14 ~ My Dream Come True

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Hey peepzzz... How are you all?

First of all tq soo much for editing my book dear angelic_ann. She did an amazing job and still doing it and will do it.

And this story has 30.4 k reads. I just can't explain my happiness tq soo much peepzzz...

Ya there are few editing happened and main thing is Sana brother name changed to Bunny from Babblu.

So ya I participated in wandering_nib contest in that I'm runner-up. So I updated the story. Do check it if you're interested in my innovative story.

Love Started With Accident ~ Picture Tale
A very long chapter is awaiting for you... *wink wink*


Flashback Continues

After 1 Week

Nayan POV

Sana and I are two opposite poles. I'm a social penguin while she likes to spend time with people directly rather than social media platforms. She's shy and brave while I'm the angry hulk. She eats very small amounts of food while I eat like a pig. She's creative in every damn thing while I can't even choose my own clothes.

But we share a bond in thoughts, trust, and love. Mom, Dad are teasing us that within a short span of time we are sharing an amazing bonding. With a single stare, we're understanding what is running in each other mind.

She is so damn beautiful and hot. I myself don't know how I'm controlling. To say frankly every single minute I want to grab and kiss her sensually. But till now I didn't even kiss her forehead.

We always stare at each other by forgetting the world, hug intensely, share love, tell sweet words to each other, cuddle but still I couldn't see the desire to get intimate in her eyes.

I really don't want to force myself even for a kiss. I can wait for her lifelong if needed. It's just my stupid crazy hormones but the love we share is most precious and important. Dad, Mom taught me to love rather than to lust a girl.

We're going for dates, spending time with each other and understanding to our level best. I don't like to talk to non-family girls except with my friends and their wives and sisters but with Sana, it's all different. She mingles with the topic though it's not interesting and always makes an interesting conversation.

We met my friends, Sana easily became friendly with my friends and all those my stupid friends are teasing me to hell as I got the correct girl. I felt happy that she's gaining everyone's love.

Even we met her friends too who is teasing Sana to the core. But I'm damn sure that she doesn't have a good college friend. Boys are after her beauty while girls for her smartness. The Sana I saw with her friends is truly different which makes me feel bad because they couldn't able to see her true nature but only running after intelligence, luck, and stuff.

But when we met her friends from NGO's, old age homes, I felt happy. They all love Sana for her lovely nature. The way she is talking and sharing the love with them, I felt proud to be her husband.

Mom, Dad, Preetu loving her to the core sometimes even forgetting me. I'm not at all jealous because she has grown up as a single kid so she needs attention.

She has a dream which she's not telling. I'm waiting to listen to it from her. I'm sure she has a different goal to achieve but hiding it. I need to gain her trust more to know about her.

She faced a lot in her life, that day she said only half and later I didn't ask her again. After her brother died, Maa went to the coma for 2 years. Maa's younger sister helped them but her husband made cheap affair between Papa and her. So Papa rejected everyone's help and took care of everything by himself.

At the age of 13, Sana became woman where Maa is not there to guide her. But she's a strong girl and handled herself without telling to Papa. After 4 months Papa found that she has grown up. Papa took his friend's help, a friend who is like a sister to him.

In all these Papa became an alone and silent person. His family even told him to re-marry because even doctors lost hopes on Maa. But Papa loves Maa and trusted her.

Sana learned all the cooking and household stuff in this period and became mature at a very age and took care of her parents. Even after Maa came out of the coma Sana took care of her for many months.

Papa loves Sana to his life and believes that she is more than 10 sons to him. Their family didn't support them due to family clashes and disrespect because he doesn't have an heir.

So Papa made everyone shut by giving Sana every right and everything. Even Sana proved by always being top in studies and even taking of the situations. Since 5 years Maa is being healthy and taking care of all the things.

Maa told me all these things and cried. I just love her, she is a strong woman who fought with death and came back. She requested me to take care of Sana. I can understand their feelings, so I assured to love Sana and even them.

Preetu called me and told me to come down for breakfast. There my family is waiting and here I'm self-talking. I rushed to the table.

Sana never questioned nor try to find Preetu condition. My Sweetu is facing hell, I don't know why the whole week she's getting frequent attacks. Mom comforted me by telling because of marriage stuff she's not feeling well but there is something wrong. So I made doctor Aunt check her. Even she said the same but I'm not satisfied. I don't know when my baby will become normal.

