging a hole. 'Oh that looks bad' he thought then super sped up and slashed the boy's bindings. And after caught him while hovering with Stink Fly's wings.

"Huh who're you?" The kid asked, "name's Ben Tennyson, now why did that man tie you up?" Ben asked. "Papa said that it was for martial arts training... unfortunately it was for... that again" he said quivering in fear.

"Hey!!!" A rough voice said, "what do you think you're doing to my son?" The man digging the hole said walking up to Ben. "Wait he's your son? WHAT THE HECK WHY WOULD YOU THROW HIM INTO A HOLE?!!!" The alien kid yelled.

And rather loudly thanks to Echo Echo, "I was trying to get him to master a martial arts technique. The cat fist" the man said, "technique my left foot! You were gonna throw me into that hole with the cats again!!!" The boy yelled hiding behind Ben. "Being thrown into a hole filled with cats? Doesn't sound to hard or to bad" Ben said looking at the kid.

"He also has to wear this sausage necklace" the man said holding up a looped rope that had fish sausages around it. "Wait with that on his neck, the cats will..." he finally got the idea, "OKAY YU ARE NOT THROWING HIM INTO THAT HOLE IT'LL TRAUMATIZE HIM!!!" Ben yelled blocking the man from his son.

"It's only because he's a boy, now come on Ranma" the man said, the boy now known as Ranma shook his head and hid behind Ben. "If you think I'm letting you throw... Ranma was it? Into that cat deathtrap you've got another thing coming" the alien hero said.

"You have no right to judge the way I teach my son martial arts now out of my way!" The man said rushing Ben only to have the kid's torso replaced with Rath's "IF ITS SO EASY WHY DONT YOU DO DO IT!!!!" Ben yelled.

He punched the father straight in the chest and the sausage necklace fell on his neck and he was standing near the edge of the pit. And was failing to keep balance "have a nice trip" Ben quipped tipping the man over allowing him to fall in the hole.

After that terrified screams were heard from it, an hour later the man managed to climb out and was white with fear. "Okay Ranma... I fully understand your fear... I will never put you through that again" he said shivering. "Also kid, that was a mighty impressive thing you did with that transforming thing" he said.

"And I suppose you want to know so you can use it for your own selfish desires?" Ben retorted. The man twitched in irritation knowing Ben was right, "Okay Smart kid, I'll give you a choice. Tell me that technique or get thrown in yourself" he said until Ranma blocked him from Ben.

"Boy what're you doing?!" The father said to his son "no Papa, you said it's a martial artist's mission to always protect people" Ranma answered. "If you beat me I may tell you" Ben said, the man easily leapt over Ranma and went for Ben. Only for the boy to turn into Omni, a rather more child like Omni due to regressed age.

"Nice try" he said before becoming invisible, after the father landed Ben had struck him in the ribs after turning visible and after sonic screamed him into a tree. "Nice job... but can you do this" the man dashed for the alien shapeshifter only for time to slow down.

Ben, now using Clockwork's time powers, walked up to the man and punted him one straight in the head right into the dirt. He then grew WildVine's arm and held him in the air "I think it's time I end this" he said before turning his head into Toe Pick's and opened up his mask.

At the sight the father turned as white as a bed sheet and screamed in fear.

After the fight the man, who said his name was Genma Saotome, had lost but Ben had declared he'd be a mentor of Ranma's to help him improve his fighting skills. And to a majority extent he his personal life saver when Genma would try to pull something like that cat thing again. As it turned out the two were on a trip to China to improve on their skills in the anything goes school of martial arts. And Ben agreed to travel with them to help Ranma.

He had shared his story with Ranma but refused to tell Genma but the boy had promised not to reveal Ben's secret. And had also oddly started calling him big brother... weird.

Time skip: A few years later

We are now in a rainy street of Japan, things were normal as standards go... that was until a girl with red hair and a nineteen year old Ben Tennyson had rushed Down the street. "Come on" the girl said "Ranma be careful this roar is slippery" Ben retorted.

Yes the rather attractive girl you see here is actually little Ranma Saotome from a few years ago. As to how he is now a she will be explained later, as to who they're running from.

Behind them was a large panda bear wearing a back pack, "stop it already" Ranma screamed, she back flipped to get further away from he panda. "I didn't ask you to pick my bride you know" she retorted to the next oversized mammal.

"You did this to yourself Genma" Ben said, and as you assumed the panda was Genma. Like I said how the two ended up like that will be explained later on.

The panda roared and went for them only for the girl to jump out of the way and drop kick the back of Genma's head and make him crash into a stop sign. "That's what you get" Ranma said picking up her back pack, "I'm going back to China now" she said.

