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Hi guys! Sorry for the late upload. SCHOOL SUCKS!!!! And I just like to draw... BUT ANYWAY! So here's the key. ENJOY!!!!
(Y/n) your name
(F/n) fake name
(H/c) hair color
(H/l) hair length
(E/c) eye color
(F/c) color
(S/f/c) second favorite color

(Y/n)'s POV
Trust, well, trust is a funny thing. My mother always said that it can take years to build trust, but only a second to break it. And to be honest, now looking back, I should of listened to her. Then again, I was really young. But I always thought trust applied to one person each, never in general. Take meeting Gon for instance. After, the incident, let's just say, I had some serious trust issues.

~flashback brought to you by Gon's fabu booty-shorts~

I heard someone walk up to me.

"Um, uh- excuse me, mis?" I looked up and saw I little kid. "Uh, here y-you go. Y-y-you l-looked h-h-hungry..." He handed me an apple. I took it, and looked at it, then at him.

"I'm not hungry. " I spat in his face. I tossed it across the ship. The kid was on the verge of crying, and walked away. It's not my fault. You can't just go around excepting food from strangers. I mean, what if it was poisoned.

The boat shook to a stop. I grabbed all my stuff and got off, but before I left, I saw the kid clinging to his mother. I felt tears in my eyes so I headed for the woods. I sat by a cliff. I took out a blanket and fell into a tearful, dreamless sleep.

When I woke up, I saw a kid with black/green hair looking down at me. "What, WHO ARE YOU?!?!?" I checked to make sure all my stuff was there and pulled out my knife, wondering what he did while I was asleep.

"I'm Gon! What your name?" He asked. He looked cute, and looked inocent.

"How'd you find me?" I asked with caution.

"Oh, well that was easy. I know these woods in and out. Plus your not exactly camouflaged..."

"Yeah yeah" I said. "What do you want kid? I have no money or anything valuable on my unless you count this blanket."

"I just want to know your name! There aren't a lot of kids here and you look new. So..." He looked around. "What's your name?!?" He asked again.  But I had an idea.

"Hey k-um, Gon, right?" I asked.

"Yeah?!" He responded

"How about we play a game, k? If you win, you get my name. If I win, you scram and leave me alone. Yeah?" I thought this would be easy. He is just a kid.

"OK!" He said with no hesitation at all in his voice. "Sooo... What's the game?" He asked.

"Oh, it's pretty easy. I hide at night and when I wake up, you have to have found me. Easy enough, right?" I asked.

"Hm." He shoke his head.

"Great, you get one week. If you can't find me 4 times or more, I win. If you can find me 4 or more times, you win. " I finished.

"Ok! This will be fun!" He said. I snickered.

"Yeah, fun is what I think to. " I packed up and left. And so the game begins.

The next morning, I found him over my shoulder. "AH! You scared me" your good, I thought.

"YES! That's one win for me!" He did a little dance. I laughed. Man, he's to stupid for his own good. He's getting me to warm up to him. I snapped out of it.

"Ok, ok. You win."

The next day I hid in a tree, he found me. After that, in a cave. He found me. Wow, this kids relentless. The next day, I hid in a riverside. But, he found me.

"Sooooooooo...." He looked at me. I pulled on my backpack.

"So what?" I asked not looking at him.

"WHATS YOUR NAME?!?! I won the name, you have to tell me your name. That was the rule." I snickered.

"You have a good memory kid, (f/n), it's (f/n)." I said as I walked of. I was a pretty good lier, but I didn't see what happens next coming.

"No it's not. (F/n), it's not your name. " he sounded disappointed.

I turned to look at him and sank to his size. "Look, that's my name. Ok? Ok. Now if you excuse me" I turned around. But the next day, he was at my side.

"So, name"

"I already told you. It's (f/n). That's it. " but this continued. I hid in every cave, tree, and spot on this damn island, but he kept finding me. One day, I gave up.


"So, you admit, that's not your real name" he said numbly. I just looked at him blankly.

"(Y/n), it's (y/n). " I finally gave up.

"(Y/n), I LIKE IT!" I, I laughed. And hard. "What, what's so funny?" He asked stupidly.

"Y-you." I said wiping the tears from my eyes.

I was warming up to him, and soon he convinced me to meet his family. Mito~San (Gon's mom I think) was kind enough to take me like her own child, and I thought of her as my mother. As for Gon well, we were like siblings. I looked after him and in return, he taught me how to trust again. It was nice, to have a family again.

~flashback over because hisoka sucks~

I woke up with a jerk. I looked around, and realized I must of fell asleep. The boat rocked violently, must be a storm. I opened my bag, and saw some of my clothes with a note taped on it.

You forgot thees ;)

I smiled to myself.

I must say, I think I did a pretty good job I must say so myself. Sorry for not updating much. HOPED YOU ENJOYED! Peace

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