We need an army, but, Are we worth fighting for?

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About now, Humatrix had too explain the situation to the other individuals who had came through and arrived at this base as well. Including why he had to bring in the Ben's, reason being because of his old enemies making a come back.

Maltruant, a chronosapien like clockwork, he once tried to create his own Big Bang and remake the universe in his image.

Eon, another version of Ben 10,000, from a negative universe where Ben was evil. He was fighting a heroic vilgax and had transferred Clockwork's powers into him when he destroyed the Omnitrix. And he then traveled multiverse finding Ben Tennysons and stealing their energy. He has clockwork's powers such as time manipulation, time energy blasts, and eternal life.

Aggregor, an artificially created osmosian made from Kevin's DNA created by the leader of the rooters Servantis. So he can copy Kevin's absorption powers, however he is inexperienced at using them and relied on a spear to fight. A possible theory is that because he was a badly manufactured clone his absorption powers have an effect on his body. Say if he absorbs Matter and anything else without his spear he rapidly starts aging or his body decomposes. It's only a theory though...

Malware, a mutant version of Upgrade's species, instead of merging with technology. Malware can absorb and consume it allowing the tech he merges with to become him. His touch is deadly to other Galvanic Mechamorphs and technology, the slightest bit of physical contact can turn it to dust. And like his touch, Malware is mentally unstable and can reasonably be considered a psychopath. He is even able to absorb non metallic items such as a planet as seen in the Omniverse episodes showdown 1&2 when he became Galvan B and then tried to merge with Galvan Prime.

Diagon, the second worst of these guys, he is a giant intergalactic space demon made completely out of power and energy. He controls creatures called the  Lucubra that appear as odd blob like creatures shaped like lizards. He uses them to devour the minds of victims and controls them. He has numerous abilities one that allowed him to take over and nearly destroy numerous dimensions and planets. Explains how Hestia and the other goddesses knew about him. And how he was defeated by Ben, along with Ledo's old team of soldiers looking, Lucy's celestial spirits and etc. he was absorbed by vilgax and he took his place as the Diagon.

And the worst of all Ben's enemies.

Vilgax, according to his aliases, he's known as the most dangerous being in the universe and the conquered of 10 worlds. He's dangerous, ruthless and power hungry, in addition he's willing to take the lives of numerous individuals to complete his goals. One being taking the powers of Ultimo of the galactic enforcers. Not to mention, has a long standing record of getting his butt kicked by the Tennyson family. Ironically for such a monster he care's a lot for his people of his homeworld oddly named Vilgaxia. He has tried numerous attempts to get Ben's Omnitrix, but hadn't had any luck thank goodness. He had become insane and fixated on having it no matter what, even as going so far as to wear a suit made from Malware's remains to defeat Ben.

"So in short, Ben may be able to handle one of them, but all of them may be too much" Humatrix said. "I actually ran it in a simulation but it resulted in well, you don't want to know" he added. He was still explaining to the other non Ben characters why he needed to pull Ben away along with them.

"But sixteen Ben's aren't enough?" Sam said, "we also ran that in a simulation" Paradox added, "ended worse" Humatrix said. "As to why we thought Ben couldn't just multiply himself, this enemies know all of his tricks and powers. So I decided to find a Ben or rather numerous Ben's that had the same powers but had developed abilities unique to the other Ben's in the universe" the Matrixians explained.

"But even still we thought if we could bring in opponents that None of his enemies had faced there would be a chance that the Bens could defeat them all" Humatrix said. "You all have unique powers that Vilgax, Diagon, Eon or any of them had ever seen".

"Okay, but still if they are as powerful as they say" Kobeni spoke up, "how are people like us (gestures to Benio and Mashiro) going to help?" She asked. "You want to drive these bad boys" Humatrix then opened up a door to reveal multiple DX mark 10s.

"They might not look like much but these things have similar abilities to Ben" he said. "That could work" Gray said, "GRAY YOUR CLOTHES!!!!" Lucy and Kimihito yelled to which the ice wizard yelped and scrambled for his clothing. "What's with him?" Youkai Ben asked Fairy 10 Ben "don't ask me" he replied.

"But even so, it won't hurt to go through some training so you can be better suited to fight Matruant, Vilgax, Aggregor, Eon, Malware and Diagon" Humatrix said. He then pressed a button on a remote that randomly appeared and two rooms opened.

