The gathering

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Fairy 10 Omni mage

The fairy tail wizards, were now on Tenrou island, waiting for the dragon's blast to eradicate the island.

Ben who had been holding Erza's hand, gulped as he was waiting for Mavis' reason. "Guys, just for the record, if we have to be destroyed" he said. They all looked at him, "well let's say, I'm glad I get to be here with you, my guild" he said. "The feeling is mutual" Freed said, "wouldn't have any other way" Natsu grinned.

"Well, at least I'll spend it with the man I love" Erza said holding Ben's hand tighter.

Waiting for the spell to commence, a portal opened, inside Professor Paradox had ran out. "BEN WE HAVEN'T MUCH TIME, HURRY I NEED YOUR HELP!!!" He said. "Wait but, WOAH!?!?!?" Ben was then pulled into the portal by some gravitational force.

"BEN!!!!" Erza cried hanging onto him, "ERZA!!!" He let out refusing to let go. "Young Benjamin, if we don't go, this world and all others which you have entered shall perish" Paradox said. Ben then went wide eyed, "and Erza? Natsu? Lucy? The guild?" He asked.

"All Gone, if we don't hurry, no one will survive" Paradox said, Ben then grew downcast. He had two choices, one is to let the universe he now dwells in fall, along with all others, and die with Erza. Or leave this world for a short time, and return to it and Erza. He had conceded, "Erza..." he then grabbed her face "I'M SORRY!!!" He kissed her and then let go.

"NO BEEEEENN!!!!" The red head cried, then ran to him after he had disappeared into the portal. "Erza wait, get back here... Woah AAAAAAHHH!?!?!?" All of a sudden the rest of the Wizards were pulled into it.

Then a spell had been castes, and no one had been trapped in it, aside from the portal which didn't close on time. And had been frozen for seven years.

A certain alien shapeshifter

Ben, Mikoto, Touma and Karen had finally defeated Aliester Crowley. And in addition freed Academy city from the darkness looming around it. Without Crowley arranging secret experiments creating level six espers, the projects involved with them fallowed.

And now, the citizens were free from Aliester's forced experiments that he had put on them to make them develop faster. They can now live without worrying about wanting to get stronger.

They were no longer the puppets the magician wanted. Everyone was free.

Right now, Ben, Mikoto, Kuroko, Touma, Index, Uiharu, Saten, and Karen were on top of a building. "Man, I actually can't believe we actually, did it" Ben said.

"Neither can I" Touma said, Index was currently asleep on his lap. That spell she was forced to do really took a lot of her strength. "Yeah but still it was awesome, and thanks to fighting, I'm now a level 4" Saten said blasting wind towards a wall. Then it shattered, " yeah same here" Uiharu said making the roof of the building melt, and the sky snow.

"And now I'm a level 5 like sissy" Kuroko said trying her usual trick. But instead of zapping her Misaka... had allowed Kuroko to hug her. The teleporter had saved her by teleporting the bullets away before they had hit Mikoto. AND A MISSILE!!!

So as a reward for saving her and leveling up, she allowed Kuroko to hug her, "yeah, at least the people are free to live their lives. With out the fear of being kidnapped and forced to become stronger. They can become stronger on their own now, at their own pace where it's comfortable" the electromaster said rubbing Kuroko's head.

"Got that right, Mi-ko-ra-son" Ben said kissing Mikoto on the cheek. She blushed and Kuroko just shrugged, then kissed Ben. To which Mikoto zapped her, "I thought you said YOU WOULDNT KISS HIM IN YOUR LIFE!!!!" She roared, "that was until he saved me earlier, so now you're both mine!!!" Kuroko said.

"I AM NOT SHARING!!!" Mikoto said accidentally shocking Ben and Kuroko. Ben then noticed Uiharu blushing and moving closer. He smiled then pulled her into a little kiss, she blushed and tried to hide it. Everyone thought it was cute. "Okay... I'll share with Uiharu, mainly because I know she won't be like you" Mikoto said.

