Chapter 2: meeting the crew... er some of them...

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We currently see Ben walking around Dressrossa trying to find a place to patch up his new pal Luffy. The man had instantly passed out after going out of that giant form he had, "where's a doctor's office when you need one?" He asked before hearing voices. All seem to be saying his friend's name, "luffy!" "Luffy-San!" "Lucci-San!"

Moving towards the voices he... well was met with surprise, seeing a man with green hair with a scar over his eye with three swords, another man with curly black hair and a long nose holding a slingshot, a large man with giant robotic arms, blue hair and a metal nose wearing a... a speedo?... well that's gonna haunt my nightmares... a tall woman with... a well defined body...

'What the heck?! Why do the worlds me and my bros get sent to have so many attractive women?!' Ben thought trying to fight off a blush 'not that I'm complaining...' along with them were a lot of other people with them too. "Uh hey down there" he called out before sliding down the cliff side.

They all looked at him as he carried Luffy over his shoulder, "Uh... this guy with you?" He asked showing them, funny hung while Ben was holding his new companion he noticed that the guy was all squishy. Like he was made of rubber or something, "Hey, what are you doing holding our Captain?" The guy with the green hair asked slowly pulling out his sword. Which didn't go unnoticed by the alien teenager, "h-hey now! No need to pull one of those on me! I was just dragging him around to find a place to fix him up after that fight he was in!" Ben explained.

The man pushed the blade back in its sheath, "Okay then. I'm guessing you were the other guy who was fighting Mingo alongside him then" Ben tilted his head as the black haired man spoke. "Oh we saw two figures going at Mingo earlier so Zoro here assumed that the other guy was you" he said.

"Okay then, anyway out of the sake of this guy's health, any chance we can take him somewhere so his injuries won't be too severe later on?" Ben asked, that's when he heard flapping, looking up he saw three men... riding a giant poorly drawn bird? "I know a place" one said, he had lightly tanned skin, one leg and a black goatee.

Ben nodded before putting Luffy on the bird's back.

Later on we now see them in a small house on a tall hill above a town in east Dressrossa, along the way Ben was introduced more to the individuals. Zoro, along with the guy with the black hair and long nose, the cyborg man and woman were a pirate crew known as the straw hats. Who Luffy was apparently captain of, the others were new allies of his that he made in a fighting tournament there.

Zoro was the Straw hat's go to fighter as he is unmatched with a blade, he uses a unique sword fighting style known as the three sword style. He had a nasty scar on his chest from fighting a very skilled swordsman according to him.

The curly haired man with he long nose was named Usopp, he was the straw hat's sniper, very proficient with a slingshot and able to shoot it to great distances.

The cyborg was named Franky, the Straw Hat's boat right and mechanic, Ben figured he was just surgically enhanced but the man later told him that he performed his enhancement procedure on himself. Which Ben thought sounded extremely painful since doing that required no anesthetic at all.

And the last of the present Straw hat team was the woman named Nico Robin, she was their archeologist. Able to read any type of ancient tablet and language, along the way she ate something called the flower flower fruit. Which gave her the ability to sprout her body parts out of anywhere.

They had apparently come to Dressrossa not for the tournament, well sorta on Luffy's end because of something personal, but because they wanted to take down the nation's king which was not their true king. Then something about a fruit that belonged to Luffy's deceased brother came up which made him participate for personal reasons. Then they found out about Doflamingo being responsible for the place's collapse after the royal family was deceived by him.

Of course Luffy went to attack the pink feathered punk due to his selflessness, "so that's our story" Franky said screwing in a bolt on his face. He apparently had a rough fight and was doing some repairs, "now that we've told you ours, it should be fair to tell us your's" robin had added. "Fair enough, still I advise you to have an open mind. Some of the stuff I'm about to let out of my mouth is gonna sound real outlandish" Ben replied.