These ones being a gym to help work out and keep strength up, whilst the other one was meant to be a training room. Think of perplexehedron, the rooms being made out of squares,  wing made from Matrixian cells, curtesy of Humatrix, it can replicate any opponent or environment needed to be prepared for.

"Of not I can spar with you myself though typically a bad idea" Humatrix then brought up a video of him fighting an interdimensional vilgax and winning and beating him up multiple times. Until he managed to make him cry like Ma Vreedle did to him, did I forget to mention that old cephalopod face is afraid of Ma Vreedle.

"Are you sure it's a good idea?" Loki asked questioningly, "listen, we don't have a lot of time, if these guys aren't dealt with now. They'll wipe out every universe they can find" Humatrix said. "Not only yours but every other universe as well", everyone had concerned looks. That was until Erza spoke up, "alright, as a member of the fairy tail guild, I shall help you in defeating Ben's old enemies" she said.

"If she's in then so are we" Will said, "as members of the guardians of the veil it's our job to defeat evil" she added as the rest morphed into their guardian forms. "As a hero in training, and as a friend of Ben It's my job to help in any way I can" Midoriya yelled. Next thing anyone knew everyone's yelling out to help defeat the, what I like to call, Horrid Hex.

(Hex=6, like Hexagon)

Humatrix then instructed them to go to each of their accommodations, he prepared for everything. The Ben's were about to go when Fairy 10 Ben was stopped by Erza.

"Ben... why did you just leave us... when we were on Tenrou island?" She asked, Ben's eyes widened. "Erza it isn't what you think" he replied, "I know you're a hero... but this time... you left us when we needed you most..." she said crying. "It's not my fault... I... it's complicated..." Ben replied, "you can't even tell me your reason... it was because of you didn't want me to find out about your other selfs's girlfriends isn't it?" She said. "No Erza, that's not...", but he cut her off.

"That means... you don't care enough... to tell me the truth... or that all your parts like me..." she said. "Wait Erza it isn't like that either..." he was about to say something but she pushed his hand away. "After this battle... I want us to be friends... and just friends..." Erza said and ran off crying. "Erza no!!!" Ben yelled, but it was too late, she had already gone.

"I'm not like any other Ben. I want to be her's and only her's, I want her all for me, and I wanted to keep her safe... because Master Mavis also said... to keep the spell a secret..." he then took his ring out of his pocket. Then threw it away, "maybe I was don't deserve Erza, but I'll still love her... even if I can't have her" he then walked off to the training room. He was crying as well.

Nearby Shantae Ben and W.I.T.C.H. Ben had seen the whole thing, Witch Ben had apologized to Irma for dropping her charm. And Shantae Ben was explaining to the genie in question that he was out of control when it came to what his other dimensional brothers did.

Then all four had saw Fairy 10 Ben's and Erza's little episode, Witch Ben had picked up his ring. "That's, harsh" he said, "she didn't know how good she had it until it was gone" Shantae and Irma said. Both had understood slash forgiven Ben, Humatrix then came over "actually Erza knew very well how good she had it. But the thought of Ben being unfaithful to her was too much to bear, actually she's crying right now, over how much..." he was cut off by Shantae Ben.

"Dishonest "I" was ?" He asked irked, "no... over how much she had doubted his love again. They both loved each other very much, but Erza had misinterpreted Ben's actions. He knew something that made her sure she would still be alright... but she had thought he abandoned them... and now she's aware that her Ben knew she would be safe. Having just tossed away the only person she deeply loved, she can't live with herself" Humatrix explained.

The four looked at him, "I'm omniscient" he added, "but still, I can sense others feelings" he explained. The ultimate life form then walked off "training starts tomorrow at six sharp try not to be late" he said.

In her temporary room, Erza was crying her eyes out, what Humatrix had said was true. It wasn't Ben she was mad at, mostly it was her, she knew she didn't listen to the whole story, but was too infuriated that her Ben couldn't tell her. But remembered what she had said on their first date "well regardless, whether clone or not. I will always love you Ben Tennyson" she does still love him.

But right now, she hated herself and was currently yelling that she doesn't deserve his love. Or to bare his children, for which would already be too late.

She gently laid a hand on her stomach, then started crying more.

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