All of a sudden a portal opened, Professor Paradox had stuck his head and right side of his body out. "Ben I haven't much time I require your assistance" he said. "Really? We just got over a major battle" Ben said, "and besides, I'm not in the mood to release him" Mikoto said. Both her and Kuroko had hugged him, "if you want him then..." the time walker cut them off. "If we don't act now the fate of the universe and all the others is at risk!" He said.

Ben went wide eyed, "well when you put it like that" he said running into the portal. "Ben hold on... waaah!?" Misaka yelped after tripping and falling into the portal. The others went to get her, then it closed.

Totally 10

"Get her, she's over there!!!" Sam yelled, she, Ben, Alex and Clover have been chasing Helga Von Gugen through the sewers of France. It was after the fiasco with the Versailles statues coming to life.

Jerry had sent them to solve a mystery involving living clothes and a fashion show. It turned out that Helga had made living clothes and they forced people to wear them and controlled them.

"I got her" Ben said turning into Omni "now we all got her" the girls said. Ben nodded he shot Omnitrix Patches on them and they turned into XLR8s.

"Time to put the pedal to the medal" Ben quipped. Alex or LX, sped forward, "you'll never catch me" Helga yelled then threw a living anaconda skin belt at LX. Clover or CLVR sped in front of LX and caught it. Sam had grabbed it and threw it at the insane fashion designer.

Ben had used Terraspin's powers to make a mini tornado around her. This had caused her to spin and get caught by the belt. "Curse you meddling spies!!" She yelled.

Later on Jerry had been waiting in his Euro office, "well done spies, you've done a marvelous job" he said. "Saving the world is our specialty Jerry" Ben said leaning on Sam. "Among other things" she said as her Alex and Clover kissed Ben.

He blushed, then a portal opened. Professor Paradox then came out of it, "Ben, I just warn you that I require your assistance, the universe is in danger only you can help". He emphasized Ben but not enough to give something away. "Well, okay then" he said walking into the portal, "I hope he comes back" Alex said.

All of a sudden Jerry lurched forward and knocked the girls and himself into the portal.

Everyday life with monster girls and an alien boy

At the moment, Ben and Rachnera were sitting on the couch at home. Everyone had been asleep, it was actually 6:10.

"You know peaceful nights like this are really relaxing" Ben said. Rachnera had hugged him, wrapping her chitin covered arms around his mid section. "You've got that right" she said enjoying the feeling of her extraterrestrial boyfriend.

Ben had decided to lay down, "hey I thought you were wide awake" Rachnera said poking his cheek. "Oh I am, but I want a stronger wake up call" he replied grabbing her and pulling her on top of him. At the same time startling her, "Odd, it's not even the full moon" she said.

He smirked, then pulled her face to his "who needs the full moon when all I need is you" Ben was about to kiss her until... "morning" Kimihito yawned. The rest of the house had finally woken up, "dang it" he groaned sitting back up.

"Sorry" Rachnera said giving him a peck on the lips. "Morning Onee chan" Papi called out, "awe it's nice to see you two so romantic this morning" Mero said. "Would've been if you hadn't walked in" they said dryly.

Then out of nowhere a portal opened up revealing Professor Paradox, "Ben there isn't much time. The multiverse is in danger and I need your help" he said, then a bandage came out and wrapped around Ben's leg.

"Okay okay, I'm going, sorry everyone, I'll be back in a little bit" he said walking through. "Be safe" Rachnera criedbut had accidentally shot a silk cable at the vortex. Which ended up pulling the others and herself in with the portal.

The Girl standing on the blush of Dawn and the boy from the emerald heavens.

After the major battle not to long ago, the group was sitting in a forest nearby the gorge. Ben had been getting some rest, "sensei" Mari yelled, the shapeshifter looked underneath him to see her and Yun looking for him. He was in a tree, "big brother, where'd he go?" Yun asked.

