12. Ain't It Fun If I Fell On The Floor And Took You Home One Last Time?

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How did we get here?

Well, I used to know you so well...

How did we get here?

Well, I think I know...

// Dean's POV

"Well...that's that. Thank you Castiel for those words. And thank you all for coming tonight! Please have fun in your hotel rooms we've booked for you all. Your leaders should be speaking with you about tomorrow nights activities. Congratulations to tonights winners. Thank you and good night." The announcers spoke once he had taken the microphone back from Castiel.

Everyone clapped as the teams filed out of the auditorium.

"Dude what the hell." Lucifer whispered, watching Castiel walk off the stage with a half drunk Meg.

Dean watched, eyes wide.

People looked at him and whispered.

Sam grabbed his arm and dragged the team outside.

"We're going to the hotel." He huffed before walking off.

Garth and Kevin walked with Dean as the rest of the team walked ahead.

"Dean was that about what happened at the ball?" Kevin asked.

Dean placed his hands in the pockets of his slacks, head down and walked faster.

Garth shrugged and let Dean walk ahead.


"Okay...we have five rooms. Me and Gabriel in one, Lucifer and Michael in another, Chuck and Garth, Kevin you have a room by yourself somehow and Dean you're with-- oh. Damn." Sam trailed off.

"What is it?" Dean asked.

"Dean you have to know, that we couldn't change anything since we wouldn't be in this situation if the thing happened and-- "

"Sam, what is it? Who's my roommate?" Dean asked, irritated.



"Cas is your roommate."

Dean groaned loudly for like five seconds before banging his head against a wall in the lobby.

"Can't I share a room with Kevin?" Dean asked.

"Dude, no. I request solo rooms for a reason." Kevin reminded. "Also, I'm not sharing a room with Cas."

Dean groaned again and slammed his head back against the wall.

"What room?"

"Uh, room 416." Sam half smiled, handing him a key.

Dean nodded, grabbed his things and headed towards an elevator.

The small ding was heard and the doors opened. Dean let random people step out before going inside and clicking the button leading to the fourth floor.

The elevator dinged again and the doors were opened, Dean stepping outside and looking for his room.

He stood in front of the door, praying that no one was inside yet.

He unlocked the door and slowly opened it.

Lights off-- thank god.

Dean pulled his things inside and turned on a light.

There were two queen sized beds a few feet away from each other with white sheets and red pillows, a nightstand with a lamp and clock between them. There was a small kitchen in the far corner of the room. Dean stood next to a mirror closet thing. There was a tv on the wall across from the beds, above a drawer stand.

Dean walked further into the room, dragging his things behind him.

He opened a door and found the bathroom-- guys that ish was beautiful. There was a huge mirror at the sink. A shower head above this huge tub thing that you practically had to climb into. Like, it was taller than a normal tub you could just easily step into.

Dean smiled and walked back into the room, looking to see which bed he would take.

Let's see...one by the wall and the other by the air conditioner which by the way was blowing cool air out.

He thought for a moment, weighing his options. It was getting kinda hot out. Cas would want the bed by the A/C but would Dean let him have it? Haha nope.

Dean placed all his things on that bed and unpacked.

There, territory marked.

Dean sighed and headed towards the bathroom.

Time to take an awesome shower.


// Castiel's POV

"Okay, here's the key to your room." Meg said, dropping the key in his hands before almost falling herself.

"You don't share a room with me? I thought I requested it?" Cas asked.

"Nope." Meg hiccuped. "I'm bunking with Ruby. You have a room with um...who was it again...? Oh yea, Dean."

"What?! Dean?! No! Meg switch Ruby out or something."

"No can do, Unicorn. I need to lay down and my room is like right there and Ruby's already there-- I think-- " She gagged.

"Dude, how drunk are you?"

"Hella." She smirked before waddling away into the room.

Castiel sighed and looked down at the key, reading the number.


Castiel grabbed his things and headed for the elevator.

He managed to get inside and the doors were just closing when someone began to yell.

"Wait! Hold the doors!"

Castiel quickly stuck his hand in the door, causing it to open again.

"Oh thank you so much." They smiled, running inside with their things.

"David?" Cas asked.

