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APPEARANCE: These creatures have fox-like heads and fore-body, however, from their mid-belly to their tail, they have a long, smooth scaly tail that replaces their back legs. They have long fangs that can spray venom with deadly accuracy.

SIZE: They are 3/4 the size of a fox.

HABITAT: These creatures love to live in forests where they can dart around undetected. Surprisingly, they are actually quite fast despite only having two legs.

ADVANTAGES: They have poisonous fangs and a strong tail which can be used to constrict their prey until they suffocate.

WEAKNESSES: They can't move very quickly when it is cold, their poison is less potent when the weather is colder.

DIET: Anything ranging from mice to small cats.


SOCIALITY: They are solitary.

USUAL TEMPERAMENT: These creatures are usually passive unless they are provoked. Once they are, they become frenzied and won't rest until the thing that provoked them dies.

ABILITIES: Constriction, poisonous fangs

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