"Do you really have to ask Yun?" Maria asked him, "sensei can literally do anything, he could actually be next to us right now invisible" she stated.

"I'm actually up here" Ben called out then jumped down to them, "oh there you are foods ready" Yun said then they ran back to their campsite. Then they heard Yona scream, "master what's wrong?" Mari asked then they saw a swirling vortex. Then out popped Professor Paradox, "Ben I'm afraid I am in need of your assistance" he said.

"Will it be for a short time?" The shapeshifter asked, "here it will be about one second" the time traveler said. "Well okay then, don't worry you guys I'll be back in a bit" Ben said running into the portal. "Wait big brother/Sensei!!!" Yun and Mari screamed.

"Wait Ben" Nia screamed, then all three had tripped and fell into the portal. Then the rest got sucked in as well.

Witches and Extraterrestrials

"NOT AGAIN!!!!" Enzo said as angels started chasing after him. Then had been knocked out of the way by Ben in Omni form as he gave the bird brain a diamond clad fist to the head. "Whew thanks Ben, you know despite the fact you're weirder then Bayonetta you more alright than she is" Enzo said.

"Thanks but you've got to give her some credit" Ben said. Said umbra witch had landed next to him, "ready to go?" She asked, "you bet" can Ben's reply.

"Well then" they then posed along with Jeanne "Let's Dance baby" they all said then jumped towards the angels kicking the crud out of them. "You know Rodin, in afraid that one day Ben's gonna pick up on her habits" Enzo said.

"And why's that?" Rodin asked, "he's better then Bayonetta that's for sure, Lloyd and what happens when he starts copying her?".

An hour later, after the fighting was over, and Bayonetta pounded Enzo into the dirt because she heard him. Ben had sat on a grave stone "well that went better than expected" he said, "indeed" Bayonetta said. "I must admit for an alien you sure can handle mythical beings" Jeanne said.

"Thanks" a portal then opened and Professor Paradox came out. "Ben in afraid I am in need for you assistance" he said. Ben shrugged "sure, I'm gonna have to go for a bit ladies, not to fear though I'll be back" he said blowing them a kiss.

"I hope you're just acting" Paradox said to Ben, "relax besides Bayonetta's love bites hurt" Ben retorted scratching an area on his back.

He had entered the portal, Bayonetta smirked, "you're going to try and go after him aren't you?" Jeanne asked. "You know it" the two witches ran through the portal. "So wanna get a drink?" Enzo asked Rodin, "you're paying" the bartender replied.

The alien guardian

It was currently the celebration of freedom from Phobos, Ben was sitting next to Will with Irma on his lap. "Man who knew we were actually able to stop Phobos" Will asked. "You're selling us short again sis, Ben said popping a fruit in his mouth.

"Haven't you forgotten you girls are the guardians of the veil, and I'm the wielder of the Omnitrix. Together nothing can stop us" Ben said, "I hear that" Irma said, "ooh Blunk excited" the passling said enthusiastically.

"Well, whatever the case, when evil is a foot" Will said, "we'll stomp it into the ground" Taranee said. "Wherever evil strikes" Hay Lin said, "we ignite and fight" Cornelia said, "when alien monsters, evil princes or mutant freaks show up" Irma said. "We wreck their plans and take them down" Ben said giving her a kiss.

Later that night when they all going back to earth "man that was some festival" Cornelia inquired. "I'll say, bigger than the plumber New Years eve parties and believe me when I say those were big" Ben said. Just then a portal opened up and Professor Paradox walks through, "Young Benjamin, I'm afraid I bring drastic not to mention troubling news" he said.

"I am in need for your assistance", Ben sighed "and just when we thought the battle was over, sorry girls don't worry I'll be back" he said then ran into the portal. However he was unaware that Irma's charm she gave him fell out of his pocket. "Ben wait hold on" Irma said picking the charm back up but accidentally tripped into the portal.

"Irma!!" Hay Lin screamed, then they were all sucked in.