The man looked up and smiled widely, adjusting the glasses on his nose.

"Hey! How've you been?" He asked.

"Good thanks-- er what floor?" Cas asked, his index finger hovering over the floor panel thing.

"Fifth. Thanks."

Castiel pushed the button and leaned against the wall of the elevator, slowly moving up.

"Aren't you sharing a room with Meg?" David asked. "Where is she?"

"Um...actually she has a room with Ruby. I'm uh-- bunking with...Dean."

David's smile faltered and he looked down at his feet.

"Oh...well maybe it was a mixup since you wee originally on his team."

Cas nodded and sighed.

"I really don't know what'll happen..."

David bit his bottom lip and also nodded.

"Who are you sharing with?" Cas asked.

"Me? Oh I'm sharing with Matt. He's with me on the team."

Cas nodded and regretted asking the question since he didn't know who the heck that was...he was just afraid of silence, but it happened anyway.

"Hey listen..." David began. "I was um wondering if maybe you'd er-- you...um...dang it..."

Cas waited patiently and raised an eyebrow.

"What? Come on David, spit it out."

"I was wondering if you'd like to have coffee with me tomorrow or...sometime."

Castiel was silent.

For like ever-- why was this elevator so slow?!

"Um...tomorrow sounds fine, David."

"Great!" He smiled as the elevator stopped at the fourth floor.

Cas quickly gathered his things and slipped out.

"Oh, room 416 if you needed to know!" Cas yelled at the closing doors.

"Got it!" David yelled from within.

Castiel sighed and headed towards the designated room.

Once found, he unlocked the door, hoping Dean wasn't there yet, and opened the door.

Unfortunately, the lights were on and there was clothes and things already on one of the beds.

The sound of the shower filled the room as Cas looked around.

He groaned and mentally slapped himself for not getting there sooner and walked towards the empty bed.

He set his things on it and began to unbutton the buttons on his vest.

He pulled the coat and vest off so he was just left in a white dress shirt and slacks.

He opened his duffle bag and pulled out some clothes to change into.

He turned around when one of the doors opened and steam came out.

And from inside, emerged freaking Dean Winchester with nothing but a towel around his waist.

Castiel watched as Dean walked to his side of the room and search through his stuff for clothes.

Cas let his eyes wander down his back and to the edge of the towel.

He bit his lip and watched the muscles of Dean's back move as he reaches for different garments of clothes.

"I know you're staring, you know." Dean's voice interrupted the growing thoughts of running his hands down his back, under the towel and-- crap.

"I-- what? I'm not staring." Cas squeaked.

"Right. You know you still have the hots for this." Dean turned around, smirking. He was holding his towel up at the side, as it seemed to try and fall.

Castiel tried his best not to look at him.

"Just, just shut up and get dressed! I didn't ask to be stuck in the same god damn room as you!" Cas yelled.

"Man, calm down. No one said that-- besides, I wish I was sharing a room with anyone but you. Whatever fucking happened tonight was your own fault and I do not want to deal with your bull crap today."

"My fault?" Cas laughed. "You're the one who caused all this! I would actually be happy sharing a room with you but no! You go and make things horrible by saying a kiss on the lips is the same as a kiss on the cheek, which it's not!"

Dean clenched his jaw and continued to grab clothes.

"Ugh forget it, I'm gonna go shower." Cas groaned and walked away, slamming the door behind him.

Cas leaned against the door and closed his eyes.

"Damn it Dean...you stupid bastard..." he whispered.

And from within the room, he heard Dean groan loudly and punch the wall or something.

"Why am I so stupid?" He heard Dean ask.

Castiel opened his eyes and sighed, walking over to the shower and turning the water on.


"Where's the a/c?" Cas asked, putting his things away.

"Over here." Dean smirked, pointing a few feet away from his bed where the air conditioner was.

"Okay, I'm sleeping there."

"No can do. I'm already here."

Cas growled and kicked his own bed-- but he ended up kicking the metal holding up the mattress and almost died.

"MOTHER FUCKER!" He yelled, grabbing his foot and jumping around.

Dean laughed and pointed at him, grabbing his stomach.

Castiel glared at him before grabbing one of his pillows and throwing it at Dean.

