Fusion's Complicated

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"Can I watch you do it one more time?" Adorabat asked.

"Alright," Garnet replied.

"For your understanding," Pearl said. They stood apart on the sand and did dances in their own style. Eventually, they stood together and Garnet threw Pearl in the air. When she came back down, they made a ball of white light.

Sardonyx stood a million feet taller than Adorabat. "Now incase the time comes, you know how to picture fusion! Is there anyone you considered trying to fuse with?"

"I wanna fuse with Lapis!" Adorabat chirped. Half of Sardonyx's eyes widened.

"Really?" Suddenly, Sardonyx unfused.

"I'm not so sure about that . . . " Pearl worried. "Lapis has done fusion before, but it was a horrible experience for her. It might as well take a thousand years for her to be ready. To fuse again."

"Well," Garnet said, kneeling down to Adorabat, "I think she can do it. All it takes is emotional strength, and lots of persuading." Adorabat blushed and smiled. "Even if Lapis isn't ready today, try again next week. Or whenever it feels like the right time."

"Okay! Thanks Garnet!" Adorabat turned to Pearl. "I'm gonna get Lapis to fuse one day! I don't even care if I don't get to fuse with her! I just want her to feel comfortable fusing." Pearl smiled at her words.

"You're right. Best of luck Adorabat."

"Yup!" Adorabat flew up. She flew towards the direction of the barn.

* * *

Adorabat flew into the barn to see Peridot and Lapis watching Camp Pining Hearts. Pumpkin was in Lapis's lap. "Hey guys!" Peridot turned from the TV to look at Adorabat in the entrance of the barn.

"Welcome Adorabat!" Peridot exclaimed as she waved. "Would you like to watch Camp Pining Hearts with us? It's an old episode, but it's one of our favorites." Adorabat shook her head.

"No thanks . . . I wanted to talk with Lapis for awhile. Alone." Then Lapis turned to Adorabat. Pumpkin barked in joy, realizing that Adorabat came. He zoomed to her and pounced on her chest, licking her cheek. Adorabat laughed loudly. "I-I'm glad to see you too Pumpkin!"

"Pumpkin," Lapis chuckled as she stood up, "Get off of Adorabat, please." Pumpkin moved off her and went back to the small TV, nuzzling Peridot's side. Lapis approached Adorabat, a grin on her face. "Let's go outside." They headed outside and went near the pumpkin patch. "So, what's up?"

A bead of sweat appeared on Adorabat's forehead. She knew Lapis from Steven telling her about the whole Jasper thing, so she was kind of scared to what Lapis would say. 'Cause she also knew that Lapis could be a bit mean sometimes. Though "a bit mean" was an understatement.

The first time the bat talked to her, Lapis backed up as she was making sure the bat wasn't trouble. She was like that with every person—and gem—she met.

Adorabat kicked her peg leg against the ground back and forth as she looked down. "I-I uh . . . wanted to know if you . . . . " She trailed off, getting more anxious. Lapis raised an eyebrow.

"If I what?" Lapis urged, cocking her head.

"I WAS WONDERING IF YOU WANTED TO FUSE WITH ME!" Adorabat blurted as she jerked her head back up. She just wanted to say it, and get it over with. Lapis's eyes widened and her hands curled into fists.

"You wanted to . . . fuse? With me?" Adorabat hummed yes. Lapis's rage started to build up. From remembering the gem she was forced to fuse with. To keep in the ocean for ages. Adorabat backed up a bit and looked down again.

"I always wondered what it was like to be a part of someone. When I saw Mao Mao fuse with Steven, I felt confident. Confident to fuse." A shadow fell over Lapis's eyes.

"You don't want to know. What it feels like," Lapis hissed. "You have no idea how alone you can feel being fused with someone. Even if the person you're fused with is right next to you."

Adorabat gulped and looked at Lapis again. Lapis noticed the child looking at her, so she turned away.

"Please!" Adorabat shouted. "I don't want you to feel upset about fusion! You should feel safe and sound! So I promise I won't hurt you!"

Lapis held her hand next to her head and formed a medium-sized ball of water from it. She turned her head half around, one eye facing Adorabat.

"You're forcing me to fuse! Just like JASPER did to ME!" Lapis turned around completely and threw the ball of water at Adorabat. She yelped and dodged just in time, flying up. Lapis formed a ginormous ball of water with both hands raised up. Adorabat tried flying out of the way, but Lapis had good aim.

It was too good.

Adorabat was enclosed by the large sphere of water. Luckily, she was taught by Mao Mao how to control her breathing if she was in a situation like this. Lapis violently brought the water close to her. Adorabat tried getting out the water, but it seemed impossible as she was stuck in the same spot.

