Chapter 9: Eve of Disaster

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It was now dusk during day, the teams were doing they're usual stuff. 

Babs: It's such a bummer that we lost Diana after last challenge. 

Barry: Tell me about it, we don't have a leader just like the other team. 

Steve: But guys we can still handle them since they're losing more members than we are. 

Carter nodded in agreement. 

While they were discussing they're huge loss last challenge, Selina, Karen and Pamela were discussing about they're secret alliance. 

Pamela: Alright so that's Diana out, who do you is another threat. 

Selina: So far, none of those other nincompoops are a threat. No offense Karen. 

Karen: None taken. 

Selina: What about you Pamela? 

Pamela: I got two candidates, Jessica because she's too smart and Tatsu who is tricky and is quick, as for the rest, Zee and Oliver have a rivalry going on and Kara is just like she doesn't exist. 

Selina: Good, then after we are rid of those two, we will take care of the weaklings and make it to the finals, together. 

They placed they're hands in a one for all and all for one position. Then they heard a air horn sound and Chris came out. 

Chris: Challenge time, victims. 

Kara: What is it now, grandpa? 

Chris: Today's challenge is based off disaster type movies. You know those type of movies where accidents are meant to happen, like dodging lava balls from a volcano, trying to avoid a tornado or a hurricane, escape a tsunami and escape a massive earthquake. 

The contestants had shocked expressions. 

Chris: Yeah, that kind of stuff. Follow me to the set. 

"Minutes later" 

They were now at the movie set which was filled with monkey bars, play ground swings, tires on the ground and holes where you have to jump on ropes to pass through it. 

Chris: Alright, both team's challenge is to survive the natural disasters, those who are knocked out of the course can't continue the second part of the challenge while the survivors will move on to round two. But be warned, disasters will occur. 

He laughed. 

Zee: This is nuts!

Kara: Tell me about it, best woman to survive wins the first part. 

They school hands. 

Oliver: Oh let's not get dramatic, we all know that the might and courage of a man will carry the team to victory. 

Zee: Your right, those two traits is something you do not posses. 

Oliver gave her a death glare. 

Chris: Alright, three. Two. One. Go 3X!

He played his air horn and both teams ran to the course. 

Chris: Time for some destruction. 

He chuckled as he pressed a button from his controller and it released a huge gap filled with lava as it slid down. The others saw it and they jumped on various objects in order to avoid getting burned. 

Jessica: Is that actual lava? 

Chris: We could've used real lava, but due to the producer's orders we decided to replace it with tomato sauce. 

The contestants sighed in relief. 


Jessica: Thank goodness it's not lava, but if actually was then I had no problem sueing them.

"End of confessional" 

Chris: Chef! Time to release the hail storm! 

Chef rode a gold cart with a shooter that had golf balls in it and Chris hopped on it and began shooting the contestants as they fell from they're positions. Oliver fell down from the monkey bars and hit the ground back first.

Oliver: Mommy… 

MTatsu was in the swings but she moved it away to avoid getting hurt. Pamela was shot with one and tripped behind a tire and fell to the ground. Barry was hit by multiple balls until Chris accidentally hit him in the bad spot and he held himself in pain. 

Barry: Everytime… 

He fell down the hole which had a rope. 

Babs: Barry! 

Chris chuckled. 

Chris: Don't worry he's safe because we put a large puffy cushion for a safe spot to land. But whatever, Barry has been eliminated from the get go. 

He pressed another button and the course began shaking. 

Karen: This is the earthquake part. 

Selina: Take cover! 

She pointed at Chef who threw stuff at them and the two ducked. Chef had a bag filled with tricks, he threw a globe of the world at Kara but she punched it away with her fist. 

Kara: Is that the best you got? 

This pissed of Chef and he grabbed a large book and tossed it at Kara but she ducked but instead Steve got hit on the chest and his breath got squeezed out. 

Kara: Ouch. 


Kara: That was brutal, Chef could've broke his ribs. 

Steve: It's nothing severe, just got a mark from the book. 

He removed his shirt and showed the Mark in front of the camera. 

"End of confessional" 

Chef threw a banana peel and Carter who didn't notice it slippef from the peel and fell out of the course. 

Chris: And Carter is out! Time to crank this up into the next level! 

He pressed a button and then a huge wave of water appeared and it washed away the entire course and Chris chuckled. When the water was gone, the contestants held themselves on the various hazards, except for Pamela and Jessica who were outside the course. 

Chris And Jessica and Pamela are out of the course! 

Pamela grunted and got up and left. 

Jessica: Oh come on! 

Chris: Alright Chef, stop! 

Chef stopped and Chris appeared on the course. 

Chris: It seems we got our survivors. 

From the Action Scenes, the survivors are Oliver, Zee, Tatsu and Kara. While from the Celebrity Models were Babs, Selina Karen and Steve. 

Kara: You gotten yourself a one time beating McLean. 

She cracked her knuckles and tried to attack him but was held back by Steve, Oliver and Tatsu. 

Tatsu: Take it easy Kara. 

Oliver: Control your rage woman! 

Chris: Now onto the next challenge! 

Karen: Wait, what happened to the rest? 

Chris: Well they have been taken into the infirmary for a check up if one of them was injured. 

Babs: And who's checking them. 