Dean stopped laughing and grabbed the pillow. He stared at it for a few minutes before smiling widely and whacking Cas in the face.

"How dare you?!" Castiel gasped, grabbing another pillow and hitting Dean's side.

And that's how it began. Dean and Cas grabbing any pillow they could find and hitting one another with them.

Cas would hit Dean's head and Dean would tackle his face with the pillow.

"Hey, stop it!" Cas yelled when Dean started tickling at his sides.

"Never!" Dean laughed.

Castiel laughed and pushed him away, but in the middle of that, Dean grabbed his arm as he fell and they both hit the ground, Cas landing on top of him.

Dean was on sitting up on his elbows and Cas had his hands resting on the floor by Dean's sides.

They stared at each other and burst out laughing.

Dean tossing his head back and closing his eyes, laughing. And Cas with his head down laughing.

"We're so stupid." Dean laughed.

"Yea...we are." Cas smiled.

Their laughter faltered and they both looked at each other again.

They seemed to forget everything. And they just stared at each other like no one else existed. Like they were the only two left in the world.

"No..." Cas whispered.


"No. I'm mad at you." And he quickly got off of him.

Dean cursed under his breath and fully sat up.

Castiel wandered to Dean's bed, pushed all his things off, grabbed a pillow and jumped into bed.

"Wait a minute, I think you're forgetting something." Dean stood up.

"Oh yea, my piercings." Cas smirked and sat up, removing his piercings.

"No. That's my bed." Dean hissed.

"Your name's not on it, sweetie." Cas smiled, removing his last piercing, setting it with the others on the nightstand and laying back down.

"Castiel. Get off."


"I'll give you to the count of three."



"Oh god."


"You're such a mom."



"That's it!"

Dean grabbed his own pillow, pushed Castiel aside and laid next to him.

"What do you think you're doing?" Cas asked.

"I will sleep in this bed, Novak. With or without you on it." He huffed.

"What no! Get off!" Cas yelled, trying to push him off.

"Never!" Dean yelled, hugging his pillow.

"Ugh whatever." Cas rolled his eyes and turned away from him.

And he fell asleep. But you know what Dean decided to do? He waited until Cas was asleep to turn down the a/c so it they would probably freeze and went to pull on sweatpants and a sweater before.

While walking towards the empty bed where it would be warmer, Dean stopped and looked at Cas.

He wasn't upset anymore. He looked peaceful.

Dean don't think about that! Sleep!

Dean jumped in bed and buried himself in the blankets.





Castiel opened his eyes to find himself shivering and sneezing.

"W-what the heck?" Cas whispered.

He quickly sat up and looked beside him, Dean wasn't there. Haha loser.

Castiel looked on the other side where the a/c was and oH MY GOD WHAT THE HECK WHY IS IT AT LIKE 20* WHAT EVEN. Wait.

Castiel slowly turned his head and found Dean sleeping soundly with a sweater and like three thick blankets on him.

"You little shit." Cas shivered and stood up.

He ran to the little kitchen they had, grabbed a cup, filled it with ice and water and waited for bit for the ice to melt.

While he waited, he turned up the a/c so it was warmer and pulled on a sweater.

He walked back, grabbed the cup and stood at Dean's bed.

He watched him sleep. Aw he looked so peaceful-- NOT FOR LONG YOU FUCKER.

Cas was about to pour the water on him when he thought of something better.

He quickly pulled off the blankets, causing Dean to stir.

"Wha...?" He asked tiredly before Castiel quickly pulled down the front off his pants and poured the ice cold water on him.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Dean yelled, sitting up.

"Ehehehe..." Cas laughed evilly as he poured the rest down Dean's sweater. "Assbutt." He whispered before dropping the cup and getting back in bed. There was an eerie shadow above his eyes so it just made him look creepy.

"AAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!" Dean yelled before getting up and trying to dry himself.

He stood up and moved around and removed of most of his clothing but mostly he cried cause his dick and balls were ice.

And Castiel Novak totally laughed himself to sleep.


// Dean's POV

The weird thing was that after all the pranks they had pulled on each other the night before, Dean still woke up with Castiel in his arms.

