Season 2 - Part 1

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Note: I DO NOT own Amphibia or Marvel Comics so don't report me. This is for entertainment purposes only and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

We begin with Anne and Sprig sitting on the roof as flowers began to bloom.

Sprig: Ahhh, spring is finally here.

Anne: All right, Sprig. New season, new possibilities. I'm ready to blossom into my best self.

Sprig: So . . . you feeling better about the Sasha incident?

Anne: . . . Let's not talk about that.

Sprig: Sorry.

Hop Pop: Yoo-hoo!

The old frog said as he sat alongside Polly in a carriage being pulled by Bessie, to which Anne and Sprig carefully slide themselves down the roof.

Sprig: Woah, Hop Pop, what is this thing?

Hop Pop: Impressive, huh? This here's an all-terrain, custom-modeled family wagon. Calling it the Fwagon. Heh.

Anne: The Fwagon? Seriously?

Hop Pop: Cheap too.

Polly: The previous owners died in it.

Anne: So why the new wagon?

Hop Pop: Fwagon.

Anne: Not calling it that.

Hop Pop: Well, with the snow melted and the mountain pass open, we can finally travel outside the valley to Newtopia!

Sprig: Oh my frog! We're going to Newtopia?!

Anne: What's in Newtopia?

She asks to which everyone enters the wagon as Hop Pop shows them a map of Amphibia.

Hop Pop: It's the beating heart of Amphibia. A bustling metropolis full of ancient knowledge, run by the wisest of newts. If anyone can help you get home, it's them.

Anne: So you're saying these newts are my best shot at getting home? But not only that, maybe on the way we'll find Marcy.

She says while taking out a group photo of herself, Sasha & Marcy.

Hop Pop: You betcha. Pack your things, kids! We leave tonight!

He said as everyone cheers.

Hop Pop: Say, Anne, since you don't have a lot to pack, could you give Chuck the spare key?

Anne: Who?

Sprig: We played bugball together.

Polly: He grows Tulips.

Anne: . . . Nope. Doesn't ring a bell. Why does he need a key?

Hop Pop: Because I hired him to protect the house from all things wanting to destroy it.

Anne: Say what?

Hop Pop: An empty house is vulnerable. Needs protecting. Not to mention our crops, the very soul of a farm. Left alone to face wildfires, locusts, tornadoes, flaming locust tornadoes. Anyway, here you go.

He says, giving her the spare key for Chuck.

Anne: . . . You sure this Chuck guy can protect the farm while we're gone?

Sprig: Don't worry about it, Anne. Even if the house gets completely annihilated, Chuck has mad fixing skills.

Polly: Yeah, one time our windmill got torn to pieces by a flaming locust tornado and Chuck had it fixed in seconds. It was totally awesome.

Anne: Chuck's really that good?

Polly: You know it!

She says, a smile forming on Anne's face.

Anne: All right, if you guys say Chuck can handle it then I'll believe you.

She says just before a literal flaming locust tornado comes and destroys the windmill.

Anne: What the hell?! That shit is real?! I thought Hop Pop was being dramatic!

Sprig: You get used to it.

Hop Pop: Come on, kids, time to get packing.

He says before heading inside with Sprig and Polly.

Anne then hears, as well as smells, something coming her way fast.

She turns around to see a buff frog riding a buff taxi snail as they pull over in front of the young mutant.

Anne: Chuck?

Buff Frog: Actually, I'm Dave. That's Chuck.

She says pointing towards the little taxi box as a less impressive frog comes out.

Chuck: I grow Tulips.

Anne: Oh yeah, the Tulip guy. I remember you now. Glad that you're here. So Polly says you once fixed that windmill in seconds?

Chuck: That I can.

He says, noticing said windmill in pieces.

Chuck: Flaming Locust Tornado?

Anne: Yup.

Chuck: All righty then!

He says before running over to the destroyer windmill and repairing it in mere seconds as if he was one of those old school logic defying cartoon characters.

Anne: Woah. Nice. Guess the farm's in good hands, Chuck. Here's the spare key.

She says, giving him the key.

Afterwards, Anne headed on inside the house to see Polly on the sofa.

Polly: Hey, Anne.

Anne: Hey, tiny. You guys finished packing?

Polly: I have.

Anne: And the guys?

Polly: Nope, not even close.

Anne: Seriously? And people say girls take too long to get ready.

She says before quickly packing what little she had and heading on upstairs to Hop Pop's room.

Anne: Hey, HP. What's taking so long?

Hop Pop: Oh. There you are, Anne. Would you mind helping me with these ascots? They require a very delicate fold.

He says while slowly folding a single ascot only for Anne to slap it out of his hand.

Hop Pop gasps.

Hop Pop: Anne! Whyyyyy?!

He asks with a tear in his eye.

Anne: Hop Pop, what the hell do you need all these ascots for? I've been living with you guys for three months and you've all been wearing the exact same clothes like we're in some goddamn anime. I haven't changed clothes because my school uniform is all I have on me. What's your excuse?

