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  I went to classes for two weeks before anything fun happened. Well, that's not exactly true. I did partially stalk Zach. Today is the day that I will ask him out for somebody else. It's gonna be awesome. Then, I am going to go to an amazingly planned sleepover that involves breaking a few rules.
  James finally got the Slytherin password (it's avara, just by the way), so Hope and I are going to get Chey.
  After that (the next day, of course I have to have a super packed schedule) I get to go to the official quidditch tryouts.
  I spent my Friday almost overcome with anxiety and anticipation. All the way from history of magic to charms. I love not having gym.
  I practically dragged Hope to the Slytherin dorms. "Avara! Avara! Avara! Avara! Stupid door hurry up and open!" The door slowly opened as I became impatient. Using the description Chey told me, I pretty much figured out when her room is. She had class this period (?) I guess that's what we're calling it at least. So I was waiting for her here.
  It felt like I was quiet forever before she finally walked in. "Chey!" I jumped on her with a hug and quickly laid out my plan.
  "Okay, first we need to get Jemma from Ravenclaw and Jakayla from Hufflepuff. We'll, or I'll go to the kitchen and bug the elves for food. Then we'll go to the seventh floor corridor. I'll open the room, because I've done it before and know exactly what I'm asking for. Then we are going to be up having so much fun. And the morning, Hope and I will go to tryouts." She liked the idea so we put it to action.
  We shuffled stealthily to the Hufflepuff dorms. That was the hardest part of the whole process of getting Jakayla, especially since the Hufflepuffs are the finding ones. I followed my eavesdropped instructions. Knock twice. Then ask nicely if you can enter. Thankfully, it said yes. We waited for about five minutes before she walked in.
  "Hey Jakayla!" She stopped dead center with a confused and surprised look. Figuring that it would take more time than we had for her to figure it out, I just pulled her along.
  We walked/dashed up the stairs to the Ravenclaw door. "The first word in a pair. Spells that makes you levitate, not fly. From feathers to people, by and by." I had to think about that. It was the first part of a spell. It makes you levitate, but not fly... I knew it. "Wingardium!" I could here the smile on the door's face (if it had one). "Good. You may enter."
  We found Jemma, reading a book in a cozy chair. "Jemma! Come with us." She jumped as I shook her, not realizing we were here. "Okay... Where are we going?" I told her the plan I had repeated what felt like a hundred times as we left. She nodded and we ran up to the seventh floor. Kate Lavis met us there.
  "We need a room for an interhouse sleepover." I though over and over again as we seemingly paced the halls. After the third time a door magically appeared. I opened it to a nice sized room with all of the house blankets in a big mishmash of a fort.
  Some of the girls couldn't hold in their gasps. "You guys go set up camp. I'll get the food." Chey came with me while the girls gushed over the space inside and all of the awesomeness that the fort holds.
  "We need to go see James first. He said he'd give me something to get to the kitchen." Chey and I walked casually to the Gryffindor door. "Homorae." The portrait door popped open. Luckily James was on the other side. "I was about to come find you. You need the map."
  Confusion crossed my face when he pulled out an ancient looking paper. Then it hit me. It was the map. Practically a family heirloom. And I was going to borrow it. "I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good."
  I gasped as the map blossomed with intricate lines. Footprints traveled across the page, brandishing names. "Pretty cool, huh?" I smiled. I forgot that the rest of the world isn't supposed to know. "Yeah, James. It is pretty awesome. How'd you get it?"
  "This is the cool part. I found it in Filch's locker of confiscated things. Then, I took it home. And guess what? It used to be my dad's!" I tried to look really surprised and shocked.
  He briefed us on going to a secret passages and tickling a pear. I nodded enthusiastically the whole time.
  We stealthily ran to the bowl of fruit. I picked up the pear and tickled it. A secret door came open. "Let's go." I whispered to Chey. We proceeded cautiously all the way to a much smaller door. I could walk through it normally, but Chey had to duck.
  "Whoa." That was the most intelligent thing my mind came up with. It was a room full of house elves. Another easy thing to explain. Watch the movie. They got Dobby right too! That made me happy, then immediately sad because I remembered that Dobby died.
  A couple of the elves looked at me, apparently trying to get over the same shock that I was. "Hello! I'm Edwina! Are you in need of something?" I took a liking to Edwina. Maybe because of her spunk. Maybe because she had a tray of cookies (biscuits is what the British call them). Either way, I took a cookie.
  "Mmhmm." I said, my mouth was full so I nodded, "I need food, like popcorn... And food." She giggled. I guess they don't get that a lot. "I can get you that."
  She signaled some of the others and they brought food. So much food. Then, to make it even better, they put it in a bag. "Thank you so much!" She smiled and waved as we left.
  I followed the map all the way back out, and was going to go all the way back to the room, until I remembered that I still had a mini mission to complete. "Here. Take the food back to the room of requirements. I'll tell you when I get there, just tell Hope that I'm doing that thing for her." She left, knowing she wouldn't get any information.
  I dashed back to the Gryffindor common room. "Hey, Zach!" His head jerked over to me. I hadn't started a single conversation with him. Ever. So what would I be doing now. I watched as the various emotions crossed his face. It was awesome. "Uhm... Yeah?"
  "Well, you know that girl, Hope?" He nodded. "So you like her?" He shrugged, then nodded. "Good. She likes you. Do you want me to tell her what you said?" He nodded once more. "Great, I'm going to leave now. Bye!"  
  He waved slightly as I went out of the portrait hole. I sighed and rubbed my hands together. Young love, dost thou not come see me sometime. I reached the seventh floor and opened the door. Hope was there waiting for me.
  "Geez stalker." She sighed and tapped her foot impatiently. "Well, what did he say?" I grinned at her. "Yes!" She jumped around excitedly. "Yay!"
  We spent the rest of the night eating popcorn and watching movies in our awesome fort tent.

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