He didn't know exactly how they ended up with Cas snuggling his face in his chest. He only remembered climbing into the same bed as him after the ice water incident.

Dean slowly turned his head to look at the time. It was around seven.

Few, still time to sleep. Sam hadn't called them down yet and he's probably still sleeping.

Dean sighed happily into Cas' hair and closed his eyes when someone knocked.

Dean tired to ignore it. Maybe it was housekeeping or something and they'd come in and see them asleep.

But they knocked again.

Dean groaned and slowly pushed Cas away so he could get up.

Castiel hummed silently and snuggled his head against a pillow, stirring slightly.

Dean walked over to the door-- oh, mind you he's only in sweatpants.

He turned the knob and opened it, expecting to find someone from housekeeping but instead found a man with spiked hair and glasses standing there waiting.

Dean rolled his eyes and leaned against the door frame, one arm above him to keep him balanced.

"Um...hello." David smiled.

"Hi. What can I do for you on this fine morning that I have yet to see because I'm too lazy to open the curtains in my room." Dean smiled.

"I'm here to see Castiel."


"Well, it really isn't any of your business but if you must know, I'm taking him out for coffee."

"Coffee huh?" Dean said. "Yea I bet you'd want to toss in some breakfast with that as well."

"Well, if he would like to, yes."

"Yea well guess what? He's having breakfast with me. So just go back into your little time machine, Doctor." Dean hissed.

David pursed his lips and placed his hands in the pockets of his slacks and swayed back and forth.

"You're afraid." He said, simply, with a sympathetic expression.

"W-what?" Dean asked, furrowing his brow.

"You're afraid to lose him. I can see it in your eyes. Even though you want to be mad and hate him-- you can't. You care for him too much. And you're afraid to lose that. You're afraid he wont love you." David narrowed his eyes through his glasses.

Dean bit the inside of his cheek and looked down at the floor.

"Listen, you should go. I'll tell Cas you were here...when he wakes up." Dean whispered, looking over at the bed.

He saw Castiel slowly sit up and rub his eyes.

"Dean....?" He asked, tiredly as he looked up at the door.

"Like I said, we're busy! Come back later!" Dean smiled widely and quickly closed the door.

"Dean? Who was that?" Cas asked, stretching his arms above his head.

"Housekeeping. Trying to change sheets and towels. Told 'em to come back later."

Cas nodded and laid back down in bed.

"Hey, you want breakfast?" Dean asked, smiling.

"Um...sure...we can go down to the lobby, if you want." Cas yawned.

"Okay, let me pull on a shirt first." Dean said before digging through his things in one of the drawers.

"Oh please...just go naked." Cas mumbled and looked at the time.

"Why am I awake this early?"

Dean turned to look at him and shrugged.


"You know I've never had a regular breakfast routine. I wake up too late. Usually for dinner." Cas sighed.

"I'm pretty sure they have chocolate muffins and cupcakes over there in the lobby." Dean smirked.

"Mmm cupcakes...." Cas smiled happily.

"And burgers."

Castiel's eyes lit up and he jumped out of bed.

"Come on, Assbutt!" And he was out of the room.

"Well, at least he wasn't mad at me this morning." Dean chuckled and followed his little Angel.


// Castiel's POV

"What do you mean I can't get a burger?!" Cas gasped in horror.

"Sir, if you had read the menu, you would have seen that the hamburgers are for our lunch hours." One of the workers at the lobby informed.

"But I want a burger!" Cas whined.

"I am sorry sir. We have breakfast options over there." He pointed. "Thank you. Have a nice day."

Cas groaned and wandered over to where they had the breakfast stands and picked up a chocolate muffin.

"At least they have you guys." He sighed.

"Mornin', Clarence." Meg yawned and grabbed an apple from the basket next to him.

"G-good morning." Cas cried.

"Dude I don't even know why I'm awake! I'm totally hungo-- wait. What's wrong? Who do I beat up?"

"They wont give me a burger until lunch!" Cas whined.

"Aww poor unicorn." She cooed sarcastically. "Just come back during lunch. Duh."

"B-b-but my burger!"

"Okay, Mr Snazzy Glasses Man is walking this way, see ya Cassie!" She smiled and quickly walked away towards the team.

"Hello there." David smiled.

