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The base was now being invaded by numerous of minions, Humatrix then hit a button to transport them all to an empty dimension where there was nothing but a field. "This empty space we were in would've ended you by making contact, so to be safe I've transported you all to here, where it's safe for you to fight" he said.

The enemies then attacked, Natsu charged forward towards Aggregor's robots. Then got half of them with a fire dragon brilliant flame, Sam Alex and Clover then rushed forward. Then used Skurd, Streaks and Blotch to destroy the rest with Armadrillo and Diamond Head arms.

Gajeel had made helmets for everyone using his iron dragon slayer magic, as a suggestion by one of the Ben's saying the Lucubra can't stand metal. Levy and him then rushed forward, she made the word cage appear and trapped all the Lucubra in cages. Then Gajeel blasted them with his iron dragon roar, which had managed to hurt and even poison the Lucubra.

Eon's soldiers went to lash at Leviathan, only for her to go into her evolved form and blast them all with a powerful water shot. Then Amber and Wendy appeared behind them, Amber requipped into her Big Chill armor while Wendy powered up her sky dragon roar.

This combined attack along with Leviathan's water had resulted in all the soldiers being frozen in ice. With Ledo he was currently using his energy blade to cut down some of Vilgax's drones, alongside him was Centorea using her sword to slash through them as well.

Rachnera had also been nearby tying up a few enemies in her webs and had even crushed them by pulling hard on her strings... the material being stronger than steel. Benio and Kobeni then charged in some armored suits Humatrix gave them that contained all of Ben's abilities. "Time to stop you all once and for all" the pink haired fiancé yelled blasting the drones with NRG's radiation blasts. Benio had been stomping on one and a Lucubra yelling "NO ONE HURTS MY KOBENI!!!!".

Above the field in the Chimerian Hammer, Vilgax's ship, the six villain in question were watching the four's henchmen getting defeated left an right. "Well, Aggregor was right" Eon said, "its not a good idea to let your henchmen do a job only you can do" Aggregor said. "Now this is why I don't mind getting my hands dirty", "don't have henchmen, just need me" Matruant said as more of himself had been watching.

"Indeed, tearing Tennyson apart with our bare hands will be an enjoyable feat indeed" Malware said. "I don't even care about the Omnitrix, So long as Ben is destroyed" Vilgax said as his eyes closed red.

Saitama had been running around killing Lucubras left and right when he saw something fall into the field. He ran back to tell everyone "hey guys" he said the pointed to the sky. The other had looked up to see the Chimerian Hammer, Ben's fists clenched, remembering that, that ship was at earth when he arrived to see his home as an apocalypse.

"Well, they must be up there, let's take them down then shall we?" Tatsumaki said, then pointed her finger down. Vilgax's ship had then been surrounded by a green aura and lurched down.

Inside "GAH!?!? What happened?" Maltruant exclaimed, "it's seems there's more than Tennyson down there. One in particular must be pulling us down" Vilgax said.

The ship then landed, the Ben's then turned full into Omni and used Jury Rig's powers to dismantle all the ship. And break almost every part so it couldn't be used.

"Thankfully that ship can't hurt anyone anymore" they all said, then out of now where the scrap heap had bursted. And the five of the six villains had emerged, Diagon had slowly flown down. Hit giant face could easily be seen from the sky, "D... D... Diagon..." Hestia and Loki shuddered in fear...

"That can't be, Diagon the destroyer?!" Ledo yelled, Lucy had brought out Taurus earlier. The bull man had a feared look on his face, "he... he's back...".

All the Ben's had surrounded his friends, "okay squid face, what's your game here?" They all asked. Ready to beat the tar out of all of them, "this Tennyson will be the last battle you will ever face" Vilgax said. "Though you are many, there's no way you and this pathetic excuse for an Army can defeat us" Eon chuckled.

"You'd be surprised, my pals here are some of the strongest people I know" Fairy 10 Ben said. "And you don't even want to know what baldy over there can do" one punch Ben said gesturing to Saitama.

"Hey" the aforementioned hero greeted, "that mere spec, I could easily send him to oblivion" Diagon said. "Though if you must know, simply revenge" Aggregor answered, "you stopped our plans for the last time, once we've finished you off we'll find every Ben in the multiverse and destroy them all" Maltruant said.

"That said, lets see if I can't short out that device you've all got" Malware said before stretching his a forward. All the Ben's dodged it, "quick everybody scatter!!!" All the Ben's yelled, Natsu had charged towards them and lets out a fire dragon wing attack.

He made a wall of fire to conceal himself, "you think a mere fire could stop the all powerful Vilgax? The conqueror of 10 worlds" the squid said. "No but it'll give us time to separate you" Bayonetta yelled before kicking Eon away from the group.

Next Lucy with Happy carrying her flew up and used her whip to take Aggregor's spear away. Then Gray and Juvia came by, the water mage used her magic to knock the Kevin clone back and after Gray froze him in ice.

Next up Alex, Sam and Clover used Skurd, Blotch and Streaks to gain Clock work time Cannon arms and helmets. They waited for Maltruant to use his powers to create a time chronofield then blasted him with their combined rays. Which had knocked him back and made him age quite a bit, "what!? No! You cannot do this to a chronosapien" the robot alien yelled.