Half Genie hero and Ten alien single hero

Right now, Ben and Shantae were on the roof of her house. Mimic, Sky, Rotty tops and Bolo were just bellow. "I don't know how things would've turned out if you hadn't arrived here Ben" Shantae said. The shapeshifter looked to her, "but I'm glad you did, we saved the world and the genie realm" she said.

"It's nothing, besides you know by now that it's what I do" Ben said, he then gently took her hand in his own. She flinched and blushed "Especially for the apple of my eye" he said.

"Ben come on the other are down there" Shantae said trying to lean away, but he ended up leaning towards her more then fell on her. "Hey... come on stop... ha ha hey that tickles, HA HA HA, get off me you animal" she laughed. Sky looked up at the two "they seem happy" she said, "better not be getting too happy, that's my niece there" Mimic said.

"Come on, Ben may be a hit with the ladies but he'll never do that" Bolo said, "just for the record... what is that again?" He asked. Rotty shook her head but smiled "careful Bolo, that screw brain of yours will be the death of you" she said.

"For once you couldn't be more right" Sky said. A portal then opened up, the two looked down from the roof to see Professor Paradox exiting it. "Pardon me but have you seen young Tennyson around in afraid I'm in need of his assistance" he said.

"Up here Professor" Ben said jumping down, along with a slightly disheveled Shantae. "What's up?" He asked, "I'm afraid the multiverse needs saving again" the time traveler explained.

"Well the work of a hero is never done, don't worry Shantae I promise I'll be back" he said running off. "Like he's leaving me out of this" she said then whipped her hair into the portal. "Uh oh" she said realizing she had gotten stuck and was pulled in. "SHANTAE!!!" Everyone screamed, "hey what's going on?" Bolo asked as something was pulling him.

"That vortex, its pulling us in now" Sky said as they were all completely sucked in.

Hero for fun, alien for hero

Ben was now in his apartment with Akane, Saitama, Tatsumaki,  and Genos. "Man that whole battle was something wasn't it?" He asked, "I'll say, though I had less trouble I should be asking you if you're okay" Tatsumaki replied. "I'm fine I promise" Ben said, "says the guy who was fighting a rogue shapeshifting creature and an unstoppable almost godlike creature at the same time" Akane said.

"It was indeed a difficult battle, but we all managed to pull through and rise in triumph" Genos said. "Indeed, though I agree with the cyborg's assessment, I have to say that a bigger battle has only begun" Professor Paradox said suddenly appearing behind Saitama.

To which the baldy reacted by quickly (A/N: more like light speed quick) turned around and attempted to side chop him. Only for him to disappear and reappear behind Akane, "you can't hit a mosquito, what makes you think you can hit a time traveler?" He said making the girl jump.

"Geeze" she yelped, "oh Professor Paradox,  what brings you by?" Ben asked. "As I said a bigger battle has begun, and I'm afraid all the universes need your help" the time walker answered. "Whelp here I go again" Ben said getting up and jumped through a portal Paradox opened up.

"Well tata, he will see you later... or is it see you a while ago? Time travel makes verb tense very confusing" professor Paradox said before walking through the portal. "Wait, if you think you're going into battle without me you've got another thing coming!!!" Tatsumaki said flying through the portal.

While at the same time everyone was being pulled in, "well here we go again" Saitama said as they had all been pulled through.

Engaged to an extraterrestrial

Currently at the school, the police were currently taking Animo away after he wrecked the place. Ben, Mashiro, Kobeni and Benio were sitting on a hill far away.

The pink hair then spoke up, "so... you're a super hero" she asked, Ben replied with "yes, sorry for keeping it from you". "I just didn't want anyone to hurt you, I thought if I could go low profile the ones I love couldn't get hurt anymore" he added.

