Chapter One

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Aurora: Welcome to the first chapter of Ask the Fandoms, where we "ask" our favorite characters questions! My first guest happens to be the one and only.... Doctor Who!

The Doctor: *appears suddenly from thin air* Uh...what am I doing here?

Aurora: Some of these lovely readers would love to ask you questions! *gestures to audience* Doctor, say hello to my readers.

The Doctor: ... Um, hi?

Aurora: *smiles* Alright. Our very first question is from SuperiorGhost . He would like to know what your real name is.

The Doctor: My real name? Surely you know that if I wanted to give away that information, I wouldn't be known by these other aliases.

Aurora: Interesting answer, but I'm sure that's not what my reader was looking for. Try again.

The Doctor: I don't need to let some girl order me around! I am-

Aurora: *offended* Some girl? Did you seriously just call me "some girl?!"

The Doctor: Well, from what I see, that's what you are!

Aurora: Oh no he didn't! *pointed glance at audience before turning back to The Doctor* I highly suggest that you just answer the question before I lose my temper.

Percy Jackson: *randomly pops in behind Doctor Who* She's not kidding!

Aurora: Percy, what-

Percy Jackson: *shrugs* I just felt like it. *disappears*

Aurora: That was random. *turns back to Doctor Who* Answer. The. Question.

The Doctor: *mockingly* Aww, what's the little girl going to do if I don't? Throw a temper tantrum?

Aurora: *narrows her eyes before drawing her long, pointy, bronze spotted with Celestial bronze sword, twirling it casually* I don't think I caught that. Would you like to repeat what you just said?

The Doctor: ...Fine. If you really want to know, my real name is Arnold.

Aurora: Okay. See, that wasn't hard, now was it?

The Doctor: *shrugs* You didn't have to threaten me though.

Aurora: *smirks* It was just fun.

The Doctor: Okay, now that's just rude.

Aurora: *rolls eyes* *pushes Doctor Arnold Who to the side* Our next guests come from a mythology series written by Troll Author Rick Riordan. Please welcome Perseus Jackson and Piper McLean!

Percy and Piper suddenly appear, along with Annabeth Chase. Percy and Annabeth are kissing. Very passionately. Awkward silence.

Piper: *discreetly clears throat*

They keep kissing, borderline on making out.

Piper: *clear throat* Guys. Um, guys?

Aurora: Percy? Annabeth? Guys? You know you're making out on national television, right?

Percy and Annabeth immediately jump apart, looking mortified.

Annabeth: *glares at Aurora* National television? Riiight. Where are the cameras?

Aurora: Okay, maybe not national television, but at least a national app.

Annabeth: App? What the heck is an app?

Percy: *glances at Piper*

Piper: *exchanges glance with Percy*

Percy: *looks at Annabeth* Wise Girl? Did you really just say that you didn't know something?

Annabeth: *blushes* Well, even my knowledge comes to an end somewhere. Anyhow, Seaweed Brain, I'm pretty sure that you don't even know what it means either.

Percy: *looks offended* Annabeth, I actually do know what an "app" is. It's short for "application." You can download them on electronic devices, none of which we demigods are allowed to possess.

Aurora: *smirks as she opens Wattpad on her phone* You guys done yet?

Piper: Fine. I'll bite. What app is this on?

Aurora: *turns phone around* This one. It's called Wattpad. It's a reading/writing application online. It's internationally used. Actually, I have one hundred forty-some followers, most of whom are probably reading this right now. So...most of them probably saw your *cough* impromptu makeout session *cough*.

Percy: Ugh. Whatever. Why did you want us?

Aurora: Actually, I only summoned you and Piper. Annabeth came when I summoned you because you two were-

Annabeth: Yeah, yeah, we all know. Well, seeing that you don't want me, can I go?

Aurora: *snaps fingers*

Annabeth disappears in a sparkley cloud of awesome writing powers

Aurora: Does that answer your question?

Piper: Why did you want us? Percy and I, I mean.