Then was hit in the face by Jörmungundr's ax and after had been put into a binding by Rachnera. Monmusu and Spy Ben had arrived and used their powers to form Diamonds around the webbing trapping Maltruant. "You little!" He tried to age the webs to make them weaker but couldn't, "diamond doesn't particularly age Maltruant" Railgun Ben said.

He and Misaka combined their electrical power to Railgun shot Malware through the chest and made him back away for him to be separate from Vilgax. "We already know about that malware suit" Kuroko said teleporting a large block of cement over  his head and it dropped on him.

Uiharu then came by and combined her radical thermochanger with Saten's Aero hand and created an icy hurricane and threw it towards malware. With Lucy and Aggregor she was now holding his spear, "give that back now" he demanded.

"Oh this thing?" Lucy asked tilting the weapon when it fired a red energy beam into the sky. She smirked, and then shot Aggregor with it, he was about to rush her when Genos appeared and blasted him with his incinerator palms. "I don't think I will allow you to do that" the cyborg said.

With Diagon he was about to charge up a blast when a green aura surrounded him. He looked down to see Tatsumaki with the same aura point her fiver down and make him crash. "My powers allow me to control life energy, and you are basically made of it" She said. Diagon was about to retaliate when he was blasted in the back by a blue lightning shot.

It had been Will who threw that "and apparently my element quintessence happens to be energy and power itself" she said. The demon was then pinned down by earth and rocks that Will surrounded with her energy.

She combined her power with Cornelia's to pin the creature down, then with Taranee's to burn Diagon with ethereal fire.

With Vilgax he rushed Fairy 10 Ben, the Omnitrix weirder out of many had cocked his fist back. Once Vilgax got in a certain distance he raised his hand, in a flash Saitama appeared next to the warlord and punched him.

Vilgax hadn't gotten injured or died but he was surprised to see a human that was able to even lay a finger on his lordship. "You make a worthy adversary" he said, then rushed Ben again only this time he was caught by Shantae in Dracon form. "Like hell, time to burn" she said then tossed him into the air and blasted him in the back with fire. As he fell Bayonetta's demon Gomorrah caught him.

"Now my pet, devour him" she commanded, the beast then swallowed the alien and proceeded to chew on him. He along with Eon, who had been swallowed also, were beginning to get chewed up.

Inside the base, Erza had walked out of her room, clutching her head and stomach. She walks down the hall with her head down cast, "in already six months in, and I still haven't told Ben yet" she said to herself. Then looked at the screen in the main part of the base and saw her Ben fighting Aggregor.

She had missed the chance to join them, but in her opinion it was probably for the best. Then she saw something frightening, the six villains that were trapped. They started to glow bright red and then erupted with the energy.

This had knocked everyone back, the Ben's had used Diamond Head's powers to shield everyone. When they lowered the diamond barrier, the six villains, though weakened, had steadily gotten back up. "But... how...?" Levy asked as she was in Gajeel's arms, "can't you see? If none of you are able to even defeat Tennyson, what makes you think you could beat any of us?" Vilgax said.

He then pointed a his recently re acquired Ruby Ray of Ulo, and aimed it at Amber and Wendy. Then shot it, Ben sped towards there and went into his dragon slayer form. "Don't even touch them!" He yelled then inhaled Vilgax's blast, and shot it back tenfold. Leviathan Ben then turned into his dragon form, Youkai Ben's eyes turned to slits and his aura changed dramatically.

"Ah, it seems that you're exposure to your new worlds have given each of you, new abilities. But fortunately for me, I always have a back up plan" the Chimera Sui Generis then pulled out some type of small device. "If you remember this Tennyson, this was based off the machine I used to steal Ultimo's powers. All I need to do is use this on your friends and my own lackeys, and I'll have the power I need".

Vilgax gen pressed a button on the device "To finally destroy... WHAT!?" He was cut off when Eon grabbed it. "I saw this coming, if anything I am going to be the one to destroy Ben Tennyson!!" He then tried to pull the machine from the alien squid. Then Maltruant grabbed it, "as if, this power will be mine!!!" He yelled, then it was grabbed by Aggregor.

"I think I have a second opinion, none of you have the need for it, I have an unstable genetic code that needs powers and life force to live!!!!" He shouted trying to wrench it from the other's grip. Then a red and black claw grabbed it, "Tennyson's destruction is mine, AND MINE ALONE!!!!!" Malwre yelled pulling it from then.

Then Diagon, who had taken a more human form, snatched it, "your powers may be inferior to mine, but I will surely have enough strength to destroy the boy!" He growled. The six then started pulling and arguing over who got it, before the device got overloaded by Diagon's energy. And went haywire after it got into contact with Malware, after that there was a bright red flash.

Not to mention six pained screaming, shielding their eyes the group couldn't see what was going on. Erza on the other hand, still in the base, could very well make out what was happening. And her eyes widened in horror, the Horrid Hex were pulled into the small machine.

Then a large mass excreted from it, an explosion later and the sight was a true horror. A tall monstrous being, seven tentacles for legs, four horrid eyes, and six tentacles in the form of a beard. The entity itself was black and red in color, it was to monstrous to even comprehend.

It was, Daeoggregor Maltrugax!!!

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