Castiel turned around and also smiled.


"How was your breakfast with Dean?" David asked.

Castiel narrowed his eyes and shook his head.

"What do you mean? I'm not eating with him."

"Oh really? Hmm...well I stopped by the morning to get you some coffee down here and Dean answered. Said you'd be having breakfast with him and to come back later, then slammed the door in my face." He sighed, his accent stabbing at Cas' heart cAUSE OH MY GOD THAT VOICE.

"What? He said that a maid had stopped by trying to change the sheets!"

"Well, then he lied to you."

Castiel looked behind David where he could see Dean. He was currently laughing with his team.

"I'll go talk to him." Cas mumbled and walked away, handing his chocolate muffin to David.

"Dean, may I speak with you?" Cas asked, once he approached the table.

"Hey, Cas, what's wrong?" Dean smiled.

The team awkwardly excused themselves and walked off to another table.

"Who was at the door this morning when I woke up?"

"A maid."

Castiel rolled his eyes and glared at him.

"A maid. Right, is that what you're calling him now?"

Dean narrows his eyes and sat up straighter in his chair.

"What do you mean?"

"Did you tell David I was having breakfast with you? When you're clearly over here with everyone else, laughing your ass off!"

"Okay Cas listen, you were asleep I didn't want to w-- "

"Well you should have woken me up! He told you he was taking me out for coffee and you got jealous or whatever. But if you're going to lie, at least make it believable by actually having breakfast with me you fucking idiot!" Cas yelled and stormed off.

"Well that's really awkward with the activities we'll be going through." Sam whispered to Dean.

"What activities?"

"Ummm...later tonight we'll be having these mini competitions where you sing different songs they play-- the better you sing them, the more points you get. But this is a two person thing...and uh...partners are your roommates."



"WHAT?!" Cas yelled once Crowley told the team the news.

"That's what it is Castiel. You'll have to perform with Dean."

"Man, I just finished arguing with him, too." Cas pouted.

"Well suck it up, the more points we get the more...uh...publicity we get?" Crowley questioned.

"Uuuuuggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh." Cas groaned, pulling at his hair. "I'm gonna go get my chocolate muffin."

Castiel trudged over to David who was still where he left him and grabbed the muffin.

"Thanks for holding this." He mumbled, unwrapped it and took a bite.

"No problem. So uh, how 'bout that coffee?"

"That'd be lovely." Cas smiled and followed David to get coffee, Dean watching them the whole time.

They sat at a small square table with two seats across from each other. They had their coffee ordered in front of them and sat in silence.

"So what did you tell him?" David asked.

Cas looked up from his muffin and shrugged.

"Just asked him why he lied to me and called him an idiot."

David frowned but nodded.

"You know, I think you should forgive him."

"What?" Cas asked, staring at him in confusion.

"He only did it because you were sleeping. He possibly didn't want to disturb you...also it's obvious how much he cares about you...so maybe you should forgive him." David shrugged, taking another sip of his coffee. "I mean, you do have to work with him for tonights activities so...yeah."

Castiel took a deep breath and continued to eat his muffin, silence falling over the two men again.


"Okay Sammy said that they'd play the music of the song and we'd have to sing." Dean informed.

It was around 10:00 in the morning and they were back in their dorm, Cas sitting on his bed, counting the random spots on the ceiling.

"Well...then play some random music and sing to it." Cas said.

Dean rolled his eyes and sat in a chair by a desk.

"We can't just do that. What if we know the song?" Dean sighed.

"That's the freaking point. We're supposed to know the song! That's how we get points, dumb ass."

Dean rolled his eyes so hard he probably saw the inside of his head.

"Okay, then look for a song for me to sing. Just play the instrumental and I'll see if I can sing it." Dean said.

Cas was still for a moment before grabbing his laptop and searching through his iTunes.

"Hmm okay...here." Cas smirked before playing a bubbly happy tune.

Dean was quiet for a moment, thinking of what it song it was wHEN OH MY GOD.

"You're kidding me!" Dean groaned. "I have to do this again?!"

Cas laughed and waited expectantly.

"Same band, different song."

