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Third person POV

*Tara's house Tara and Amber texting*

Tara: You should come over.

Amber: Convince me.

Tara: We can watch a movie together. Come on we haven't spent time together in so long

Amber: Not sold

Tara: Unlocked liquor cabinet

Amber: Sold

Just then Tara's landline began to ring

Tara: Fucking landline won't stop ringing

Amber: You should answer it

She picked up the land line. "Hello?" "Hello? Is Christina there?" The voice on the phone asked. "Sorry no. She's not home. Can I take a message?" Tara replied. "Uh yeah I'm a friend from her- oh shit." "Your from her shit?" Tara asked raising an eyebrow in disbelief. "Look just tell her Charlie from group called. She has my number." The voice on the other end said. 

Tara: *To Amber* I think this is my moms new boyfriend.

Amber: Seriously?

"And I will do exactly that, Charlie, as soon as you tell me what kind of group we're talking about. Is it AA? NA?" Tara asks. "I don't think I can talk about it. But you sound just how she said you would." The voice commented. "She talks about me in group?" Tara asks, shocked. "What does she say about me?" "I'm not really- She loves you very much." The voice hesitates but then replies. "What does she love about me?" Tara asks stirring her pot of ramen. "She likes that your creative. She says that you like art and tv and movies." The voice responds. "Lots of people like movies." Tara shoots back. "Yeah but she says you like scary movies. You guys have that in common. She's proud of making a fan out of you." The voice replies. "She is?" Tara asks feeling a sense of connection with her mother. "She wants to know' What's your favorite scary movie?'" The voice asks. "The Babadook." Tara replies with no hesitation. "It's and amazing meditation on motherhood and grief." "Isn't that a little fancy pants?" The voice asks. "Well its elevated horror." Tara answers. "Elevated horror. Uh huh. What does that mean?" The voice questions. "It's scary but with complex emotional and theatrical underpinnings. It's not just some cheeseball nonsense with wall to wall jump scares." Tara replies beaming at being able to explain. "Sounds kind of boring to me." The voice replies sounding a little bored. "Have you ever seen 'Stab'?" The voice questions sounding excited. Tara furrows her brow in thought. "Once, I think. At a sleepover when I was like twelve." "You live in Woodsboro and you don't know Stab?" The voices laughs. "Why your mother loves those movies. She talks about it all the time in group. How well do you remember the original?" the voice asks. "Not well it was like super 90s. Its was over-lit and everyone had weird hair." Tara responds, as she plays with a knife. "Do you remember the beginning?" The voice asks. "Not really. It started with the kill scene right? It always starts with the kill scene." Tara responds twisting the knife to look at it. "Yeah. That's right. It's a girl at home, alone. She answers a wrong number and starts talking to the killer. He then makes her play a game. Do you wanna play a game... Tara?" The voice says. Tara panics and hags up the phone.

Tara: It was some psycho. I'm locking the doors

She uses the door locking app on her phone "Systems armed" it chimed.

Amber: WTF??? Are you okay?

Tara starts to write but the landline starts ringing again making her jump. she stares at the landline as it continues to ring.

Amber: You should answer it

Tara: How did you know my landline was ringing?

Tara: *Thoroughly spooked* Amber?

Amber: This isn't Amber


Tara opens her contacts and starts dialing 911, when a message pops up on the top of the screen.


