The Naturals

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  I knew exactly who the brunette was. And, hopefully, he was coming to drag me out of class. Well, not me specifically, but definitely me.
  I was right. "Any first  years that want to play quidditch- real quidditch- then come with me." Only Hope, Zach (why?! Kill me now!), some other girl, and I went from Gryffindor, but that's okay with me. Less competition is good.
  I jogged up so that I was beside James, one of those pains of your existence that you usually end up needing, and Hope followed suit. "Do you even know how to fly?" I smirked at him. "Of course not. I'm going to rely on instinct. Why would a muggle born know how to fly anyway?"
  He made a noise somewhere between a sigh and a groan, so I punched him. "Ow! I'm gonna tell my brother on you." I rolled my eyes. "Yes, do that. And could you tell him I said hello, please?" I put on a pretty smile to go with my sarcasm.
  As we got to the pitch (yay, learning new British words!) I wondered if I had made the right decision. The girl that I had yet to figure out the name of ran to a rubbish bin (all of the British!) and promptly threw up. "I think I'm going to go now." Then she ran away.
  James shrugged it off and went on. "Anyway, what are you trying to do?" I looked at him for a second before realizing he wanted to know which position I was trying out for. "Oh! Seeker."  He nodded with an encouraging, hopeful expression. "I am going to be a beater." Zach said it like he might actually make the team on pure confidence. "Uhm... Maybe a chaser, I guess." I knew dam....rn. Darn well. I knew darn well that Hope knew what she wanted to be, she was just pretending to be shy.
  "Okay, let's start with the basics. Get on your broom and attempt to fly." I picked up my beautiful broking and got on. Doing exactly as I said, I relied on pure instinct. I guess it's a good thing I have good instincts.
  I shot up at a controlled pace and didn't die. I was as surprised as the people on the ground.  hope came up next followed by Zach.
  Apparently James thought we were good enough because he let out a bludger. It narrowly missed my head, only to make a sharp turn and hit Zach straight in the face. "Ow! It hit me in the face! Help me, it's gonna kill me!" I raised my eyebrows at his sudden cowardess. "You're not going to die. Why are you crying about it?"
  He must've remembered that girls were watching him, so he 'bucked up' using a southern term. "I'm not hurt that bad. I was just in a bit of shock. It's cool. I'm okay." I rolled my eyes for what felt like the millionth time today.
  We got back to practicing, training, whatever you want to call it, and I think that Hope and I did pretty good. That's especially considering that we had never been in the sky before.
  After the bludger incident, I doubted that James would get out anything else, but I was wrong. He let the snitch go free. It didn't take me long to catch it. Maybe two minuets. I could go really fast, mostly because I have such a small weight.
  Then we broke out the quaffle so Hope could do what she needed to do. James played keeper (I found out he's usually a beater) and Hope practiced trying to score some points. She got a lot past him. I'm not sure if that's because she's so good or he's so bad.
  When we finished for the day, James led us back to the castle (not that you could miss it, that thing is huge!). I ate dinner hurriedly, talking as little as possible. "Honestly, you girls that tried out today are naturals." James commented. I beamed with what little energy I had and Hope smiled towards me.
  As we were headed back to our dorm, hope said something that caught my attention. "So you think Zach is cute... I do. And I know he thinks you're cute. But do you think that he thinks I'm cute too?"
  I had to pause a second to process that. "Nah, athletic, blue eyes, and flippy hair. He isn't really my type. I'm more of a sepiosexual person. You know, mind over matter. But, I can hook you up." She nodded furiously. "Please do that. I will be forever in your dept."
  I laughed at her. "No. You'd be doing me a favor. Getting him off my case." We raced the read of the way up and fell into our beds, asleep almost instantly.

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