Only for Genma to smack her back with the sign and carry her over his shoulder, "was that necessary?" Ben asked him. Genma merely growled in response, "just ignore the panda bear people nothing to see here" Ben yelled as the three moved towards a martial arts dojo.

"This says Tendo Dojo, is this the place Genma?" Ben asked, the panda nodded and the two walked in. Ben saw a middle aged man... decidedly the same age as Genma but with more hair and a girl wearing a Kimono. "Ah Genma my old..." both of them stopped at the sight of the aforementioned Panda bear and ran back in.

With the three in toe, "pops stop it look you're scaring 'em" Ranma said And was correct. "So is this your old friend daddy?" The girl from before asked, the man shook his head. Genma ten held a sign saying "Soun its me Genma", 'he can barely handle normal cutlery with his paws yet he can write crazy fast like nothing?' Ben thought.

Along with the former two, there were two other girls, one wearing a yelloe shirt and apron with long brown hair. And another with long blue hair wearing a martial arts Gi. "You... you wouldn't happen to be..." the man Gemma referred to as Soun said.

"I'm Ranma Soatome" the red head answered, for some reason Soun Hugged the girl. Ben got a little defensive and created a blade that had a similar design to Stink Fly's stinger. "I advise you to let go of my friend please" he said hiding the blade behind his back.

Then for some reason the elder man let go, mainly because of something else which his short haired daughter decided to point out. "What the, Dad I thought you said your friend Mr. Soatome said he had a son this is a girl" she said groping Ranma. Ben blushed and turned away.

And after a while the eldest Tendo fell like a mighty oak, "Okay, he fainted... we should get him inside" Ben said trying to cut off the silence. He gained Rath's muscle mass and threw Soun over his shoulder. And after gently laid him down in the house, "we should wait for him to come to willingly. Bringing him back to the world of the conscious by force isn't a good idea" Ben said.

Ranma and the girls nodded "did that a lot and a lot of times I regretted it" he commented. They waited for a while, the man was completely out cold "oh poor father. He must be so disappointed" the oldest daughter, Ben learned her name was Kasumi, said.

"He's disappointed, how do you think I feel, some Fiancé" the second eldest Ben learned she was Nabiki said. "Enough you two, He-she is our guest" the youngest Akane scolded.

"Oh he's coming too" Ben said as Soun opened his eyes, "this is all your fault daddy, can't you tell the difference between a boy and a girl?" Nabiki said to her father. 'The reason Ranma is currently a girl is all Genma's fault of only pandas weren't endangered I'd hit him so hard' Ben retorted in his thoughts.

"I assumed my old friend Genma's son was a boy" the father said, "tell me, does this look like a boy to you? Huh?" Nabiki asked squeezing Ranma's chest again. "Please I wish you wouldn't do that" the red head intervened "so do I" Ben said emitting a quite scary aura.

The middle child did as requested so to not get smited by the alien hero, Akane then asked if Ranma wanted to be friends and she nodded. And after had invited her to spar a round, Ben had come to supervise.

"Are you sure you don't want to spar" Akane asked ben with a slightly negative face. "No thanks... besides I have a feeling if I try to spar with you I'll end up with a broken leg so I'm good watching" Ben answered sitting a safe distance.

"Ben had a run in with some Amazon women a few months back and let's just say he does no want to make a women mad. He already knew not to but now he really doesn't want to get them angry" Ranma said while Ben nodded. The youngest daughter shrugged and got into fighting stance.

An hour later Ben was now on the roof as Omni trying to get a bird's eye view of the city of Nerima. "Seems like this place is clear of any doorways" he said climbing down, "huh that's convenient, an open window" the alien then crawled through.

"Okay now I just have to find a quiet spot to transform back" he said only to see Kasumi right below him. They stood there staring, that was until Nabiki entered the room hey Kasumi who's that man dads sitting wi... AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Screamed Nabiki at the sight of Omni.

"Oh just perfect!!!" Ben yelled as he started running, the two girls were chasing him. "Not good not good not good" Ben sprinted through the house trying to find a place to hide, or at least out of their line of sight.

And then another person screamed, this time it was Akane "that sounded like Akane" Nabiki said as the three ran to the source completely forgetting the fact Ben was an alien.

"Akane what's wrong" Kasumi asked, "there's a man in the bath... WHAT IS THAT?!?!?!" The girl yelled pointing to Ben which caused them all the scream and chase him.

Lucky he managed to find a place to hide, unfortunately it was in plain sight, he rounded a corner and turned invisible. The trick wouldn't fool them for long, 'Okay they can't see me, I just need to get to Ranma' he thought.