"Please, compared to a cyborg, a stretchy man, a woman who can project her body parts anywhere she pleases. At this point nothing will sound weird" Zoro Points out "yeah our crew is... Hey! what about me?!" Usopp yelled indignantly. "I'm a member of the crew too!" He said, "yeah the only one few of us who are normal. Take that as a compliment why don't yah" Zoro said shoving the sniper off him, 'this crew has an interesting dynamic' came Ben's first opinion of them. "Anyway, here's my story.

The teen had started off with the theory of alternate realities, going on about how there are multiple universes, each being either very different or very similar to their own respectively. Then had added on with saying how he was from another world, at first they were a bit skeptical about his story. However hearing the description of his world they had believed it a little, he then went on saying how he got his powers.

Little to say Most of the group was surprised to hear that a ten year old had been given the powers of monsters. Then we're amazed to know that Ben had always used his abilities to help others from a young age, aside from the occasional times he used it for selfish gain like with the sumo slammer card and the Sumo Slammer digi downloader. He went on with his adventures with stopping Vilgax, defeating the High Breed, slaying the almighty Daigon, turning Malware into a petrified statue, defeating the Incurseon Empire, and the rest of his exploits. All leading up to him acquiring Omni and being transported to all his individual worlds. "That's... thats one hell of a story Ben" Usopp said genuinely impressed, "while it is convincing how do we know it's..." Zoro was cut off when our hero had turned the top of his head into Brainstorm's and opened his skull plates.

Literally making everyone awake turn green in disgust "and you're brain's showing..." One other person said, he was an adult male with black hair and had a samurai attire on. Name was Foxfire Kin'emon, had been rescued by the straw hats and wanted to save his comrade which would be the man with clown make up sitting next to him named Kanjuro. Ben then proceeded to generate lots of electricity from
His brain which scared everyone a bit "h-hey what are yah gonna do with that?" Usopp asked only for them to get enveloped in lightning. Only it didn't hurt, instead they felt their brains being uploaded with information from Ben's.

Once it was done everyone stood amazed "wow..." then some had held their heads in pain before falling on the floor writhing. "Yeah sorry... that's one drawback with that ability, use it on someone who can't take all that info and you're bound to give someone a headache" he apologized.

"Well that aside, that sure was interesting" the man with one leg from earlier said. He went by either thunder soldier or Kyros, a legendary gladiator, he had apparently spent ten years as a toy due to someone else turning him into one and was finally freed because of said person being defeated.

The house had belonged to him and he allowed the pirates to stay until they were fully recovered. "Again sorry for the gross out according to the other me's I get that a lot" Ben admitted, "you know for a hero you don't seem to mind the idea of us pirates" Robin noted, "while it is true I had stopped an alien pirate back in my world, I don't tend to hold grudges against all pirates" That plus he also snuck a peek into their minds while he was at it. "Plus you guys seem like really good people, if possible, I'd like to accompany your crew on your journey" he said leaning against the wall. "That's a bit of a fast decision to make" Zoro noted, "accompany doesn't exactly mean join. I mean I want to adventure with you guys, and if I want to I'll ask to join yah" he explained.

"Hope it's okay but I'm going to turn in now" Kyros said lying on the floor, "you're free to eat whatever you like. Though I'm pretty sure it's all just dry meat" he added "ha, when Luffy here wakes up, no doubt it'll be gone in a second" Usopp jokes. Then saw he went to sleep "YOU FELL ASLEEP THAT FAST?!" He said, only to see the guy with a white hat asleep too "YOU TOO!!" And he fell asleep also. "I don't think you're one to talk Usopp" Ben said chuckling in amusement.

"Everybody's tired, we should let them rest" Robin had advised, "getting our strength up is always the better option when on standby" Ben said. Then noticed Zoro poking around "the heck are you looking for?" He asked, "I'm seeing if he's got any booze here" the swordsman said. "Dammit nothing" "you're focus right now is on alcohol? You know that'll make you weaker not stronger right?" Ben commented.