Aurora: Percy and me, you mean.

Piper: *rolls eyes*

Aurora: Anyhow, this is a question book where my lovely readers ask you questions! Piper, Percy, say hello to the readers.

Piper: *turns to readers* Hi! I'm a daughter of Aphrodite, and I-

Aurora: They know who you are already.

Piper: Okay...that's not creepy...

Aurora: Percy, say hello to the readers.

Percy: ...

Aurora: Percy, just do it.

Percy: *sigh* Do I have to?

Aurora: Yes.

Percy: *turns to readers* Hi, Aurora's readers.

Aurora: See, that wasn't so bad, was it?

Percy: *turns back to Aurora* Truthfully, I really think that saying hello to your readers was worse than saying hello to a nonspeaking poodle named Gladiola. At least I could see the poodle.

Aurora: Percy, I can definitely make that happen. Do you want to see a reader next time?

Percy: *looks horrified* Uh, how about no?!

Aurora: Too late. Next chapter, be prepared to meet a fangirl.

Percy: *facepalm*

Aurora: *turns to readers* To my lovely readers: If you would like to be in the next chapter, comment at the bottom with your reason why. I also need a name (fake or real) to use. Anyhow...I brought you guys here because 5SecondsOfSwim and Your_Queen_Of_Crazy had questions for both of you!! Let's go with 5SecondsOfSwim 's first. Piper, she would like to know your thoughts on the ship Percabeth as you are a daughter of Aphrodite, who we all know is the queen of shipping.

Piper: What is Percabeth?

Aurora: *facepalms* Only one of the biggest PJO and HoO ships ever!!

Piper: Uh, what?

Aurora: *brings up Epsilon and His Army of Chaos [go read!!] by MissMythoMagic , finds Percabeth moment, and hands phone to Piper*

Hours later...

Piper: Percy!!!!!

Percy: What?!

Piper: I swear, if you leave Annabeth-

Percy: Why would I leave Annabeth?

Piper: *begins long explanation of Epsilon*

Aurora: *cuts in* Alright, alright. Percy can read it on his own time. Piper, back to the question.

Piper: My honest opinion of Percabeth: on a scale of one to ten, they'd be off the charts. Percy and Annabeth are the best pairing ever. No wonder my siblings like them together.

Aurora: Okay, let me ask a question of my own. Two, actually. You don't support Perachel or Lukabeth then?

Piper: Whose ships are that?

Aurora: Perachel is Percy and Rachel Elizabeth Dare, and Lukabeth is Luke Castellan and Annabeth.

Piper: *wrinkles her nose* Well, first of all, Perachel couldn't happen because Rachel is an Oracle. Second of all, Lukabeth is Luke is so much older than Annabeth... A seven year stretch between two people makes a no. A definite no.

Aurora: *nods her head in satisfaction* Good. I hate Lukabeth. Luke is mine. Perachel makes no sense at all anyhow. And Percy. Your_Queen_Of_Crazy wants to know how you feel about your fangirls and if you two can be friends.

Percy: First of all, I've never met one of my fangirls, and second of all, is Your_Queen_Of_Crazy a monster?

Aurora: First of all, I can help you with that, and second of all, that's rude.

Percy: What I meant by the second question was is she a monster like, I dunno, the first one I ever faced?

Aurora: You talking about Gabe or the Minotaur?

Percy: Names have power!

Aurora: *rolls eyes* I'm safe. Now, which one?

Percy: Not Gabe.

Aurora: Ohhh, that type of monster. No, Your_Queen_Of_Crazy is a human, as far as I know. Unless monsters have discovered Wattpad, then she might be. I'm pretty sure she's not though.

Percy: Then...yeah, I guess we could be friends. I mean, I don't want Annabeth to pulverize me like she almost did when I was friends with Rachel before Rachel became the Oracle.

Aurora: *shrug* I don't think Your_Queen_Of_Crazy would hit on you. Would you, Your_Queen_Of_Crazy ? Comment in the comment section below. Sheesh, I sound like a YouTuber. Anyhow, what about the first question?