One day Preetu asked about Sana'a brother. After completing the story my baby sister came and sat on Sana's lap and promised to be her brother. She even threatened me to take care of Sana with burning eyes.

The last thing I want to face in my life is Preetu's wrath because she doesn't like men ruling women. She'll not spare anyone even if it's Dad. So I assured her immediately that it's my responsibility to take care of Sana.

Since that day their bonding grows stronger. Sana is helping in her final year project work. When Preetu is in good mood both the girls are making us happy. But if her mood change even Sana become silent and observe her actions. I hope Sana shouldn't find about Preetu and hate her.

I heard everyone laughing so rushing to the dining and found Sana is blushing like heaven while Mom is scolding Dad and Preetu. I chuckled and joined them as they're ready to start breakfast.

"Good morning everyone!" I said cheerfully by standing at my place.

"The new bride got ready fast but you are taking much time Nannu?" Mom teased me.

Dad laughed loudly while both the girls giggled.

I winced "What only Sana has right to impress him? Even Nayan has equal rights to impress his lady love. Am I right Nayan?" Dad winked naughtily.

I chuckled and sat on my place while looking at Sana whose face is crimson red which is matching to her pink saree and she slightly glanced up at me.

Uff, Sona you will kill me. I gestured her, what, and she shook her head but I insisted to tell. She gestured that I'm looking good. I smirked and went near to her ear.

"Guys, stop your romance at least in front of the food," Preetu said naughtily but I understood that she's not comfortable.

So I kept quiet and started eating. My Sana is making amazing food, I may become fat for sure.

"I thought to talk to you last night Nayan but you guys came late, so..." Dad is saying by munching the food but I cut him off.

"I'm sorry Dad, the traffic..." Dad cut me off.

"Nayan, now you're a married man and have every right to lead your life. So stop explaining like a school kid. Just inform us your plans and have fun," Dad said by keeping morsel in his mouth for which I smiled.

I know Mom, Dad is not strict parents but until Preetu get married, I want to be careful. I should spare my time equally. It's not that after her marriage I'll leave them but... Dad cut my thoughts.

"So yeah, when are you joining back in office?" Dad questioned me by munching and looking at me.

Mom immediately glared at him but Dad ignored her.

"From next week onwards Dad," I declared happily by keeping the morsel in my mouth.

Mom glared me "I told you after one month you'll join back?" Mom questioned me angrily by gulping the food.

"Yeah! Before marriage 2 weeks and after marriage 2 weeks completed right one month?" I said in a matter-of-fact tone by chewing the food.

I know Mom is planning to make me stay long but it's really hard to stay at home.

"No, I said after marriage one month," Mom said with a smirk and kept the morsel in her mouth.

I know this trick but I seriously can't stay at home any longer. She is not at all allowing me to work minimum at home and Dad is facing all the burden because of my this stupid vacation.

"Mom please, I can't stay more. Due to the sudden marriage, I left everything but not anymore," I declared by gulping the food.

Mom gasped by keeping her left palm on her mouth by widening her eyes very big. Now what?

"Sana, see he already felt bored with you. I didn't expect this from you Nannu," Mom played her drama queen role very well.

Sana giggled. I turned my face to see her "Mom I understand Nayan, let him go," Sana said cutely by munching her food.

Aww, my Sona, I felt like to kiss her.

"This girl," Mom mumbled in disappointment by lowering her head.

"Whatever Mr. Nayan Chopra. After 3 weeks you're going to join back and that's final," Mom declared by raising hands.

Dad chuckled but I winced like a kid by keeping cute faces but there is of no use.

"Mom all the work is burdening Dad, please let me, Mom, I love you right, please," I said with extra sugar coated tone by pulling her left hand with my left hand. And she is nodding her head as no while eating her food

"Dad, shall I help you?" Preetu immediately said by keeping her left palm on Dad's right shoulder.

Aww, my baby Princess, see she is studying but want to help Dad and here I'm taking the break. Dad adored her and kissed her forehead.

"I can manage, you already stressed with your project work. So chill," Dad said lovingly and put a morsel in her mouth while she ate happily.

"Sam, I don't think you need help but if you want any help, I will accompany you," Mom said by munching her food.

"Oh my lady love, thank you so much but I can manage," Dad said with love by touching her right hand with his left hand.

"My son is thinking that I became old and not enough to take care of my empire," Dad said naughtily by keeping a morsel in his mouth.