Then heard the door knob rattling "who's out the..." Zoro was saying before whoever opened the door threw a bottle at him to which he catched. "Here", the sword holder looked at the label and saw it was booze, "Sabo!" Robin exclaimed seeing a blonde haired man in a black suit enter the house. He was Luffy's brother and said he wanted to see his face before leaving, along with reminiscing his adventures in the revolutionary army which lead him to here.

And he advised the straw hats to leave as soon as possible as many people will begin to crowd the island. As he left Ben followed him outside, "I can see you yah know" Sabo said, "I figured, wasn't trying to be sneaky anyway" he said, "any reason why might I ask?" The revolutionary army member asked.

"Nothing really, I just wanted to go outside for a bit" Ben answered walking over to the edge of the hill and looked down at the highly damaged town. "Hadn't seen collateral damage like this. Not even back in my home" he commented, "that's just how it's like here, because the world government always abuses its power, more and more people try to resist them and at the expense of gaining powers, resort to using their innate abilities to topple them. Or if they're just greedy and want to be the most powerful in the world through the riches they have, Whether or not they hurt others in the process" Sabo replied.

Ben nodded, knowing the many people he fought who had hurt others to become powerful, "this world has been put through too much hell" he said, "though I do hope you and the revolutionary army make a difference" he added. "I may not have known you long, or at all for that matter Sabo, but I can tell you're a good person. Since you grew up with Luffy and all, try to keep up the good fight" the man stared for a moment, then smile and nodded, "and don't worry I'll try to keep Luffy out of trouble" he added walking back to the house.

"Joining his crew then?" Sabo asked humorously, "still thinking about it, I may though" he added seeing the blonde get carried away by a flock of black shadowy birds. 'Better get back inside, don't want to accidentally reveal our location' he though, then saw something odd, hi left foot kicked something, looking down he saw an odd fruit was by his shoe. It was roughly the same size as a football, primarily green and had lots of swirls in it, along with a bizarrely shaped stem.

"The heck?" He picked it up "what kind of food is this?" He asked, then decided to try it... only to immediately regret it afterwards before coughing and spitting out what little remained after he swallowed it. "Yuck! What kind of fruit was that?! That tasted nasty!!" He whisper yelled wiping his mouth with his arm. "Gross, hope to never eat that again" he grunted going inside after tossing what remained of the fruit away

The next day he and the others were still at Kyros's house with a large supply of food brought in by the Kin'emon and Kenjuro. Ben was eating with them but had decided to only eat as much as he needs, since seeing his new friends eating more than their stomachs could hold made a bit sick. "You're gonna get a stomach ache if you keep eating like that you know?" Ben commented taking a bite out of some meat, "we pirates have to eat a lot to keep our energy up" Usopp said eating a whole turkey leg.

Ben then heard groaning and looked over his shoulder to see Luffy eating a piece of meat in his sleep, "Hey weren't you a sleep earlier?" He asked only for the rubbery man to pass out. "Hey we thought you were asleep!" Usopp said angrily as Luffy continued to eat more and more. The two samurais had been talking about what people in town were saying about Rebecca, another ally the straw hats had made in Dressrossa, who was the princess of the country and apparently Kyros's daughter. They discussed about a rumor being that her dad was a prince, Kyros's then admitted that he made up that rumor so she'd at least have a happy life, along with the fact that he had a criminal record and wasn't royal.

Ben felt very sorry for him, he knows that Kevin never spent most of his life with his family because of his powers gave him a bad reputation. That's when a little snail on a nearby table started making ringing noises, Ben learned that was something called a transponder snail.

An odd creature that was able to some how communicate with other members of its kind via a weird telepathic like ability by electrical signals and mimic human language. "Huh, like a telephone" he commented, then another man ran in, he had long green hair that stood up and very sharp fang like teeth. His name was Bartolomeo the cannibal, he is a notorious pirate and a large admirer yo the straw hats. "Zoro senpai!" He called out then said he was glad seeing Luffy had recovered. Along with being blinded by aura coming him, which Ben asked him what he came for, he then said that the soldiers at the navy camp were on their way to capture the straw hats. At the same time one of Kyros's soldiers named Leo had informed them that the navy was mounting an attack as they spoke.