"Didn't work out?" Benio said, while Mashiro was trembling behind her, "I can understand that you'd be freaked out, if you want I'll just" he was about to walk away... that was until Kobeni grabbed his arm. He turned his head to look at her, "where do you think you're going?" She asked. Then looked up at him, "as I said, I... I love you Ben Tennyson" Kobeni said with a smiling crying face.

"Same" Ben said hugging her back, then Paradox showed up "as heart warming as this is young Tennyson, I'm afraid the universe is in danger again" Paradox said.

"Really? (Sigh) sorry Kobeni, I'll be back. I promise" the teen hero then ran into the portal, unfortunately his fiancé went to touch it. Then the vortex's pull started to pull all of them in.

Alien and a vampire

Currently on a beach, Ben, Moka, Kurumu, Yukari, Flare, Mizore and Ruby were resting after that plant attack. "I think I'm going to lay off vegetables for a while" Ben said holding his stomach. The fact that he had to eat through all those monstrous Venus fly traps was reasonably exhausting.

"Same" Yukari replied, "Ben, want shaved ice?" Mizore asked holding a bowl out for Ben. "Or barbecue, I made some just now" Flare said holding up two flaming kabobs. Moka giggled nervously, "again... sorry" Ruby apologized.

A portal then opened, and out came a familiar time traveling scientist. "Ben, I'm sorry to disturb you on your summer vacation. But I'm afraid..." he was cut off by the aforementioned shapeshifter. "The universe needs saving again?" He asked, "not just one, all of them" Paradox said.

"Right, I'll be there in a few seconds" Ben said before waving to the girls and running to the portal. "Huh hey Ben wait up!!!" They yelled running into the vortex. Only to have all of them pulled in at once.

Omni hero Academia

There they were, all of Class 1-A, now in the midst of an undetected attack on USJ by villains. "This doesn't look good" Midoriya said trembling, both he Uraraka were hiding behind Ben. "Don't worry, we may be outnumbered but we're may not be out gunned" the veteran hero turned student said.

"Ben's right" Bakugo said readying an explosion. "Yes, we may not know their quirks but they don't know ours either" Iida said. They were getting ready to defend when time seemed to freeze.

The villains, Mr. Aizawa, and 13 were frozen, the only ones who weren't were the students. "Hey what's going on?" Mineta asked, "is this you mossier Tennyson?" Yuugo asked.

"Hey this isn't me" Ben said, but then heard a familiar voice, "though Benjamin may be able to control time he can't stop it". Everyone turned to see Professor Paradox standing in front of a portal. "Professor Paradox? What're you doing here?" Ben asked, "I require some assistance. No need to worry though it'll be over in a flash" the time walker said.

Ben looked hesitant, "like over fast?" He asked, "before you know it" Paradox answered. The hero conceded and jumped through, the students had been freaked that time was still frozen. "Wanna go through?" Eijiro asked, everyone nodded and hurried through.

Omni Leviathan defense force

Right now, Ben, Leviathan, Bahumut, Jörmungundr and Syrup were walking/flying away from Haruna. Syrup had been begging for food even though she ate a little while ago.

"Come on please!!!" She whined, "no syrup, we need every ounce of food for our journey" Leviathan and Ben said at the same time. Both blushed then laughed, "not to mention your big appetite will end up draining us fast" Bahumut said. Jörm giggled.

"Oh yeah, rub salt in my wound don't yah!!" The fairy yelled, "but seriously you do eat a lot" Skurd said on Syrup's shoulder. "Yeah" Blotch added on Bahumut's head.

Just then in their path was a blue and white portal, and out of it was Professor Paradox. "Hello Benjamin, hate to interrupt your quest but I'm afraid the multiverse needs saving" he stated. "And right after Haruna was nearly decimated" Ben said, "not to worry girls, this'll be quick" Ben said running into the portal.

"Awww... he didn't give me a kiss" Leviathan said depressed and anime crying. "Wait, maybe there's food through that portal" Syrup said flying into it. "SYRUP!!!!" Bahumut, Jörmungundr and Leviathan yelled. But were surprised when they started to get pulled in too!