Preetu giggled and I rolled my eyes by bobbing my head, as again the teasing session started. Mom laughed loudly.

"Sana, Dad is just playing with Nayan, relax baby!" Mom said by looking at Sana.

Immediately I turned and saw her heaving a sigh of relief. Poor she couldn't able to understand Dad's intention to cheer up the situation. Dad laughed and hi-fied with Preetu.

I pressed her left palm which is lying in her lap with my left palm. She smiled and trying to take off her hand from my hold but I didn't leave and started eating as if I don't know anything. A few seconds later she stopped trying and resume eating her food.

"And what about you Princess?" Dad questioned Sana by munching his food. I left her palm.

"What happened to you, Sam? Don't you want our kids to live the happy moment for a while?" Mom asked angrily by gulping the food.

Dad chuckled "Relax baby, I'm just asking nothing much," Said with a sweet smile to melt Mom's anger.

But she glared and resumed her eating while Dad smirked and turn to Sana. She is looking at Dad with confusion.

"Sana you have every right to lead your dream baby, just say that's it, no need to compromise on anything. You can work, wear any type of clothes, talk to anyone and do anything because we trust you like your own parents and we will always support in your every decision." Mom said lovingly by leaning back in the chair while playing with the spoon.

I turned to Sana and saw her adoring sweet smile.

"Thank you so much Mom, I'll surely utilize this freedom in the correct way," She said happily by playing with the spoon.

"So you're going to continue the job or else want to do anything else?" Dad questioned by keeping the morsel in his mouth but all his concentration is on Sana.

"I'll continue the job Dad but can I please join after six months? " Sana said confidently yet requested softly.

Mom bobbed her head in an impossible way. Does Mom know what Sana dream is?

"Sure baby, it's all your wish and I'm happy with your decision," Dad said with the encouraging smile.

I think I should play my card to make her tell about her dream.

"But Dad she'll not work for me. I can't see my Sona working as my employer, so I'll make her CEO and I'll be her PA." I declared by keeping the morsel in my mouth.

Mom gasped but Dad and Preetu smirked at my words. Sana is looking at me in shock "Nannu, are you mad?" Mom roared at me.

"What's wrong with it Mom?" I asked casually by munching my food.

Mom never understands our plans but we three understand each other point of view in handling the situation.

"But Nannu..." Sana cut her off.

"Nayan, what are you talking? How can I be the CEO? Please Nayan, don't do this to me," Sana said with painful eyes by crushing my shirt in her left palm.

"Sana don't worry baby. You want all of us to be proud of you. So I'm making it possible. I'll be staying with you always. At starting it'll be difficult later you'll do the best for sure," I said by caressing her left palm with my left hand.

At any moment she can release her tear tank. I'm sorry Sana but I need to do this.

"Princess, relax, he will not force you to anything. You can work as you want," Dad said softly.

"And Nayan, stop it and have your food," Dad declared rudely.

I know even Dad wants to know what's going on in Sana mind but he doesn't want to make her cry. So I nodded my head and resumed my eating.

I can't make her cry but I need to find it at any cost. She will not say it, not just because of the trust issue but there is something behind it. I'll sure find it out.

Everyone became silent only spoons on plates and munching sound is audible.

"Mom, I have some work. I'll be back before evening." I said by keeping my morsel in my mouth.

"I'll kill you if you go to the office," Mom threatened me.

I smiled "No Mom, some other work," I said by looking at her.

"Tell me where?" She asked me in the threatening tone.

I chuckled by bobbing my head. I went near her ear and whispered where I'm going. Her smile widened and blinked her eyes positively.

Sana is looking at me but I didn't turn. I promise, today I'll give you what you want Sona.

I raised my head, Dad smirked and even me too. Preetu kept a questioning look. I eyed at Sana and smirked, she gave an understandable smile and mouthed "all the best". I said, "thank you".

I completed the breakfast and rushed outside by bidding bye to everyone. Maa, Papa is the only one who can guide me now.


Sana POV

Morning Nayan took my breath away. Here I don't even want to work in that job but he wants me to become the CEO. At that time I want to run away from everyone and hide in Maa lap. Thanks to Dad who supported me. Later Mom comforted me as she knows about me. Maa said everything to Mom.

Okay! Sana, relax now everything is alright. I composed myself.