Percy: I need to meet a fangirl.

Aurora: Well, there's different types.

Percy: Great. Of course there are.

Aurora: *concentrates, then snaps her fingers*

Three fangirls show up. Fangirl 1 is reading a book, a new series. She doesn't look up. Fangirl 2 is reading a new series, but looks up after finishing the chapter she's on and begins talking calmly. Fangirl 3 isn't reading at all, but is on her phone trying to stalk "fake" characters and her favorite authors. She looks up immediately and begins extreme fangirling.

Aurora: Okay, Percy. Three types of fangirls. Fangirl One? Can you talk to Percy?

Fangirl 1: ...

Aurora: Fangirl One? Please?

Fangirl 1: *looks up timidly* Um...hi?

Percy: Hey. How are you?

Fangirl 1: G-good, I g-guess. I-I mean...

Percy: You're shy, aren't you?

Fangirl 1: *buries her face in the book and doesn't look back up* ...

Aurora: Thanks, Fangirl One. *snaps fingers, Fangirl 1 disappears* Fangirl Two?

Fangirl 2: Hey, my name's Alice. Are you Percy Jackson?

Percy: Yeah, how'd you know?

Fangirl 2: You're so popular. I mean, you are the subject of so many convos online, it's rediculous.

Percy: Convos?

Fangirl 2: Conversations. Sorry. I speak in fluent fangirlish.

Percy: Uh, okay...

Aurora: Thank you so much, Alice! *snaps fingers, Fangirl 2 disappears* Fangirl Three?

Fangirl 3: Oh my gods, finally!!! I've been waiting for so long to meet you! Hi, I'm Giavonna, but you can call me Gia! I'm such a huge fan!! Do you and Annabeth get along well? Do you fight monsters often? I cried so much when Percabeth fell into Tartarus, I mean really, Rick Troll Riordan?!! How could you?!?!

Percy: ...

Fangirl 3: So how are you? Wait did I already say that? Oh well, I love your series, the movies are awful! What did you think when Grover revealed that he was a satyr? How do you feel about being a story character? Do you like-

Aurora: *snaps fingers, Fangirl 3 disappears mid-sentence* Ugh. I was starting to get a headache.

Percy: *nods in agreement*

Aurora: So...those were the three different types of fangirls. One was the shy fangirl who fangirls only in her mind, two was the online fangirl who fangirls moderately on websites, and three was the extreme fangirl who stalks anyone and anything related to fandoms.

Percy: And the question was?

Aurora: What do you think of your fangirls?

Percy: One and two were okay. Three was horrible. Your_Queen_Of_Crazy isn't like that, is she? Great Zeus, please tell me no.

Zeus: *appears from nowhere* *intones* No, she is not.

Percy: *facepalm* Not what I meant.

Zeus: *snaps fingers in Z-formation* But that's what you got.

Aurora: *snaps fingers, Zeusie goes bye bye* Your_Queen_Of_Crazy , add your answer to Percy's second question below, please and thank you. *gestures to Dr. Who (Arnold!), Piper McLean, and Percy Jackson to step forward* Thank you to our guests today. I'll send you all back. Percy, I will bring you back to meet readers and hear Your_Queen_Of_Crazy 's answers next chapter.

Percy: *sarcastically* Yay. I can't wait.

Aurora: Thank you guys.

Piper: Aww, you're welcome.

Aurora: I was talking to the readers. I was thanking them for reading this first chapter.

Piper: *looks insulted*

Aurora: Anywho, sincere thanks to my readers for suffering through this first horrid chapter. *turns to characters* Say goodbye guys.

Dr. Who, Piper, and Percy: Bye!

Aurora: *snaps fingers, all disappear* 👋🏻 I'll see y'all next chapter! *pops out, then back in* Oh yeah. Predacongem, I will answer your question next chapter. Thanks! Keep those questions rolling in! *pops back out this time for good*

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