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Warning - this chapter includes, a tiny bit of violence

Audreys POV
I was about to go back to the dorms but I was to upset so I just stayed back under the bleachers for a while... basically the whole night until I heard a voice "Hey Audrey" ugh it was chad I turned around and stood up, what do you want chad! "Well I wanted you but I guess I'm not good enough," he said smirking, He grabbed my head and slammed it against the bleachers, he did it multiple times, ugh it hurt so much blood starting forming in my eyes and I got multiple cuts on my lip and face "CHAD STOP!" I shouted he grabbed my neck and threw me to the floor, I started to cry I couldn't take this anymore! He started to punch me causing bruises to appear... he walked away laughing... what happened to him, I got up crying and in pain... I couldn't stay here I had to go back to y/n even if I do hate her... I tried walking but it really hurt
I heard a knock on the door so I got up and opened it (A/N well that was unexpected)
"AUDREY WHAT HAPPENED!" She was standing there blood and cuts everywhere she was crying so much I had to help her "I-it w-was Chad" she barely said
I'm gonna kill that little b*tch ( A/N me too y/n me too)
"Lay down I'll go get you some bandages..." I said to her slowly helping her to the bed I got some bandages and kneeled down next to the bed looking her into her eyes... I could see pain and frustration... if I didn't leave her there non of this would have happened, I wrapped bandages around the parts of her face that were bleeding the most as we didn't have many, I looked into her eyes then gave her a kiss on her forehead... she looked shocked but scared. I got up and sat on the edge of her bed... "this is all my fault... I'm so sorry" I started to cry, she turned around and gave me a hug from behind still laying in bed "it's not your fault..." she said I turned around she was crying... "it was all my fault..." she cried she turned around on the edge of the bed and started to cry into her covers
I wasn't really thinking so I got into the bed with her and wrapped my arms around her from behind, she was still crying, but sometimes it's good to cry... so I just let her, we stayed like that for a while until we both fell asleep...

*time skip*

I awoke to see my arms wrapped around Audrey... I could barely remember what happened last nigh- oh... now I remember "A-Audrey?" She turned around to face me... she looked really shocked, I took the bandages off her to see the cuts all heeled, not perfectly you could still see them but they were scabbed,
"I-I still hate you..." she said I laughed a bit "whatever princess" I smirked she smacked my head softly "just shut up..." she scoffed looking sad "aww is my princess upset" I laughed "I-I'm not your princess..." heh I gave her a kiss on the cheek making her turn bright red "told you I would make ya blush" she turned around and elbowed me in the stomach, it actually fricking hurt! (A/N pfft you're weak 😏)

I got up and grabbed Audrey's hand "get up lazy I want to take ya somewhere, let's have some fun today!" I shouted excitedly "pfft why would I want to hangout with you..." she said "oh come ooooon!" I cried, she huffed and got up getting clothes out the closet that obviously meant yes! Woo I win I smirked.

I got ready and waited outside the dorm for her, I knocked on the door "come on could you take any longer!?" I shouted "jeez I'm coming!" She replied
She opened the door and when I saw her I swear my face went bright red like a tomato "u-uhm" I stuttered "come on what are we doing today?!" She asked "well then pushy follow me!" I grabbed her hand and we walked to a small lake it had rocks and grass in front of a small grass cliff where I set up a picnic while she was getting ready yup that's how long she took to get ready I had time to set up a whole damn picnic she's ridiculous am I right! I laughed in my head "t-this is amazing!" She squealed gosh that's so cute "I-I mean I would have rather c-came with someone else but... I'm not arguing" she slightly smiled at the end and ran over to where I set it up "hey slow down!" I shouted I walked over to her,

after a while of us just talking and eating I came to realise she actually isn't that bad... obviously she still hates me tho...
I grabbed something I made "here try this" I said bringing it closer to her mouth she ate it and said "wow this is actually really good" she giggled "pfft you have something there" I laughed "well get it off!" She laughed and shouted I leaned over and softly wiped the food off her face, soon I was just stroking her cheek. Looking into her eyes, gosh it felt like forever she pulled back and stood up,
"S-so what next" she said pretending nothing happened "uhm I guess we can just lay down... it's starting to get quite dark..." I said we spent a while just laying down next to each other, she laid her head on my stomach and I stroked her hair slowly, today was just perfect "hey?" I said questioningly "yeah?" She said "uhm did you ever have a friend when you were younger... like a VK" I laughed awkwardly "actually weirdly I did... I always carry around half a picture of her in my pocket I don't know what the other half was meant to be..." she looked upset she held up the picture and there it was... me, I reached into my pocket and held up the picture of her next to it... the two pictures both fit perfectly into one picture of us... I'm shocked

But most of all she was shocked, we just laid down looking at the photo for a bit, she looked up at me then back at the photo... "" She asked "yup" I giggled "I-I still h-hate you" She stuttered I laughed "if you say so princess"

*time skip*
The next day after school I bumped into Jane "oh hey! OMG you will not believe how much Audrey has been talking about you it's ridiculooooouuuuuusssseeeeee-"
I guess she only just realise what she said "uhm... what?" I spat "uuuuuuuh nothing. Anyyyyway how are you and Audrey doing?" She asked "uhm we are fine I guess... she still hates me" I replied laughing Jane smiled "yeah right" she whispered "what?" I said "pfft did you hear that oh I said nothing don't worry" she was definitely acting suspicious "uhm I'm just gonna gooooo now" she said slowly walking backwards "uhm okay bye Jane!" ...well that was interesting, I walked up to the dorm and saw Audrey in there, I guess we kinda just ignored each other... she didn't say hi... I didn't say hi...... it was extremely awkward... and quite frankly I didn't want to talk to her right now... okay of course I did but I don't want her to know that... it's just embarrassing, but I had to say something I walked up to her And she looked at me confused I said "Audrey can we tal-" someone knocked on the door Audrey looked happy that someone interrupted me... "come in" I said Mal opened the door and looked at audrey her eyes immediately opened shocked "omg Audrey what happened to your face! I haven't seen you lately!" Audrey looked embarrassed but obviously cute as always "don't worry about it," she laughed "any way what did you come here for?" Audrey asked "actually I was just coming to see if you two where friends yet" Mal said, Audrey glanced at me and I saw her in the corner of my eye "not happening" me and her said in unison
"Well I'm not saying you guys have to be friend buuuuuut... seriously guys pleeeaaaase!" Mal begged
"No" We both said in unison again, I rolled my eyes and then gave her a death stare. She death stared me back and I could see in the corner of my eye Mal looking scared and her slowly backing out of the room... me and Audrey kinda just sat there death staring each other for a while... well... this is awkward

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