Nowadays I'm living in a fairy tale with this amazing Chopra's. Seriously not in my nightmares, I thought to get a family like this.

The whole week is a bliss as Mom, Dad is pampering me like their own daughter. Nayan and Preetu love me like crazy. I never had a good friend except for Sandeep who went to foreign. I have good friends but they themselves are facing hell in their life in NGO's. But these Chopra siblings filling that gap for me.

Nayan what should I say about him? If any of his employees see him in the home then they'll die of the heart attack.

He's the Mr. Perfect in business with hard work, sincerity and a very strict, ruthless businessman with the professional smile lingering on his lips. Girls are gaga on him to see his real smile, smirk, naughtiness which only stick to his social sites.

Here I'm lucky as from starting onwards I'm seeing his different angles. A lovable son, an amazing brother, a great man with principles and values. In one word a perfect husband material.

His smile, smirk, naughty acts, love, friendship, trust every, everything is making me fall for him more day by day.

And don't say about his gentleman nature. Till now he didn't even kiss my forehead. If I say to anyone they'll laugh at me. But it's true he's giving me more space than need. I want him to kiss me but I can never voice out myself in front of him. I don't know when he'll kiss me?

Dad and Preetu are coming while Preetu is happily laughing and telling Dad something. Adoring with happiness is the only thing on Dad's face.

"Sanu baby, you know what, I'm so happy. Today I had an amazing time with Dad after few long, lengthy weeks." She said happily by squeezing me in her hug.

I felt happy as morning she looks dull and angry. I smiled and hugged her where she's dancing her body from left to right to left.

"You both came?" Mom asked by coming near to us.

"Yes and even had the fun time with Dad," Preetu screamed happily by going to Mom and hugged her.

Mom smile widened and look at Dad who gave an understandable smile. She is caressing Preetu hair with the happy smile. As I said Preetu happiness only can glow this big mansion.

"Okay! Now both get fresh up and come fast. I made your favorite paneer kebabs," Mom said cheerfully.

Preetu squealed with happiness and rushed to upstairs. We are looking at her with a wide smile.

"Thank you, Dad, for bringing that smile to her face," I said by turning towards Dad.

Dad smiled and pecked my forehead and went upstairs. I saw Mom wiping her tears happily and going back to the kitchen. I rushed and hugged her from the backside.

She smiled and pulled me to her front. I wiped her tears with the smile playing on our lips. She kissed my forehead while I gave the long kiss on her right cheek. She smiled sweetly and going back to the kitchen. I followed her.

"I told you to sit in the hall right?" Mom asked in fake serious tone.

"I'm getting bored Mom, please let me be with you, I promise, I'll not disturb you," I said with a cute puppy face to which she smiled.

I giggled by following her and started talking. Mom is an amazing cook, she always makes healthy and tasty food. I requested her to make me learn to which she laughed and said "I already knew many things but if I want to learn something then she'll make me learn".

I felt happy but she's not allowing me to cook much. She declared that we'll share cooking for few years. I can cook any dish and she'll also so that it'll be easy to complete the cooking in a short time.

So daily we're cooking equally and this is the best time because after Maa recover she didn't allow me to cook. Just rear situations I cook. Mom got a call so told me to roll the kebabs and went to the hall.

My thoughts went to Preetu. She is a lovely, sweet girl but I don't understand her problem. I'm sure she's not raped because I handled rape girls, I know how they behave but Preetu is different.

She suddenly becomes angry and started to rub her hands from shoulders to palm as if to remove the dirt on her and will start crying. She'll not allow anyone to touch her and scream to stay away. Mom tries to touch her but there is of no use.

Helplessness, pain, hurt, guilt is always playing on their face while looking at Preetu in that condition. Mainly Dad and Nayan, there are no words to explain their pain.

Once she shouted at me as there is no one to handle her. Mom slept and Dad, Nayan went outside due to an important meeting. So I tried to handle her but the way she behaved scared me not just because she'll hurt me but her pain scared me.

I just want to take off her pain. When she screamed, I thought to give her space but she ordered me to be with her, we sat silently. I understood one thing that she can't stay alone. Later Mom woke up and took care of her.

Later Preetu felt guilty and told me, sorry but I didn't feel bad for her behavior. Nayan roared at me and told me to stay away from Preetu. But she scolded him and didn't talk to him for one whole day.