The scene showed Chef dressed in a nurse's outfit as he checked Barry for his tempature with thermometer while the others were waiting for they're turns. 

"Minutes later" 

They made it to a scene where it had a submarine which was in a pool. 

Chris: Alright, time for round two victims- I mean contestants… 

Steve: What are we supposed to do in this challenge, Chris? 

Chris: Glad you asked. Both teams will be stuck inside the submarine and locked in there from the top and you have to find the code to crack the safe from the bottom or otherwise all of you are going to drown from the rising water. 

All contestants gasped. 

Zee: Your sick McLean! 

Chris chuckled. 

Chris: I know and it's for the better. 


Kara: Is it just me or is this man over the edge?

Babs: I don't wanna die, I am too young. 

Zee: This man needs professional help. 

"End of confessional" 

Both teams were inside the submarine as from the top the safe was locked and can't be open. 

Chris: Alright contestants, each one of the numbers are hidden in various objects around the entire submarine, find every number and use is them to crack the code to the safe that's below you and escape or you die! McLean out!

The water started leaking and it started to rise up. 

Zee: Quickly, we have to find those numbers before we all drown to our deaths.

Oliver: For once I can agree with you.

The objects around them were a table, few cans of oxygen and a chair. 

Karen: I see a number on the wall. 

She pointed on the wall and there was the number 6

Steve put the valve into 6.

Selina: Keep looking, the water is rising. 

The water was now over their shins. Oliver spotted something over the oxygen thanks and there was a number in each and every of them. 

Oliver: Steve, type 2, 8 and 9.

Steve did what he said but the water was over his entire body and he got out just in time. 

Kara: The water is leaking faster everytime when we hit a number. 

Zee: We have to look faster! 

Babs took a deep breath and spotted a number on the floor and it was a 5. She went to the safe and pressed the number and she got up and the water was around they're necks. 

Babs: Done, we just need two more. 

Zee then dived and went to the chair and on it's left frontal foot it had the number and she went on to press it and then returned back. 

Zee: One more. 

The water was around they're mouths. 

Tatsu: We have to find the final number together. 

They all took they're deep breaths and tried to find the last number. 

"At a room" 

Chris and Chef were looking at them via water proof camera as the contestants were trying to find the last number in order to escape. 

Chris: Come on fresh meat, it's in the back side of the table. 

Chef: Chris, what were you thinking with this challenge man? Those are kids and they're lives depends on it and if they die then it's gonna be our fault. 

Chris: I just wanna boost the ratings man. 

"Back at the submarine"

The contestants were struggling to breathe as they looked everywhere. Tatsu then looked at below the table and noticed that there was the number 1. She then waved at the others and they noticed her. Selina wondered what is it and Tatsu pointed at the safe and with her other finger she told them the number was one and Selina swam to the safe and type the last number and the valve was opened and they all swam away from the submarine and into the surface. 

Chris:Yes, they are safe! Woohoo! 

"Hours later" 

The others were in a camp fire and had towels all over them and Chris and Chef approached them. 

Chris: How are you feeling contestants?

Zee: How do we feel? You could've killed us! 

Chris: I know but it was an accident. Anyways I came to tell you that this time we will have a special Elimination Ceremony. But this time you don't have to vote but instead we had our loyal viewers vote for who gets to leave today. 

Chef gave him a note and the contestants had wide eyes. 

Chris: And the contestant with the most votes goes to… Oliver. 

Zee chuckled. 

Zee: See ya, you won't be missed Oliver. 

Oliver: Don't count on that honey. 

Oliver got up and revealed that he had a Chris McLean invincibility statue and the others gasped. 

Pamela: How did he get hold of am invincibility statue? 

Oliver: Well when I went to sleep on my first night here, I noticed something hard inside my pillow. 


As Oliver laid his head on the pillow he sensed something sense, he burrowed inside and found an invincibility statue. He smirked like the Grinch and he hid it inside his pants before going to sleep with a smile on his face. 

"End of flashback" 

Oliver: I said to myself in case I would get cornered in a predicament like this and now I am safe. 

Chris: And you are, because the person with the second most votes goes to… Zee! 

Zee had her jaw dropped as she was in shock. 

Chris: Pack your bags Zee, cause you are going home. 


Zee: Well it was knowing Total Drama while it lasted. 

Oliver: First of all I knew that this was gonna happen after secretly sneaking into Chris' room and seeing this and I was surprised that you people hate me so much. Give me all the hate I don't care. Plus the original person with the second most votes was Selina, but I used my trusty good Ol bottle of liquid eraser to change it into to Zee's name. 

He laughed. 

Oliver: Guess I will be staying here for another night. 

"End of confessional" 

Zee packed her suitcases and said her goodbyes to her friends. 

Zee: Well it was nice knowing you guys,i will miss you all. 

Jessica: Take care Zee, you did great on this show. 

Kara: Good luck, I will win this for you if I have to. 

Tatsu: I hope we see each other soon again. 

Babs: Bye Zee, you will be missed. 

Zee smiled and waved goodbye to all of them. Oliver smirked evilly. 

Oliver: *Mumbles* Ta ta! 

Chris: And that's contestant number 9 out, who is it gonna be next. Find out on Total. Drama. Revenge of the Action!!! 

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