"Only to have his tail stepped on by Genma now human, "Well what do you know that dorm got you into trouble" he mocked. Only to get socked in the chin by a now Male Ranma, "that'll teach you pops. Come on" Ranma said as he and his surrogate older brother walked to the living room dragging the idiot excuse for a father with them.

"Glad I ran into him first, he'd probably make it out like this whole debacle was your fault or mine" Ben commented. Ranma nodded, later on everyone was in the living room, "I can explain everything" Soun said, "this is my old friend" he gestured to Genma.

"Genma Soatome" the man/panda said, "and this is my son" he gestured to the boy/girl. "Ranma", "Okay so who is he?" Nabiki asked pointing to Ben "my name is Ben Tennyson, I am Ranma's other mentor and surrogate older brother" he explained.

"Are you really that girl we saw earlier?" Kasumi asked, "yes" Ranma replied meekly. "How to explain this, where do I even start. How about I start with..." Ben sighed knowing what was going to happen. Genma grabs Ranma and throws him into the pond behind the house, and then he pops out in his Girl form.

"Here we go" he sighed, "I take it you've seen this so many times before it's nothing but entertainment" Nabiki commented. "Genma throws Ranma into water as an example explanation while saying how ashamed he is. Then she gets mad and flips him into the water making him take his cursed form and then they duke it out" Ben explained.

"Anything else we should happen to know about?" Kasumi, Ben then flashed green. When the bright emerald flash of the Omnitrix dissipated, standing in Ben's place was a seven foot tall pale light green reptilian alien with a long lizard like tail and dark green hair wearing a sleeveless full body jumpsuit with multiple omnitrix symbols located throughout his body.

Name Omni

Species Omnisapian

Description Omni appears as a large humanoid lizard with pale light green skin. He also has dark green hair along with emerald green eyes. The uniform provided to him by the omnitrix is similar to four arms except less bulky. The torso of the outfit resembles Ben's shirt, the pants area resembles diamond head's but has a hole in the back to compensate for his long tail. On his face, shoulders, elbows, hands both palm and back, knees, feet, top only, and on the dorsal surface of his tail are numerous Omnirix symbols. The omnitrix itself located on his chest.

Powers Omni is equipped with the powers of all the aliens of the Omnitrix. He can transform his features into those of the aliens and has the power to use their abilities. These capabilities that he has are what make him the most powerful being in the universe. Omni can also combine the powers of different aliens to create stronger powers along with making weapons out of alien DNA as inspired by Skuurd. He can even use the powers of a celestialsapian. Due to his unique powers Omni is far stronger compared to any other alien race.

Other knowledge this unique transformation Ben has gained was the result of an accident with the omnitrix. When Azmuth called Ben op Galvan Prime to give him an update on the omnitrix a few way bads appeared. After promptly defeating them The omnitrix malfunctioned and all the DNA got erased except for one from an unknown life form. As it turned out a few of Ben's bad guys planned to finally destroy him by erasing the omnitrix. After a slight trauma Ben turned into his new alien which had all the powers of all his aliens. Though he missed all the transformations he originally had, he was glad their demise hadn't been in vain, they were used to create a new member of his arsenal. So to put it in a way, Omni is the only one of his kind.

"Happy?" He asked as the alien lizard from before and they nodded, then faced the two Saotomes "Ranma! Get back over here, you're only encouraging him be the bigger person" he said.

The girl nodded before nailing the panda in the chin and rushing to her surrogate brother. The two were now in their normal forms. "As to how this all started, and I'll explain Genma" Ben said before shooting Genma's mouth with Spider monkey silk and Ranma laughed at his misfortune.

"It was a couple days back in China, we were on our way to a secret training ground in called Jusenkyo" Ben said.

Flash back

We now go to a large valley filled with water springs that have bamboo sticks growing from them. "Here we are sirs, welcome to Jusenkyo or land of cursed springs" a tour guide said to Ben, Ranma and Genma.

"You ready boy?" Genma asked his son, "This place wasn't as bad as you made it out to be" the teen commented. "Yeah well I'm still staying away from there" Ben said sitting down a long distance from the springs. "Ooh you strange sirs.... this place very dangerous. No one use it anymore becomes there are least hundred springs and each one have own tragedy" the Tour Guide said.

"Ranma with me!" Genma commanded and the son followed, "you two have fun, I'm gonna try to sunbathe" Ben said laying down. "Wait sirs stop springs very dangerous!!!" The guide warned "what's so bad about a few ponds of water?" Ben asked.