"AAAAAAAHHHH!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" They all screamed as they entered the portal.

Phantom aliens

Currently Ben is inside Haruhiko's library, with Mai a few feet from the table stretching. Reina had been competing with Ruru in an eating contest. The phantom was steadily losing.

Supiraito was sitting on Iwa's shoulder as usual while she was rooting for Reina. Kurumi was taking a small nap on Minase's lap while the shapeshifter in question had his arm around her.

"I know what you're up to" she said, "oh yeah and what am I up to?" Ben asked. Koito giggled a little, "hey knock it off Ben, where do you think you're putting your hands?!" She yelped. "Oops sorry that was by accident!!" Ben exclaimed

They shared a nervous laugh, then up opened a portal. "A portal between dimensions" Ben said, "careful it may be a phantom" Haruhiko warned. "Actually it may be for me" ben said, as Professor Paradox walked out.

"Evening Benjamin, I would say this is a friendly visit, unfortunately however" Ben had finished what he needed to say. "The universe needs saving?" Ben asked, "close multiverse" the time Walker corrected.

"Guess there's no helping it" the shapeshifter said, "I'll be right back, uh this will be fast right?" He asked Paradox. You should return in a moment, or should I say you've already returned a few seconds ago" Paradox joked. Ben shrugged and ran through the portal, "you know, I've always wanted to know what the inside of a dimensional vortex looks like" Ruru said.

Then flew through, "RURU!!!!" Everyone then chased her through the portal.

Aliens in a dungeon

Currently Ben is standing next to a tied up lord () holding a spiked diamond club. He made Bell look at he girls while they were bathing in a nearby pond.

"This is what you get for teaching my familia perverted things" Ben said raising the club. "Ha ha worth it" the upside down idiot said, "double down under for doing it to Ais" he retorted.

Ben was about to swing when he heard screaming, rushing to the source he saw Bell, with Hestia in his arms, and the Loki familia trembling before a vortex that had just formed. Then out of it came Ben's old friend Professor Paradox, "hello Benjamin, I hope I wasn't interrupting anything" he said.

"Uh nope, well besides me teaching a certain pervert what happens when you mess with my familia or my girlfriend" Ben replied. "Well I'm sorry to say this, but I'm afraid that the multiverse is in danger again" Professor Paradox said.

Ben sighed, "world endagerinc crisis again, sorry everyone I'll be back" he said then ran through the portal. "Hey at least take something with you!!!" Hestia yelled, Bell threw Ben's sword through to make sure he had extra protection.

Only to have the portal swallow them up now.


Ben and Ridget are standing on a platform over looking numerous of Gargantia's soldiers. Ever since becoming the fleet's defense commander Ben has made it a point to make sure Gargantia's finest were at top condition.

"So, it looks like your pals down there are resilient" the black hair commented. "Well as you said when you brought them, they are Gargantia's finest" he said. A moment later he yelled at ease, then he and his commander of a girlfriend went to Bellows' ship.

They found Amy and the white hair in question talking to each other. Alongside Bellows, Pinion, and Bevel. They went to greet them when some how a portal opened up. Out of it came Paradox, "and finally onto the last Ben, hello there Benjamin" Paradox greeted. "Hey professor, what's with the visit?" He asked, "I'm afraid he multiverse is in need of saving" the scientist/time traveler said.

"Well, I did just get over shooting down two robots into the water" Ben said jokingly, "but who says I shouldn't save the world every few days" he said. "I'll be back soon guys" Ben said waving after running through.

"So this is a dimensional portal?" Ledo asked then went to touch it, "uh Ledo are you sure that's a good idea?" Bevel said but was ignored. The former space soldier now undersea archeologist then touched the vortex. And by some weird force was pulled into it, along with everyone else, "LEDO!!! BEVEL WARNED YOU IT WAS A BAD IDEA!!!" Bellows yelled before getting completely pulled in.

Now the force has been collected.

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