Chapter 3: Are you... ok?...

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Meanwhile at the centre of the two brothers
Kaizo: What's today's report?

Fang: There were the zombie animals attacked at the Tholar Land.

Kaizo: How is everything now?

Fang: We fought the animals... But...

Kaizo: But what?

Fang: Ice got a zombie snake bite...

With Ice and Blaze
Ice: Blaze! Come on! Hurry up!

Blaze: *panting* Why... are... you... running so fast?!

Ice: Haiyaaaa... I wanna have fun, you know! Let's waste no time and be hurry!

Blaze: Ok. Fine...

Blaze and Ice arrive at the Thunclone's Land then they meet Thunderstorm and Cyclone who are outside of their palace, watching all over their land.

Ice and Blaze wave at them then they notice and wave back. Ice and Blaze walk to them.

Cyclone: Oh hey Blaze! Ice! How's it going? *cheerfully say to the two*

Blaze: Fine...

Ice: Everything's great, lah. How about you guys?

Cyclone and Thunderstorm: We're fine. *smile to Ice*

Thunderstorm: Why are you here anyway?

Ice: Nah. I'm just bored and want to do something fun.

Cyclone: *shocked* Bro! You can get bored too?!

Ice: Yeah!... why are you so shocked about this?

Cyclone: it's just I never see you really want to have some fun... hehehe... *scratch his head*

Thunderstorm: Yep! Mostly you're just like I'm really lazy. Don't want to go anywhere...

Ice: Aww, guys! C'mon! Stop it! *hit Thunderstorm's shoulder but not that hard, look at Blaze*

Blaze: *making a straight face*

Ice: Blaze? What's wrong?

Blaze: ... Nothing. Should we go now?

Ice: Erm... Okay?

Cyclone: What?! So soon... *make a sad face*

Thunderstorm: *pat Cyclone's shoulder* Alright. You two better go now... I guess?...

Ice: Okie! *smile widely*

Ice and Blaze leave the Thunclone's Land then continue their way to the Tholar's Land.

When they arrive there, they don't see anyone at outside of the palace so they decide to go see at the other side of the palace where Thorn's garden is.

And when they're there, they see Thorn is sitting on the ground in his garden, hugging his knee and looking down.

Ice: Thorn?

Thorn: *turn to look* Huh?

Ice: W-What's wrong?

Thorn: Nothing. *smile* Why are you guys here?

Ice: We just come to check on you and Solar. I wanna spend time with everyone, lah... And where's Solar?

Thorn: He's not coming back yet. I don't know where he is right now... *Look at Blaze*

Blaze: Er-... Hmm... *look down*

Ice: Er- I'm sure he'll be back soon. *smile widely*

Thorn: *smile back* Hmm. So, Ice. *stand up* Wanna check my garden?

Ice: Yeah, sure. I  love to!

Thorn leads Blaze and Ice to see all the flowers in his garden and tell the kinds of the plants to the two.

Ice really enjoy the view and like Thorn's garden while Blaze doesn't talk at all. He just follows Thorn and Ice and looking around.

He still feels worry about Ice after the fight that he and the others had yesterday, that made Ice got a snake bite.

Thorn: Check out the flower over there-

Ice: *fall onto the ground*

Blaze: *shocked and go to him* Ice?!

Thorn: Are you... ok?...

Ice: I'm fine... Just a little dizzy. *stand up* Let's continue walking.

Thorn: Erm... okay...

Ice: *walk around the garden* I really love your garden, Thorn. It's really beautiful.

Thorn: *smile* Thanks.

Ice: I'm gonna go see the others tomorrow. I want to stay here till the evening.

Thorn says nothing but smile to Ice. Blaze on the other side just keep worrying about Ice.

Blaze: *sigh* Just a day and half...

At the Blice's Land
Blaze and Ice go out so they ask the twins to look over their place while they're gone.

And the twins help them. They arrive the Blice's Land since the two aren't gone yet.

When Blaze and Ice are going to other Lands, Sasha and Zai starts looking all over the palace for them.

Sasha: When will Blaze and Ice come back, lah?... I never look over the palace before....

Zai: You're so lazy. *push Sasha's head*

Sasha: Ishh. Stop it.

Zai: *roll eyes*

Sasha: *come up with an idea* Hey Zai.

Zai: Hmm?

Sasha: Since the two are not here, let's explore this palace!

Zai: Oh, no... You don't!

Sasha: *walk into the palace* C'mon. Just only 5 minutes. I want to see what's inside there.

Zai: No, you can't!

Sasha: Hehehe... *run into the palace*

Zai: *Chase her* Come back here you!

Zai chases Sasha who's trying to get inside of the palace. She's running around the hallway while Zai's following her.

She stops in front of one of the rooms which are on the hallway then open the door. She enters it, close the door and see what's inside.

Sasha: *shocked* Er-Erm...

Zai: *suddenly open the door* Sasha!! Come back here!

Sasha: *point at the bed* I-Is that Ice's... blood?...

Zai: *turn to see then shocked*

The twins look at the blood that is on Ice's bed. It is all over the blanket and even the pillow.

Sasha covers her mouth and Zai pulls her hand then takes her out of the room.

Meanwhile with Solar
Solar: *sigh then touch his left eye* Hmm...
Lol. Haven't updated new chapters of this story for long time😅. I don't even finish drawing the cover too. *sulk in the corner*

So! The real questions are!
- Where's Solar?
- What happen to Ice?
- Will Ice die? (WAIT What?! 🤔 Should i let him die?)
- Why blaze isn't playful anymore?
- What does Blaze really mean about 'Just a day and half'?
- What happen to Solar's left eye?

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