Chapter 6: Gameshow Bounds

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"In the middle of nighttime"

Most of the contestants were either sleeping or were just having a night off playing games. Barbi was looking at her self in a mirror and adding powder to her face, Kara was arm wrestling with Leslie and Pam was just looking at the stars in the sky. While on the other team Diana was with Steve and both of them were looking in the night sky too.

Diana: Steve, I love the nighttime, the sky is beautiful.
Steve: Yeah it is.

Then a shooting star passed the sky and the two were shocked.

Steve: That's a shooting star!
Diana: Really, I will make a wish.

She closed her eyes and began wishing.


Diana: My wish is to be with Steve Trevor. Forever and ever!

She shrieked in excitment.

"End of the confessional"

Steve: So did you make the wish?
Diana: Yeah, I hope it happens.
Steve: Don't worry, it just takes a matter of time for it to happen, just believe in it.
Diana: Thanks for the encouragment Steve.

Behind the trailer of the Celebrity Models, Carol was crying her self out because of her Hal got kicked out of the show.


Carol: I can't believe Hal Jordan is now gone, I already miss him. I had so much to say to him.

She cried again.

"End of the confessional"

Kara best Leslie in the arm wrestling match up.

Kara: Ha, beat ya Leslie!
Leslie: Whatever.
Pam: Hey guys, isn't it weird that today we haven't got a challenge.
Barbi: It is, but let's just hope McLean doesn't put us in another hard yet chaotic challenge.

Then Chris came in with a mega phone.

Chris: Alright contestants, challenge time!
Barbi: I spoke to soon.

Then Oliver came out while wearing a beauty sleep mask.

Oliver: What? Already, I just fell asleep darn it!
Chris: Oliver, you can beauty sleep as much as you want after the challenge, okay? Now let's get a move on people.

"Minutes later"

Chris and the two teams were inside a warehouse where the film set for a game show.

Chris: Contestants, today I decided to go back to an old challenge in one of my past seasons. Today's challenge is called Truth or Laser Shark.

As he said that he pulled the curtains away and it showed a huge pool tank filled with water, it had around the two pair of desks which could hold up to 10 people.

Jessica: Oh no, I've seen this challenge-
Chris: Now everyone get on the perspective desks as I explain.

"Minutes later".

Everyone were on the desks as they strapped they're seat belts and Chris was on judge's desk and chair and he weared a federal wig and had a gavel.

Chris: Alright fresh meat, here are the rules. Each of have to answer a question for they're perspective teams, but keep in mind these questions come from your personal lives.

The contestants gasped.


Zee: From our personal lives? Is he a spy? I am so suing him after this show.
Oliver: This is so out of place, who does he think he is to have the right to spy on me?
Karen: This is so uncool. Spying on our lives? So creepy.
Tatsu: This is so crazy, Chris is out of his mind.

"End of confessional"

Chris: Now if the person who decides to answer, he has to press the butt on in front of them and they got a small electric shock and the that team gets a point and the team with most points wins.

Babs looked at the button in front of her and she gulped.

Chris: But if no one decides to answer… ThThen this happens…

He presses a button on his desk and both teams went under the tank filled with water. Inside the water there were two sharks smiling as they tried to have a bite out, the contestants gasped but they were pulled from the water to safety as they coughed up the water.

Kara: You are out of your mind McLean!

Chris chuckled.

Chris: I know. Anyways let's get started.

He grabs a note.

Chris: The first question goes to the Fighting Scenes. Which one of you choked a person by the neck after he took a bite out of a salad?

Pam had a wide eyed look and she blushed.

Chris: Well?

Pam sighed and she presses the button and she got shocked as the others gasped and Chris chuckled.

Chris: Onto the next question and this one is for the Celebrity Models. Which one of you got pecked by a eagle on they're secret spot while hiking on the Rocky Mountains?

Barry's mind: How does he know about that?

Barry was tempting and he hand no choice and pressed the button and he got shocked as the others except Babs laughed at him.

Babs: It's okay Barry, at least you took one for the team.

He then smiled.

Chris: Question number 3 and it's for the Fighting Scenes. Which one of you did a prank on elevator in a mall filled with people which could have led to them dying?

The Fighting Scenes gasped, except for Leslie.

Leslie: Ah what the heck.

She pressed the button and she got shocked as everyone except Chris gasped.


Leslie: How the hell does that TV host know that I would do that? It was an accident… Sort of…
Jessica: I think after this challenge if we lose, I know who I will be voting for just that so I can keep my distance away from her…

"End of confessional"

Jessica: I never knew you were that cruel of a human being Leslie.

Leslie looked down on her desk with a look of dissapointment.

Chris: Moving on, a question for the Celebrity Models. Which one of you got hit by a football straight at the neck and lost they're voice.