"Well that ain't gonna fly" Ben said standing up, I don't know about you, but I say it's time we flew the coop". Usopp responded first "but how?! Aren't there like hundreds of soldiers running after us right now?" He asked, "that's the thing, we have plenty of our allies all over in strategic areas to slow them down and we have a ship waiting down by the docks for you" Bartolomeo explained. Ben then gestured to the door "then let's bounce and hurry!" No one wasted any time and began running, ironically right when the soldiers appeared and began shooting.

"I got this" Ben said before slamming his hand into the ground as a giant wall of crystal sprouted in their way and blocked their bullets. "That should distract them long enough, come on let's go!" He then turned into Omni and ran alongside the others, and noticed a certain someone missing "Huh, hey where's Luffy?" He asked.

Zoro answered first "probably ran off or something, he acted really odd when Kyros told his story about him not letting Rebecca know he was her dad" the sword fighter explained. "He's going to the palace isn't he?""most likely"

Ben slowly breathed in and exhaled "we'll just meet him down by the docks then" he replied before taking to the sky with giant Condor like wings in place of his arms. "New alien power? Cool, I actually get a bird alien who's species is actually able to fly" Ben commented reminiscing the irony that his Kicken Hawk form ironically can't fly even if it was a bird of prey like a hawk or an eagle. Once they reached the docks they were met with an intimidating face, a tall blind man wearing a navy admiral uniform over a purple shirt, "care to introduce?" Ben said softly. "That's the navy admiral Fujitora, he's got a big hatred for us pirates" Zoro explained as Bartolomeo put up a large transparent barrier. He apparently has that power.

He managed to sense is barrier and steadily pulled his sword out of it's sheath to the point where it gave them a good look at the blade. He glowed dark purple as tremors were felt throughout the area, Ben found out why. Looking up he saw that he some how levitated all of the rubble from the city into the air "all this rubble, made from when those horrendous pirates fought. No one is using it, so I might as well use it to get rid of you"

"Yeah that's not gonna fly with me" Ben said gaining Gravattack's core and began emitting a low gravitational push to keep the rubble at bay. Usopp was trembling at the sight before looking at something in the distance "w-wait there he is! Luffy!" He yelled. True to his word Luffy had arrived "talk about timing" Zoro commented as the green alien nodded, at the same time Omni felt strange. Looking at Luffy his vision gained a grayish blue hue and a green aura outlined Luffy, it dissipated before Ben's own eyes had flashed green. Then his vision returned to normal 'okay what was that?'

However all were shocked to see him full on jump into the air and throw a giant black almost metallic fist at the admiral. "Luffy-Senpai he's a navy admiral! what the heck are you doing?!" Bartolomeo yelled, "'take him down someday' isn't good enough anymore! Even if he's a navy admiral why should I run?" Luffy asked. "I would probably say that up until two years ago, but not anymore" at that last part the other straw hat members looked like they were having a flash back. "Navy admiral or emperor, if I don't beat them. Then... I can't become the pirate king!" The rubber man yelled once more, Zoro seemed to smirk "Yeah that actually a good point" Franky said "Okay Fine! If it's come to that fight it out Luffy!" Usopp said.

"You too Usopp senpai?! But he's a navy admiral!" The barrier maker again exclaimed. Luffy responded by pushing his legs down as three bulbs formed and went up into his leg making his whole body glow. "Ah let him, I once went up against an absolute monolith of power and a giant universe destroying bomb and look at me now. Still kicking" Ben said shocking the others, even if it was a little while they could tell he was at least sane enough not to get into a fight with someone so powerful.