"These no ordinary springs, about thousands of years ago, many people and animals have drowned in each spring. And with each new victim each spring became cursed, whoever falls in now will take a form of whatever fell first" the guide said. That made Ben shoot up "RANMA GET DOWN FROM THERE THOSE SPRONGS ARE DANGEROUS!!!" He yelled.

Only for it to be too late, Genma had struck Ranma down into a cursed spring. Of that not good he fell in Spring of drowned girl, very tragic story. Young girl fell in spring and died, now anyone who falls in there take body of girl" the tour guide explained.

Then out of the water Ranma sprang from it and kicked Genma off his pole into a different spring. "That's what you get for playing dirty old man!!" A now girl Ranma yelled. "Uh oh, customer fell in springs of drowned panda" the guide said, Ben snickered.

"A panda, oh that'd be funny to see" He chortled. Then Genma now a panda bursted from the water in the form of a panda. "PFFT... knew it" Ben said falling back laughing, ticked off the panda threw him towards a spring.

Fortunately for Ben he was able to avoided becoming cursed thanks to Stink Fly's wings. "Too close" he said flying down.

Flash back ends

"And that's how it all happened" Ben said, "the true horror of the Jusenkyo training grounds have been shrouded until now" Soun said. "True horrors, WHAT THE HELL WAS THE BIG IDEA DRAGGING ME TO A PLACE THAT DANGEROUS ANYWAY HUH?!" Ranma yelled at his father.

Only to be thrown into the pond again "and here I thought you knew that you'd lay your life down for the art" the father retorted. Ben then picked him up as Omni and threw him into the Pond, "his life is one thing but man hood is another story" the alien retorted. "This is why I now hide all the travel pamphlets from Genma, in the event the word Training ground appears" he added.

"Fortunately there is a way to reverse it" Ben said as he turned his right arm into a cannon that looked like a hybrid between WaterHazard, HeatBlast and Arctiguana. "Cold water makes them go into their cursed forms" he said before blasting Ranma with hot water.

"And hot water returns them to normal" He then turned back, "impressive" Kasumi said. "And imagine how much money we could make off of a man who can transform into bizarre creatures" Nabiki smirked. "Nabiki, they are still are guests so I politely ask you not to use them for endorsements" Kasumi said. The middle girl shrugged but reluctantly agreed.

"Well then, your predicament isn't so bad after all" Soun said turning the boy to his daughters. "My oldest daughter Kasumi is nineteen years old, my second daughter Nabiki is Seventeen years old, and my youngest daughter Akane is sixteen years old" he said.

"Pick any of them you want and she'll be your new fiancé" Soun explained, the oldest two were saying that Akane would be the more suitable bride. But before the two could argue Ben interjected "if I may say something about this, I say your rushing things" he said.

"Stay out of this Tennyson!" Genma yelled "it's bad enough you managed to turn my own son against me now you're trying to keep the schools from..." the brunette interrupted him. "I'm not saying you should give up on uniting the schools" he said before sighing "I'm saying that you shouldn't rush these things. This is marriage we are talking about" Ben said.

"It's a serious matter that should be handled with utmost care" he added. "As much as I'd like to argue I'm afraid he's right" Soun said as Ganma was floored. "So how about this, Over the next course of time from now if Ranma feels any sort of attraction to one of your daughters to the point of love he'll marry her whichever she may be" Ben declared.

"Still what gives you the right to change our engagement arrangement?" Genma retorted. "I can't change it? Well let me see the legally binding contract about the engagement saying I can't" Ben asked. The two fathers paled realizing they hadn't put it on paper, "so how about I make an actual written document saying so?" The shapeshifter said.

The two nodded, well Genma sort of grunted also, "I can't believe this, why should I have to marry some boy?!" Akane asked furiously. Ben then leaned toward her "actually believe it or not Ranma is a lot nicer than you think, sure he can be as stubborn as a mule but he does mean well" he told her.

"Hey Nii-San!! I am not as stubborn as a mule!" The pig tailed boy yelled "you're right Genma is as stubborn as a mule" Ben said as the old man in question did a spit take. That causes his son to fall back laughing as it was true, "in fact I think if he fell into the spring of drowned mule that would actually be appropriate than a panda and more useful too" Ben said again making his surrogate little brother laugh harder.

That's when Ranma's father lunged at him "THATS IT NOW YOURE GONNA GET IT!!!" He yelled before Ben used Echo Echo's sonic blast on the martial artist and sent him into the koi pond.
Genma then came back into the house in panda form, he growled at his son's other mentor.