"Dude this is so unfa-- "

"Hey! It'll probably be unfair and embarrassing at the real thing! I mean what if they play Bieber or something? Huh?" Cas bitchfaced.


"Come on! Just sing!" Cas groaned. Dean quickly stood up and opened his mouth.

"Where you're from,

You might be the one who's running things

Well, you could ring anybody's bell and get what you want." Dean said in a monotoned voice.

"You see, it's easy to ignore trouble,

When you're living in a bubble

So what are you gonna do when the world don't orbit around you?

So what are you gonna do when nobody wants to fool with you?"

Castiel groaned and pulled his hair.

"Dude! Come on! We're gonna lose if you do that!"


AINT IT GOOD BEING ALL ALONE?!" Dean yelled before calming down.

"Ain't it good to be on your own?

Ain't it fun, you can't count on no one,

Ain't it good to be on your own,

Ain't it fun you can't count on no one.

Ain't it fun? Living in the real world!" Dean finally sang.

Castiel cut off the music and sighed.

"We need to get you motivated."

Dean rolled his eyes for the millionth time that day and sat back down.

"No, it's your turn. Hand me the laptop."

Cas stood up and handed him the laptop, waiting.

Dean scrolled through suggestions before looking up the instrumental version and pressed play. The sound of a guitar played and Cas thought for a moment.

"I got this." He smirked before opening his mouth to sing, waiting a bit for the next verse.

"What if I fell to the floor?

Couldn't take all this anymore

What would you do, do, do?

Come break me down!

Bury me, bury me!

I am finished with you!"

He sang and Dean watched him-- he really should've played a song by a girl.

"What if I wanted to fight?

Beg for the rest of my life!

What would you do?
You say you wanted more

What are you waiting for?

I'm not running from you

Come break me down!

Bury me, bury me!

I am finished with you!

Look in my eyes
You're killing me, killing me

All I wanted was you!" Cas sang.

"Okay stop."

Cas looked at him in confusion.

"What? Did I do something wrong?" He asked.

Dean shook his head.

"Nope. Just wanted to make it a bit harder." Dean mumbled as he quickly typed something into the computer.

"Do you think you can match Adam Levine's voice or Ariana Grande's voice better?" Dean asked.

"Dude-- no! I know what you're doing! You know I don't necessarily do well with really really high notes and Adam Levine goes way higher than Ariana Grande! Crap. I can probably match her voice." Cas thought.

"Okay, here." Dean said, clicking something.

((Okay, Ariana Grande is about to happen. Now listen, I'm not a fan. Like at all. But I don't mind her. Her singing is wonderful-- I don't mean to offend anyone who likes her and is a huge fan. Now if you don't like her, please don't comment rude things that could offend anyone, thanks!))

The sound of a piano filled the room and Cas stared at him with wide eyes.

"You're kidding right? I don't know this!"

"Uh yes you do. You sing it all the time when you're drunk. Now you can just change the 'she's' to 'he's' if you want." Dean smiled.

Cas sighed and waited until he found a part he remembered. He slowly caught on and opened his mouth to sing, trying to look at anything but Dean. He didn't change the genders.

"And I know, and I know, and I know

She gives you everything,

But, boy, I couldn't give it to you...

And I know, and I know, and I know that you got everything,

But I got nothing here without you..."

Dean watched him closely. The song sorta reminding him of the stupid situation they were in. God, what a stupid situation it was.

"So one last time,

I need to be the one who takes you home...

One more time,

I promise, after that, I'll let you go

Baby, I don't care if you got her in your heart.

All I really care is you wake up in my arms

One last time,

I need to be the one who takes you home..."

Cas was trying. He was trying so hard not to look at Dean as he sang. It was so hard not to look at him during this.

"I don't deserve it,
I know I don't deserve it,

But stay with me a minute

I swear I'll make it worth it

Can't you forgive me?

At least just temporarily

I know that this is my fault

I should've been more careful..."

At some point, Dean felt like he should be the one who sang this to Cas instead of the other way around.

"And I know, and I know, and I know

She gives you everything,

But, boy, I couldn't give it to you

And I know, and I know, and I know

That you got everything,

But I got nothing here without you, baby!"

He had no idea why he did it but Dean found himself singing along with Castiel.