With Luffy he had thrown the first few punches, oddly announcing when his attacks were. "Why does he keep announcing his attacks?" Zoro asked "my guess, since the guy is blind Luffy is giving him a head start. Luffy! While fighting fair is important! I should note that just because he's blind doesn't mean he can't block your attacks!" Ben called out? Luffy then told him that it didn't matter and kept fighting. "Good god... okay time to switch places" he said before making a portal in front of him.

(A/N: BTW This isn't Alien X's power, this is from a canon alien named Portaler, a small pull bug like alien that can make portals, apparently was from a Ben 10 game contest)

Then another portal formed behind Luffy, the Omnisapien reaches in and his hand comes out the vortex behind the captain and grabs him "what the?!" Ben pulls him in and jumps through the portal himself and throws several diamond shards at Fujitora forcing him to block the attack. "Guy's if Luffy fights too long it may slow us down so I'll distract him long enough to make an escape, make sure Luffy doesn't come back" Ben called out.

"Aww come on, why not let us have a turn fighting him?" Zoro said sarcastically "just get outta here fast enough so gravity blade over here can't tell where you went off to" Omni yelled. The giant of the group then caught Luffy and they ran off, "Okay white eyes, just and me now" he said. "I'll make you regret not letting Straw hat continue fighting me and letting them run away like cowards" Fujitora said raising his blade to the sky. Only to be kicked in the side by grasshopper like legs "hey, you call it running away, I call it a strategic retreat and gauging an opponent's strength" Omni then turns his arms into Heat Blast's and blasts the admiral with a raging torrent of fire.

Then was met with several kilos of weight being forced on top of him "good try, but even fire has its limits against gravity" the blind man said shaking off the attack. "Don't be so sure, you're not the only one... with gravity powers..." what Tora didn't notice was that Ben still had Gravattack's core. And said alien used it to push back the habitation force on him, "now how about getting a taste of your own medicine" Omni used his gravikinesis to redirect all the gravitational force on him back onto Fujitora knocking him away.

"And that isn't all" he said before then turning his arm into Diamond Head's and slammed it into the ground. The admiral didn't see it coming when a barrage of crystals began to shoot out of the ground around him. "You call that an attack, I wasn't even in range of those spikes" he insulted standing back up. "Oh it wasn't meant to hit you from under ground" Ben smirked, looking up he saw all the crystals hovering in the air "I'd like to point out that it isn't always a good thing to have..." the alien snapped his fingers to let the shards fall "riches rain down to you" Fujitora had anticipated that  so he used his gravitational powers to make an upward force to stop the shards, only for another force to cut through it allowing the crystals to still fall on him.

He rubbed the areas where he was hit on, "Okay, I admit that for a young man. You're an admirable, if not extremely vexing opponent" he said dusting off some shattered crystals from his jacket. "And for an old man you definitely can kick butt" Ben admitted, "that is why I shall end you now as quickly and painlessly as possible" the naval leader said getting ready to let the rubble loose. "I wouldn't be so sure, yah might wanna pay attention to what's just beneath your feet" this confused tora until his foot felt something odd underneath him.

It felt very gelatinous and squishy and ball shaped, which was revealed to be several Gooey balls courtesy of Ball Weevil. The alien had planted them there when he threw his opponent's gravity back at him. Smirking Ben let the ball explode sending Fujitora flying once again "and now for the finisher, Nu..." suddenly he stopped in mid sentence.

His body moved on its own and did a different attack, "Emerald" he shot his arm back a great distance using Elastislam's elastic powers to stretch, "Red Hawk!" The fist was then coated in diamonds before getting flung forward. At the same time the diamonds gained cracks in it as glowing green fire leaked out of it, in one foul hit a nuclear flaming high speed fist was driven into Fujitora's gut knocking most of the wind out of him.

"Okay... where did that come from?" He asked looking at his hand, then realized that the admiral was not gonna he happy when he wakes up. "and that's my cue to run, live to fight another day Fuji!" He said before turning his legs into XLR8's and dashed towards the docks to catch up with the others.

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