On A More Personal Note

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        Well this is it.

        This is me.

        Making some semblance of an update since August 21st, 2014.

        Two weeks ago.

        Since then, I've essentially been M.I.A. I've been replying to messages sparingly, if at all. Haven't said a word to anyone in the last four days. No commenting. No voting. Nothing. I just essentially fell off a cliff and died.

        And frankly, I kind of wanted to. I felt broken. Even though I could never tell you why it was so severe, such a fast whiplash.

        Actually, I could. Frankly, I could tell you the trigger. I could tell you what set me over the edge and the factors that made it such a harsh emotional and mental fall into the sort of darkness that's haunted me for . . . well, my entire life, actually.

        I could tell you everything and anything. Because I spent so much time alone that I started dissecting myself. I know exactly why I feel like hell, why I just generally feel broken . . . Why I had no desire to talk to anyone or anything.

        I just don't feel like Wattpad is a place to be airing out every shred of dirty laundry. It's not the place to go looking for pity. And that's not what I'm doing. If you really want to know, then I'll update with every moment I can recall of what sent me over. If not, then I'll just keep it private as planned.

        This is really just an apology to my readers, for everyone who's been waiting for an update that hasn't come. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I really didn't. I wish it hadn't. It was a clusterfuck of shit.

        Anyway, I'll leave it at this: I had a health issue that was creeping up for a while. Two, or three technically. One could've been avoided. Well, they both could've been. And they overlapped a small catalyst about two weeks ago. And here we are.

        It wasn't fun. But if anything similar happens in the future, this will be where I post the notices.

        Thank you for being some awesome fans. And I'm sorry I fucked up and just vanished without a word. I'm sorry I was moody for those of you I did talk to until a few days ago. Frankly, posting this isn't easy. Talking to people isn't my strong suit right now. But for anyone who's been wondering where the updates are, or just where I've been . . . I've been here. I'm okay. I'm just . . . Not quite myself. Getting better. I hope to keep it up. And updates should be out fairly soon.

        I love you all for being amazing, darlings. Thanks for everything.


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