"You can't change my view of fusion!" Lapis yelled. "I will never fuse with the likes of you, or anyone else!" Peridot came running with Pumpkin as she heard the commotion. She gasped quietly.

"O-oh my stars," she shrieked quietly. She ran towards Lapis and pushed her as hard as she could. Lapis lost control of the sphere as she fell to the ground.

The water split apart in many drops, splashing to the ground. Adorabat dropped on the wet surface with a splat, gasping and coughing. Pumpkin rushed over to Adorabat, sniffing her and whimpering.

Peridot got off of Lapis and backed away. She growled. "Lapis, what were you thinking?! You were trying to drown Adorabat! She is just a child! A mere child!"

Lapis stood up and glared at Peridot. "So what?! She tried to force me into fusion!"

"She did? W-wait a second, Adorabat would never do something like that! I bet she was trying to help you fuse!" Peridot walked to Lapis and squeezed her hand. "I know you've been through a traumatic experience, but Adorabat wants to make sure you don't have to go through it again."

Tears pricked at Lapis's widened eyes. She was upset for two reasons: One, she realized that she was trying to drown Adorabat. Two, Lapis just realized that Adorabat wasn't forcing her into fusion. She was just an eager child willing to help her friends.

Lapis mentally cursed at herself for losing control. She actually thought Adorabat was Jasper. Lapis activated her water wings and zoomed to Adorabat, who was sitting up and breathing heavily with her eyes closed. Lapis knelt on both knees.

"Adorabat . . . are you . . . . " She shakily reached her hand out to Adorabat. She opened her eyes and let out a short gasp as she saw the hand that attacked her. She scooted away and looked to the side. Lapis could see the tiniest tear in Adorabat's eye.

"I-I'm sorry for talking about fusion L-Lapis," Adorabat sniffled. "Don't hurt me." Lapis's hand was idle in the air. She moved that hand to Adorabat's cheek and held it.

"I won't hurt you Adorabat," Lapis whispered. "Not ever again." Adorabat faced Lapis and held the hand on her cheek. Suddenly, Adorabat flew into Lapis's chest and hugged her. Lapis hugged her back, tightly. After more than ten seconds of silence, Lapis made up her mind. "So, you wanted to fuse with me, right?"

The gem on her back started to glow. Adorabat pulled back a bit to look up at Lapis.

"Mhm. It's okay if you don't wanna do it today. We can try some other-"

"No." Lapis smiled. "I think we can do it now. I think I'm ready." As Lapis's gem glowed brighter, Adorabat noticed. Her eyes shone and she smiled brightly.

"Yippee!" A glow formed around them. Peridot and Pumpkin were watching closely and shockingly.

The glow disappeared, and the only thing that remained of it was a fusion.


(Here come the details! Cause without em WHERE WOULD WE BE?! If you don't wanna read the description of Adoris, it ends when you see this symbol: ~~~)

Her body color was a royal blue, and her hair was sky blue. It looked just like Lapis's hair, but since Adorabat has fur, it looks a little scruffy. Can't forget about Adorabat's ears, so they're poking out a little.

Adoris has water wings with paws (somehow she can grab things with them). She has Lapis's dress on, but on the middle was a light green heart.

Adoris has two eyes - both were a light green also. She has three legs. The peg leg was still yellow, but the bottom part was completely made out of water. The other legs are sky blue.


Adoris looked at herself in disbelief. "W-whoa. I-I don't know what to feel . . . . " She heard Peridot clapping and turned to her.

"Excellent work you two! Excellent!" Peridot said. Adoris scratched the back of her head with her water wing.

"Uh, thank you!" Peridot gasped dramatically and put her hands up.

"I think everyone should see this! Stay here, and I'll round up every one of our friends here!" Adoris raised an eyebrow.

"Even Mao Mao? Don't you hate him or something?" Peridot crossed her arms and stared at the ground. A look of disgust showed on her face. She scoffed.

"Yes. I do hate him. Yet I think he would like to see Adorabat's accomplishment." Adoris smiled and let Peridot go get the others.

* * *

The first thing Mao Mao did when he saw Adoris was hug her so hard. He thought Adorabat was incredible for attempting fusion with someone. He was sure it would teach her the surroundings of the world a lot more. Badgerclops didn't hug Adoris because he was SURE it would feel awkward hugging two people. But he was still supportive for Lapis and Adorabat.

As for Steven, he ran around and whooped tons of times. The rest of the Crystal Gems were proud. It's not clear if Lapis feels comfortable with fusion, but she's gotten used to it a little.

I have a feeling I've started a rant of people saying Peridot should've fused with Lapis, BUTT I am READY TO FACE YOU!!!!!!

Also rest in peace for the Steven Universe Series. They had a good run.

Til next time! And point out any writing mistakes! Cause I'm blind when it comes to writing okie?

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