Part 2

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Here's part 2 for you guys!!! enjoy!!!


We managed to arrive safely at the museum at around 9 am. The museum was a large building painted white and then black around its railings. A huge mahogany door swung open and revealed all kinds of art critics, enthusiast, and a few journalists and writers here and there.

Paintings, sculptures and all kinds' works of art spread in the area. Some were hung on the wall behind protective velvet lines; some were positioned along the corridors and some were encased in glass. Guards in black suits scanned the area and kept a look-out on the whole situation.

"Oh my..." I gasped, "this is place is amazing!"

"That's what you always say when we're in museums." Jayce said while he lead us through the crowd and towards a two familiar looking figures, who had their backs turned to us. One was a male with a semi-bald head; he was wearing a suit and had a drink in his hand. The other was a lady with a pale-blonde colored hair, tied up in a messy bun and was wearing a beige-colored dress.

"Grandma! Grandpa!" Jayden called out.

The two figures turned around and a smile appeared on their faces. They motioned us to come forward, "There you are!" Grandpa gave out a hearty laugh. "I was afraid you weren't going to make it."

"We wouldn't miss it for the world Grandpa." Jayden answered.

"I knew you would." He said as he held Jayden's shoulders and gripped it a little. "Ah, now let me introduce you to someone." He motioned to the couple they were talking to a while ago. The man was wearing blacks suit, similar to Grandpa's and the lady wore an elegant looking, royal-blue dress that matched her midnight-black hair. They both looked like they were in their early sixty's and had warm smiles directed at us.

"This is Jayce and Jayden Michealis, my grandsons." Grandpa said as Jayce and Jayden shook the elder man's hand. "And Katarina Miller, our granddaughter and Jiniel Saunders, our family friend."

We shook the couple's hands and acquainted ourselves to them, Grandma laughed a bit and turned to us, "Oh it reminds me, Jin here, is actually a huge fan of your work Mr. Brunner."

"Really? Well, I'm honored." He said getting closer to Jin who was now shaking with embarrassment. "Are you a big fan of Dante?"

"Yes Sir!" he blurted out, "He's is a genius. His Divine Comedy is my favorite things to read! I mean the transition of the plot; from Dante's descent to the Underworld with Virgil to his encounter with Beatrice, was nothing less than a thrill ride for the mind!"

"I agree. Have you read my works?"

"Read them? Sir, I know your works by heart!" he answered, "Your intensive study of Dante's life and works were amazing! I can't find anyone who can truly understand and love him as much as you do!"

"I am honored." He gave out a hearty laugh. "Do you want to continue our conversation with some of my colleagues? I'm sure you know Ms. Clark and Mr. Edson? They're quite the Dante enthusiasts."

"O-Of course!"

Since Jin obviously has his hands full, Jayden and I decided to explore the exhibit and look for the painting I've been dying to see.

Jayce was talking with some of Grandpa's other colleagues about his critic on Agostino Carracci's "Orpheus and Eurydice". We all knew very well that he has a future in the art world as a critic so we wouldn't dare disturb him.

After a few moments of searching, Jayden and I finally found ourselves in a hallway at the East wing of the building where "Omnia Vincit Amor" hung gloriously behind the restraints of a velvet rope.

"There she is," Jayden said as he pushed me forward, "in all her glory."

"I know." I said as marveled at the painting before me. I'm proud to say that it did not disappoint. It was everything that I read about, up to the last detail.

The sound of a monotone chime interrupted my thoughts and a bad vibe instantly ran down my spine. I took out my phone and sure enough the stalker had sent me another message.

I love your red dress, it makes you look irresistible. I hope you're happy with the painting, its one of my favorite ones too. You see, I strongly believe in the saying "Love Conquers All". Sooner or later, I'll be able to prove it to be true, once I get rid of some loose ends who always get themselves tangled in our love affair :)

Below the message was a picture of me staring at "Omnia Vincit Amor" with my back turned. I immediately spun around to see if anyone was there, but as it turned out we weren't the only one in the hallway. There were tons of people here with us and I couldn't figure out which one of them can the stalker be.

This didn't make me feel any better.

Fear suddenly crept into me making me quiver at the sudden danger I realized I was in. it was like I was trapped in a small and enclosed room with nothing but a mysterious black-clad man sitting on a luxurious looking chair. His head rested on his hands as he flashed me an amused smile, illuminated by the flickering lights above us.

He knows that I'm powerless against him. He knows he has me running around in circles because of his uncanny messages.

"Calm down Kat." Jayden said beside as he pulled me into a hug, "Everything's going to be alright. I won't let anybody hurt you. I promise."


"Yeah. Promise." He answered hugging me tighter.

The warmth coming from Jayden's hug comforted me. He made me realize that I wasn't alone and that I had a family to rely on. Their love for me will conquer fear.


I know this was short, but I'm just dividing up the parts of the short story haha soooo yeah...

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