Tara runs to the landline and picks it up. "This isn't fucking funny Amber." She yells into the phone, scared. "I told you this isn't Amber." The voice replies. She receives another message this one with a link to Snapchat. Tara clicks it and it takes her to a video of Amber. It show her through her bedroom window doing her makeup. The person holding the phone angles it and hold up a knife. "Amber's looking particularly fetching tonight. She really shouldn't leave her phone lying around for anyone to clone it." The voice says delighted. "What do you want?" Tara whisper shouts. "I told you. I want to play a game." The voice says in a threatening tone. "Stab movie trivia. Three rounds. You get an answer wrong, she dies. You call the cops, she dies." Tara dials 911 in her contact and her finger hovers over the call button. "Her parents aren't home. I can be in her room in 15 seconds." the voice says holding up the knife again. Tara closes her contacts. "You want a warmup question?" The voice asks with glee. "I told you I don't know these movies!" Tara cries out terrified. "Ask me about something I do know. Ask me about It Follows. Ask me about Hereditary. Ask me about The Witch." Tara begs. "In the first Stab movie who is the Woodsboro native introduced as the franchises main character?" Tara's eyes go wide as she answers. "It's Sidney. It's Sidney Prescott and she lived on Elm. Right?" Tara asks. "Correct. See you got that one right you're gonna do great at this. Question one-" "No, I got that one right! It should count!" Tara interrupts. "Anyone could have gotten that one right Sidney's in every movie but the last." The voice snarls. "Question one. Who wrote the original book that the Stab movies are based off of?" "The chick from Tv." Tara bursts out. "'The chick from Tv' isn't gonna cut it Tara." "Gale Weathers! It is Gale Weathers you motherfucker!" Tara exclaims noticing one of her books under the Tv. "Correct. Amber might live to see the sunrise. Question two. Who play the dumb chick in the beginning of Stab one that gets carved up by the killer?" "Fuck you." Tara says with as much venom as she can muster. "Is that the answer you're going with?" The voice asks mocking her. "I told you I don't know these movies!" Tara cries. She looks down at her phone then realizes she's looking at her phone. She looks up Stab IMDb and clicks the link. "A non answer counts as a wrong answer." The voice says. "No, no, no. I just need a minute to think." Tara says scrolling through the cast list. "Time's running out Tara. Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock-" The voice say in a mocking tone. "Heather Graham." Tara says guessing. "You managed to pull that one out." The voice says sounding slightly disappointed. "Now for the final question. Who was the killer in Stab one?" "Oh I know this one you fuck!" Tara exclaims glancing down at her phone to confirm. "It's Billy Loomis. It's Billy Loomis and he was Sidney's boyfriend and he was played by Luke Wilson and I got you asshole! I got it! I got it right!" Tara begins laughing giddily. "Oh I'm sorry Tara but that's just not correct." The voice sneers. "No no it is. That is right." Tara says beginning to panic. "The correct answer is Billy Loomis AND Stu Macher. There are two killers in the original Stab. I'm afraid somebody's got to die now." The voice says. "No no no, Amber I'm coming!" Tara yells glancing at her phone before running to the island and grabbing a knife. She pressed the emergency button on her phone and ran to the door, only to find Ghostface standing behind it. He slashed a knife across her stomach, as she tried to slam the door shut. His arm was blocking the way as she kept pushing. She eventually closed the door and locked it. "Systems armed" The app chirped. "The police are on their way asshole." Tara yelled at the door. She holds her phone and the knife in one hand and clutches her stomach with the other. "All systems disarmed." The app tweets. Tara taps at the phone to rearm but the blood on her hands make it hard. "Systems armed" "All systems disarmed" "Systems armed" The app keeps chirping as Tara struggles to lock the door as fast as possible. "All systems disarmed" "Systems armed" The app chirps. Tara wait a minute ready to lock it but the doors stay locked. She backs against the wall trembling, when the landline rings. She jumps and grabs it. She answers the phone. "What?" She cries. "Bonus question Tara" Ghostface snarls. "Please no" Tara sobs. "Do you think I made it inside your house before you were able to rearm?" He jumps from the other room and grabs her from behind swinging the knife down into her stomach. Tara lets out a scream and pushes away from him. He slams her to the ground is pulling back to stab again. On instinct Tara puts up a hand and the knife goes through it. Tara screams again as Ghostface keeps pushing it toward her head. She kicks him off and starts crawling towards the door. Ghostface stomps on the back of her leg snapping the bones. She screams on continues crawling. Ghostface stabs her in the back and pulls her back away from the door where they can now hear sirens. Ghostface stabs her twice more before running out the back of the house.

A/N Oh my god I can't believe it. over 1550 words. Thank you so much for reading let me know if I made any mistakes and I'll go back and look at them.

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