"So one last time

I need to be the one who takes you home

One more time,

I promise, after that I'll let you go

Baby, I don't care if you got her in your heart!

All I really care is you wake up in my arms...

One last time

I need to be the one who takes you home..."

Castiel was watching Dean at that point. He couldn't help it. Dean had begun singing with him after all and it was impossible not to stare at Dean when he's singing in front of you.

And to make matters worse, Dean had stood up and ended up walking forward until he was inches away from Cas' face.

Castiel had stopped singing, he didn't know what was happening. Like, what the hell, they were in an huge argument! WHY WAS HE STANDING THAT CLOSE TO HIM?!

"I know I should've fought it,

At least I'm being honest

But stay with me a minute

I swear I'll make it worth it, babe

'Cause I don't want to be without you..."

Dean had his hands on Cas' hips. This needed to stop. It had to--

"STOP!" Cas yelled, pushing him away.

Dean stopped singing and stared at him.


"Stop it! You can't just do that!"

"Do what?"

"This!" Cas gestured in between them. "Fight with me one moment and in the next love me and act like nothing's happened! You're always doing that to me! It's like you want to fix but you do it all the wrong way!"

"Yeah?! Well what the hell am I supposed to do?!" Dean yelled in return, his voice raising slightly.


"Yeah?! Well I've never had to apologize to anyone until a stupid LITTLE FALLEN ANGEL LIKE YOU DECIDED TO SHOW UP AND RUIN MY LIFE!" Dean yelled, glaring and fuming.

Castiel's eyes widened. He had nothing to say. His brain had shut down. His mouth wouldn't do anything but stay in it's current position, slightly opened in shock.

There was silence. Hard, cold, silence. The only sound breaking it was the tune of the song.

Dean seemed to realize what he said after a moment because his face softened into one of regret.

"Cas...I-- "

"Shut up."

So one last time

I need to be the one who takes you home

One more time,

I promise, after that I'll let you go

Castiel was staring at the ground, clenched fists and teary eyed, the anxiety kicking in.

"That's it. Everything that's happened, thrown away. Why didn't you tell me I ruined your life? I could've stayed away, you know! I could've just fucking stayed away! I could've stayed away. I could've stayed away, I could've stayed away! I could have stayed the fuck away from you!  You just could've told me." He laughed.

"Cas, listen! I didn't mean to-- "


Baby, I don't care if you got her in your heart

All I really care is you wake up in my arms

One last time

I need to be the one who takes you home

Castiel grabbed his hoodie and ran out of the room.

"Cas!" He heard but he kept running. He didn't want to take the elevator so he used the stairs, it was faster and ran to Meg's room, tears staining his cheeks.

But on the way there, he crashed into someone.

"Fuck, sorry! Are you okay?" He asked, sniffling.

"Yes. But are you fine?" David asked looking closely at him.

"I'm fine." Cas huffed, looking away.

"Castiel, what's wrong?" He asked, quietly.

Castiel felt more tears falling from his eyes. He was having trouble breathing with all the crying.

"I fucking hate him..." he mumbled.

"What? Castiel don't say that."

Castiel gasped for air and covered his face, his shoulders shaking even mire as he hunched over.

David pulled him into a hug and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Shh...it'll all be okay...it'll all be okay. We'll sort this out. But listen to me...you don't hate him...." he whispered.

Castiel just cried harder. He tried his best not to stain David's clothes but he couldn't really control that.

One last time I need to be the one who takes you home...

But Dean hated him.

Castiel hated himself too.

But maybe Castiel hated Dean as well.

*Oh my god. That took so long to write! 5698 words! Not counting this A/N of course. Anyways, did you guys like? Sorry for making you guys ride on this roller coaster of feels. Like it was fluffy the heartbreaking then both!


They will be in that fight for a while.


ALSO SORRY IF YOU DONT LIKE ARIANA! I DONT EITHER BUT LIKE I DONT HATE HER! But still NO RUDE COMMENTS FOR ANY OF HER FANS. I don't want any fights spurting out here in the comments.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I will see you next time.

Are my titles fucking FOB songs or what?

My next published chapter will probably be for Wave Of The Wand so look forward to that.

ComeAlongHolmes_ *

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