Carter began sweating but in the end he pressed the button and he got shocked.

Chris: Yeah. Not so lucky there, huh Carter?

The score was now 2:2 and Karen put her arm on Carter.

Karen: It's okay Carter, I hope you get your voice back some day.

Carter couldn't help but smile at her couraging words.

Chris: Moving on with another question for the Fighting Scenes. Which one of you accidentally peed yourself while on a high school drama play?

Oliver was shocked.

Oliver's mind: How in the name of Ludwig Van Bethoven knew that?

He didn't have a choice and pressed the button and got shocked as the others laughed at him.

Oliver: Not funny!
Kara: Really now, Sir Wetsalot?

They laughed more.


Oliver: This is an outrage!
Zee: I am gonna enjoy this.

She said with a smile.

"End of confessional"

Chris: Celebrity Models, next question. Which one of you stole a small but priceless diamond while on a museum tour? And here's a pic on how the diamond looks like.

He showed the pic and the Celebrity Models looked at each other. Selina was suspicious about this but she didn't want to press the button cause the others would think of her as a criminal.

Chris: Well since neither of you can answer, you don't get a point and you take this as a punishment.

He pressed the button on his desk and it dragged they're desk to the water and the sharks saw them and one of them took a bite out of the desk and everyone gasped as they were pulled from the water and all of them were coughing.


Selina sighed in relief.

Selina: That was close, I was gonna get booted out of the team if I pressed the button.

"End of confessional"

Next, the camera showed montages of Chris reading questions while casino music played on the background. Multiple contestants from each team pressed the buttons and got shocked.

"End of montage"

Both teams were panting from all the shocks and were extremely wet as Chris was laughing. The scoreboard showed 10:10.

Chris: Man you, you guys are damn right hilarious.

He chuckled more.

Chris: Anyways it's time for the tie breaker, but this time it's a question for both teams to answer. Which one of you sent almost 5 million dollars to get professional help just to get rid of a huge pimples on that persons face?

All of them got shocked, especially Barbi.

Barbi: You know what guys, let's just skiddadle out of here and forget about the challenge.
Kara: Sit down, chicken!

She hit Barbi on the head and she sat down.

Barbi: How dare you!
Carol: You know what, Barbi has a point. This is crazy.
Diana: Don't give up Carol, we can do this. Do it for the team.
Selina: Easy for you to say.

Then both teams got into an argument.

Chris: Enough!

He pressed the button and both teams got dragged to the water and both sharks tried to eat them, one of them devoured Oliver in one bite and the desks were pulled away from the water and Oliver got out of the mouth with force and swam to safety and got on the desk.

Chris: Since both teams didn't answer the question, both teams will have a double Elimination Ceremony where both teams will vote one person off.

Both teams gasped.

"At the Elimination Ceremony"

Chris was in his tuxedo as usual.

Chris: Alright, time for team number one. Fighting Scenes place your votes.

The Fighting Scenes placed they're votes.

Chris: Alright, the first gilded Chris goes to…


She caught it.

Chris: Next it goes to…






Only Pam and Leslie were left.

Chris: Contestants, this is the final gilded Chris. And who's going to leave tonight? Is it gonna be Pam who accidentally choked a person for just eating a salad or is it gonna be Leslie, who almost killed a bunch of people cause of a prank. Anyways the final gilded Chris goes to…

The two were shocked and scared at this point.

Chris:.... Pam

He tossed her the statue and Leslie was dissapointent.

Chris: Well Leslie, your out. Now wait over here with me as the other contestant from the other team will be joining you.
Leslie: This is so unfair.

Then the Celebrity Models came next.

Chris: Alright Celebrity Models place the votes.

They have placed they're votes and Chef came with another set of gilded Chris statues.

Chris: Alright, the first gilded Chris goes to Diana.

She caught it.

Chria: Steve





Then only Carter and Carol were left.

Chris: The final gilded Chris goes to…

Carter had an intense eye stare while Carol was bitting her nails.

Chris:... Carter…

He caught it and Carol was mad.

Carol: Why would you vote me off?
Selina: After last challenge you prove to be too obsessed with Hal and you have a behavior that of a psychopath.
Carol: But-
Diana: Sorry Carol, we had to do it.
Barry: But hey you at least get to be with Hal who was also eliminated.

Carol smiled.

Carol: Really? Chris take me to the Lame-o-zene!

Chris smirked.

Chris: With pleasure. Chef.

He grabbed both Carol and Leslie.

Leslie: You can't do this time. I will have my revenge on all of you!

Chef tossed the two inside and the Lame-o-zene left off.

Chris: Two birds with one stone. Who will go down next? Find out on Total. Drama. Revenge of the Action!!!

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