Mom comforted both the siblings and made them normal. I didn't get angry on Nayan because I seriously understand his feelings because since ages, I'm feeling the same guilt which I'm seeing in his eyes. After they became normal Preetu made both of us normal with her naughty acts.

Outside people think that the Chopra's don't have any problems. But money can't solve all the problems. They have plenty of money but can't solve Preetu's problem.

Mom came back and completed the cooking. She told me to arrange the food in the hall. They both came down and started their naughty acts while Mom started to offend them with her fake anger.

She can never get angry but always try to control this crazy, naughty Chopra's with her fake anger. Even they know it's fake but get scared for her. And Dad can never stop his naughty behavior to cheer up the situation.

We're happily eating but I'm missing Nayan.

"Maa, Papa," Preetu screamed happily while I look at the entrance.

Happiness welded me, Preetu rushed to them. I followed her, she hugged both of them before I reach them.

"How are you both? I missed you," Preetu said while hugging Maa.

"We're fine and how are you Cutey?" Maa asked by caresing her hair while papa is lovingly looking at her.

I went to them, Preetu left Maa while I tightly hugged her. Just two days back I saw them but still, I miss them. Maa caressing my hair by mumbling sweet words. I left her by wiping my tears and took Papa blessing and hugged him. Preetu is looking at us happily.

"You both girls will not welcome my parents inside?" Nayan asked by coming from nowhere.

Did he bring them?

"Bro, I'm so happy, thank you for bringing them," She said by hugging him.

Nayan, face glow with happiness and pride like a father who has school going girl.

Mom came to us and welcomed them. Mom, Dad sitting on the right sofa while Maa, Papa sat on that left sofa. Preetu said in between Mom, Dad.

"I'll just come," Nayan said and going towards the kitchen.

"Nannu, what do you want?" Mom asked while he gestured water to her.

In between mean time Dad is talking to Maa, Papa. I rushed to Nayan and told him to sit and I'll bring water.

He drinks tons of water which is opposite to me. I bought the 5 liters water bottle with kebabs. I know he'll easy complete 2 liters of water at one go.

I'm going to serve Maa, Papa but Maa told me to give first Nayan. So first I gave him water, he completed half of the bottle within a go. In the previous birth, he's a water tank I think. I severed everyone and sat in between Maa, Papa while Nayan sat with Dad on the left side arm rest. We're talking happily while eating.

Maa asked me that I made the food but I said its Mom. She started scolding me that how can I make my MIL work? But Mom comforted that she loves to cook and had an agreement with me.

I started asking Papa whereabouts but Maa "I feel alone here, someone forgot that I exist here," Said dramatically.

I giggled and hugged her "Nothing like that tell me are you taking medicines and yeah you're not eating sweets tight?" I questioned her like a school teacher.

She giggled "Actually I'm making all my favorite sweets and eating without even feeding your Papa," Maa said like a small kid.

I kept a fake angry face "So you broke your promise, go I'll not talk to you," I said by turning to another side.

She laughed loudly and pulled me to her by kissing my left cheek and mumbling "my Sona". I smiled and kissed her right cheek.

Papa patted my hair. I immediately hugged him. I miss Papa more than Maa.

"Maa, what was that, any sweet box?" Preetu asked by looking at the bag which Maa brought.

"Oh I'm sorry Preetu, next time I'll surely bring but you can see there is something which is interesting," Maa said with a wink.

Preetu squealed with happiness and immediately took out the thing from the paper bag. I'm curious what they brought but my breath got stuck in my throat by looking at 'My Dream' scrapbook.

Oh God, why Maa brought this thing? I don't want anyone to see this. I immediately pulled it from Preetu by mumbling "it's nothing" but Preetu glared me. I left it and started playing with my saree in tension.

"Oh my God, Sanu I thought it's your childhood album but you have a designing book. Wait let me check," She said and started exploring by praising my work.

Even Dad, Mom praising the designs while Nayan sat quietly by looking at all of us. I glared Maa but she ignored and telling them about my work.

"There are many designs which she used on my sarees, in fact, this saree is designed by Sana," Maa said by showing her saree.

Mom is curiously looking at the saree while Dad praised it. Papa is looking at the things happily. I'm scared of Papa reactions, why Maa is doing this to me?

"Wow really," Preetu came and sat on her knees in front of Maa and started  inspecting the design.

I'm not understanding what's happening but I'm scared.