"Ha ha now that's even more funny when Pops and Nii-San and pops get into a fight" Ranma said wiping a tear from his eye. That had been when Ben finished the contract "okay this little document says that if Ranma feels any sort of attraction to any one of the Tendo daughters he will be allowed to marry her, and neither of you can interfere!" he explained.

"Okay those terms I can agree with" Soun said with a peaceful voice Genma then held up a sign saying... "as much as I want to hit you I will agree to those terms."

"Okay then" Ben then sprayed it with some sort of blue colored dust, "Uh Nii-San what are you doing?" Ranma asked. He glared at Genma "in case one of them tries to write anything additional or destroy this I have coated it in a rather indestructible substance" Ben explained. Akane scoffed "indestructible? Yah right" she said before raising her hand to her face and took a deep breath. Then in one false move she karate chopped the paper, but miraculously it didn't even rip or tear.

"Okay maybe it is indestructible" she said wide eyed, "Still what if we get rid of it then you won't have anything" Genma mentioned suddenly getting an idea. Ben then rolled the paper up and put it in his shirt, "you'll have to get to me to read it and even if that does happen" the shapeshifter then took out a small tape recorder from his shirt. "I have it recorded right here" he said playing what had been discussed.

"I always have something prepared in case you try and run if you're schemes go awry" he said smugly before standing up and walking to the room he'll be sharing with Ranma and Genma. The two men paled while Ranma just smirked, Akane took notice and leaned towards him "what are you smiling about?" She asked.

He acknowledged her presence and replied "I just find it satisfying to see Ben Nii-san's habit of being prepared stop Pop's dumb plans" he said. "But still sorry for not telling you about my girl half" he said offering a handshake.

"For the time being, mind if we can be friends?" He asked, Akane looked rather confused. But had nodded "Sure" she said a little bittersweet, "Still you're fighting wasn't bad, in fact you're really strong" Ranma said to her.

'That's My Ranma' Ben thought as he was currently Omni sticking to the ceiling with Chamalien's camouflage. He then climbed outside and looked to the horizon.

Then spotted something that filled him with trouble, it was a small aerial drone, but not any drone. A brown disk shaped drone with glowing red bulbous spots on it. Along with a familiar V insignia on the top 'so he is still alive" he thought before coughing up a BallWeevil ball.

Then threw it hard enough to reach the drone to make is explode, "I have a new world, and will certainly not let it fall" he said before crawling back in.

The next day Ben had been sleeping on his futon far away from Genma and Ranma as their sleeping habits can be hazardous. With Gemma's smelly feet in his face or Ranma getting him in a choke hold in his sleep.

He then yawned and woke up "looks like those two are gonna be out of it for a while" he said before getting up and putting his bed away. "Better go see if anyone else is up" he said before walking off, the shapeshifter had gotten to the bottom of the stairs and had entered the living room.

No one was inside "I guess I'm the first one up" he commented before smelling the air. It had an oddly good scent to it, following his nose Ben found his was to the kitchen.

Turns out he wasn't the first one up after all, Kasumi had actually been in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone. "Oh morning Kasumi" he greeted, she looked back and waved back "oh good morning Ben, My you're up early" she replied.

"After having to train Ranma in the morning before Genma wakes up its become a habit" he explained. "Speaking of, if I may ask where are you from?" Kasumi asked "you hadn't said last night" she added.

Ben looked around to see if anyone was near "Okay but please don't say anything to anyone else... specifically Genma and your sister Nabiki" He said before turning his head into Brainstorm's. And after gave her his backstory via telepathy, after taking it all in she had tears well up in her eyes.

"Oh you poor man" Kasumi uttered having to see the shapeshifter lose his world. "Yeah it isn't the greatest thing" he said scratching the back of his head, "but hey so long as I live on so will they because they live in here" he said pointing to his heart. To which the eldest Tendo nodded at "yes, that is very much true" she said.

They later heard some yelling, looking out of the living room door to the back they saw Ranma fall into the Koi Pond. "(Sigh) Genma!!!" He then turned his hand into Gravattack's and swung it down.

Which caused said panda man to fall in the pond himself, while his little brother/sister laughed at his/her father's misfortune Ben sighed and turned to Kasumi. "Just for the record" he said clapping his hands together and bowed "I'm sorry for the damages they're likely to cause in the future" he apologized.

The girl had tilted her head but smiled "oh it's alright", "if any case, mind if I help out around here as a thanks to letting us stay?" He asked. "Oh but you're a guest" Kasumi was about to say before the shapeshifter cut her off.

"It's fine, besides I don't want to live here and be considered a freeloader" he said before following her to the kitchen.

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