"Sanu, seriously you need to take it as your career girl, I'm sure you'll become one of the top designers in the city may be in the world too," Preetu said happily by getting up.

I closed my eyes to control my tears by bending my head down. She went and sat on her place.

"Sana, I never asked you anything by myself but you fulfilled my dreams. Will you fulfill a dream of mine?" Papa asked me.

I immediately sat on my knees in front of him. I couldn't able to stop my tears anymore. I kept my hands on his knees.

"You have rights to order you Son, Papa," I said sincerely.

I'll do anything for Papa. He took my palm in his palm and bend a little near to me "Start chasing your dream," Said with proud eyes.

I couldn't able to stop myself. I hugged his legs and cried loudly.

"I know about your creativity but I thought my daughter may sit at home by doing all the stitching and stuff. After seeing that book, I'm sure you'll make us proud with your dream. So start chasing your dream and make me proud as always like Sanaya Mehra... oh I'm sorry Sanaya Chopra," Papa is saying but Nayan cut him off.

I turned backside to see Nayan "Papa, she's always your son Sanaya Mehra. If she wants she can be lifelong without changing her name, I really don't mind," Nayan said lovingly by circling his right hand around Dad's neck.

What type of good deeds did I make to get him as my husband? Papa is caressing my right palm with his left palm.

"My Sona is very lucky to get you all," Maa said emotionally.

"But sister, we're luckier than Sana to get her as our daughter," Dad said lovingly by looking at me. I smiled with tears.

"So are you going to fulfill your Papa's dream?" Papa asked me by pulling my hand softly.

My happiness has no boundaries. Papa never stopped me for anything but I'm scared to voice out my dreams in front of him. Today I can see only proud smile lingering on his lips.

Yes, I'm the Papa's proud daughter, so I just nodded as yes with happy tears. I kept my head in his lap while he is caressing my hair even Maa too. I just want to be like this whole my life.

I glared at Maa, though I'm happy, she promised me before marriage to not to tell anyone about this thing.

"Why are you glaring at me, your husband is a stubborn kid," Maa said cutely by looking at Nayan, he chuckled by scratching his nape.

I'm looking at both of them in confusion. She pulled me to sit near her. I sat again in between them. Papa is caressing my right hand while Maa wiped my tears.

"Morning he came and spend time with Papa. After your Papa went we started talking random things but he suddenly asked about your dream. I said the same thing you always say but he's not satisfied and roamed around me by playing with my saree endlike our Bunny," Maa stopped by gulping her tears.

I know when Bunny name comes Maa remember all those days. I hugged her from the side. She's trying to stop but flowing her tears. My Maa is a strong woman but after Bunny death, she became weak like this.

Preetu came and sat in front of Maa "I already told to Sana that think me as Bunny and even telling you both. Feel me like your Bunny, don't think that I'm a girl. I born as a girl that's it but I'm a boy," Preetu said naughtily yet lovingly by pressing her left palm.

Maa giggled with tears and kissed her forehead. She smiled happily and kissed Maa right cheek. Papa pressed my right palm. I can understand Papa is very happy and proud, he will not say a word but still, I understand my Papa.

"Yeah, now I have 2 Bunny's," Maa said by looking at Nayan and Preetu.

"Yes! Now stop crying and tell what Nayan did or else Sanu may eat you with her looks," She said naughtily with a wink.

Maa giggled "Yes, you're right!" Maa said with the happy smile and gestured her to sit back.

I felt euphoria with Preetu's gesture. She's the sweetest girl which I ever have seen. Maa pressed my palm to bring me back.

"So after 4 hours, I gave up and showed him that book. He's surprised and started praising your skills. I didn't spell a single word. After Papa came Nayan showed it to him. Even Nayan didn't spell a word. Papa told let's go and see Sana, that's it happened. If you have any doubt ask your husband but don't scold me like a principal," She said looking at all and the last line in a typical dramatic mother tone.

I giggled with happy tears and hugged Maa tightly by kissing and mumbling "thank you". I turned to Papa and hugged his heart which is the safest place in the whole world.

"I think you should thank Nayan rather than us," Papa said by caressing my hair with his left hand.

"Nothing like that Papa, I understood that she can't voice out her wishes. So being her husband, I need to fulfill her wishes. I just did what is my right," Nayan said by standing.

That's it, I can't stop myself. I rushed to him and hugged him without thinking twice. He's shocked and stood like a rock for few seconds but later composed and circled his strong arms to my body.

My happiness boundaries crossed its limits. How lucky I'm to get a man like him?

He's rocking me with sweet words. I moved my lips near to his left ears "Love You, Nayan, love you so much," I said by forgetting the world.

I felt his body stiffen but within seconds he mumbled "I Love You," by patting my hair.

"My dear newly wedded Chopra's, you are not in your bedroom. Maa, Papa is not aware of our family romance history, so please relax your raising hormones," Preetu's comment made me come out of my Nayan world.

I immediately left Nayan and started blushing for my stupid act by playing with my saree. Everyone laughed at us while Nayan pressed my right hand softly.

"Oh, look Sana started the blushing session," Preetu teased me.

Oh God, I want to hide in Maa saree "Guys, stop teasing my wife," Nayan supported me by circling his right hand to my shoulder.

Every one again busted into huge laughter. I felt like to hide in his chest but the teasing will increase with that act.

"Sana, come here," Dad called me.

Preetu went and sat in between Maa, Papa while Nayan sat back on the same place. I went and sat between Mom, Dad.

"Life doesn't give us chance. We should chase our dream by grabbing the situation. Nayan found it fishy and asked me for help. Today morning I thought you may tell us and Nayan played his own card but you didn't grab the chance. Just whatever happened is happened, from now on start telling what you want not just what you're getting by fate, am I clear," Dad said like a school principal.

"Yes, Dad," I said confidently with the unshed tears.

"Now what are the future plans?" Dad asked with an encouraging smile.

I boasted my courage "I want to start a website, Dad," I said by pressing his right hand softly.

"Wow, Sanu, can I please join with you? It will even help me to get experience," Preetu asked happily.

I felt happy for the support I'm getting right now "Of course, I thought to ask you in designing the website and business as I don't have good skills in it," I said with the happy smile by turning towards her.

"Wow, that's amazing sure we will rock it, baby," Preetu beamed happily.

"So what's the name?" Preetu asked curiously.

Obviously none other than "SaNayan Designs," I said by looking at Nayan.

He was surprised and looking at me with his magical eyes "Wow, that's amazing," She said happily by going to Nayan.

"Bro, you don't know a, b, c in designing and stuff but luckily you got the designer as your wife," She giggled and pulled his nose.

Nayan pouted while she giggled and hugged him by mumbling "thank you," I hope she should be happy like this always.

She came to me and pulled in a tight teddy bear hug and started dancing her body.

"Congratulations SIL, when we'll start?" She asked happily by leaving me.

"Slow down Preetu," Mom said naughtily.

Sticking her tongue out "Oops, excitement kicked my nerves," She said with the giggle.

"I want to take a break and spend some time with family, so..." I said softly with an unfinished sentence.

"Don't worry Sana, do it as you wish," Mom said by caressing my right elbow.

"I wish you all the best for our future venture," Preetu wished me happily.

I hugged her but she didn't hug me back. So I immediately left and smiled but she gave an awkward smile.

"After seeing your wedding saree, I thought you'll become the best designer. So mark my words Sana, my daughter is going to become the best designer and all those my stupid friends will beg you to design their dresses," Mom said proudly by pulling me to sit back.

"What? Wedding saree is designed by the bride itself. Oh, my God, I thought to ask you Mom, who designed it but forgot. Girl, you're amazing, the design is hilarious. I thought it was by professionals but you did a splendid job and the whole border filled with 'SaNayan' stonework is seriously amazing," Preetu said happily by twinkling her eyes.

"What?" Nayan questioned in amusement.

"Uff, how will you bear this Nayan? Wait I'll show you," Preetu said by bobbing her head in disappointment and started searching her phone gallery.

Maa, Papa is looking at us happily without a word because I can understand how happy they're by looking at me like this.

After seeing the design Nayan praised me and Preetu teased Nayan because of his non-creative skills.

May be my man is not creative but My Man Is Epitome Of Lovewith the golden heart. Today he stole my heart in every way. Till now I loved him for his nature but from now onwards I'm loving him for our this beautiful relationship.

Thanks for making My Dream Come True Nayan, Love you Nayan.

Flashback Continues


Next: SaNayan first kiss (keep waiting my desperate souls)

So howzz it... Did you liked it...? I dreamt this Sana dream come true in many different ways finally ended like this... Tell me is it nice *curious eyes*

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Love 💕

April Melody 🎶

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