Hop Pop: But . . . my ascots.

Anne just sighs.

Anne: Just pack two or three, please. I'm gonna go check on Sprig.

She says before exiting Hop Pop's room and into Sprig's.

Anne: Hey, Sprig, you-?

She paused upon seeing Sprig staring at dozens of slingshots with crazy eyes.

Anne: . . . Uhhh, you okay there, little buddy?

She asks only to yell in surprise as Sprig jumps on her, grabbing her by the shirt.

Sprig: I'm having a packing crisis, Anne! I can't decide which slingshot to bring for our trip!

He says only for Anne to slap him across the face, knocking him to the floor.

Anne: Dude, get a grip! Geez! What's the big deal, anyway? Aren't all slingshots the same?

Sprig: No, they are not! And I can't which one to bring!

Anne: . . . Have you considered bringing more than one?

Sprig gasps.

Sprig: You're right, Anne! Why bring one when I can bring them all?

Anne: What? No! Don't bring all of them! That's way too much! I meant two or three!

Sprig: Oh. But still, which ones?

Anne: Well, we can start with your top 10 favorites. You guys got top 10 lists in Amphibia, right?

She asks before going through each of Sprig's slingshots, eventually picking out his top 3 and packing them.

With everyone finished packing, they headed outside to the wagon.

Hop Pop: All right, kids, it's a two week journey to Newtopia, so we better get going.

Sprig: Woo-hoo! Yeah!

Polly: Let's go!

The two cheered as they climbed inside the wagon.

Anne: We're counting on you to watch the house, Chuck!

She says to which Chuck nods.

Anne: Say, Hop Pop. I was thinking, maybe it'd be a good idea to bring the music box with us to Newtopia?

Hop Pop: Uhh . . . no, no, no. It'll be safe with my contacts for the time being.

Anne: Oh. All right then?

She says, finding Hop Pop's hesitation a little odd before heading inside the wagon.

Hop Pop had a look of worry and guilt, especially since he lied to Anne about his "contacts" where in truth, he actually buried the music box in a joke he dug up just outside the house.

Hop Pop quickly composes himself as a smile forms on his face.

Hop Pop: Well, let's get this fwagon on the road.

Anne: Nobody's gonna call it that!

Hop Pop: No turnin' back now!

In just a couple of hours, Anne and the plantars were on the road.

The kids sat beside Hop Pop as they went past a couple of signs that read; "Now Leaving the Valley" and "May Frog help you."

Sprig: Did you see that sign? We've officially left the valley! This is the most exciting thing that's ever happened to anyone. Aren't you excited? I'm excited. You should be.

Anne: Duh, I'm excited. But there's a lot riding on this trip, kid, so-Whaaaaaaaat?

She says that last part in awe as everyone looks upon the world outside the Valley.

Anne: It's . . . it's fucking beautiful, man.

She says with tears of joy.

Sprig: It's even better than I could've dreamed. Full speed ahead, Hop Pop! Keep driving and never look back!

Hop Pop: Hold on, Sprig. Look back here for a second.

He says, grabbing everyone's attention.

Hop Pop: Now that we're out of the valley, things can get dangerous fast, so . . .

He says before bringing everyone inside the wagon and taking out a large book.

Hop Pop: From now on we're gonna follow "Hop Pop's Rules of the Road." By me, Hop Pop.

He says to which the three kids groan.

Anne: What is it with you and giant books?

Hop Pop: You kids got a problem with books? Why, without books-

Anne: Our civilization would crumble to nothingness. Which is bullshit and you know it.

Hop Pop: True. But still, the only way we'll get to Newtopia in one piece is if we follow these rules. Like this one here.

He says before listing a few rules to which Anne, Sprig and Polly groan in annoyance.

After a couple hours of traveling, they had found amazing looking places such as a Rainbow Waterfall, Zoom Dunes & Amphibia's Best Diner.

Unfortunately, neither Anne, Sprig or Polly could enjoy these places as Hop Pop just steers the wagon past them all without stopping.

Sprig: I can't it anymore! All of these once-in-a-lifetime experiences are literally passing us by!

Anne: I know, right? Hop Pop's rules are way too strict. He's just like my mom whenever we go on a trip. Thankfully my dad can manage to convince her to tone down the rules most of the time.

Sprig: I swear to Frog, if one more cool and exciting thing passes us by-

Hop Pop: Red alert, kids!

The old says, cutting Sprig off as he opens the wagon roof hatch.

Hop Pop: We're coming up on the Ruins of Despair.

He says before Anne & Sprig take a look outside to see dozens of strange building-like structures all in the shape of frogs.

Sprig: Woah!

Anne: What are these weird structures?

Hop Pop: No one knows, Anne. They've been here long before any written history. Just a mystery better left unsolved as far as I'm concerned.

He said as Anne rolls here eyes while Sprig shudders.

Sprig: This place is the coolest thing I've ever seen. If I don't get out and at least touch something, I'll regret it for the rest of my life.

He says with a sad face.

Anne: Don't worry, fam. I gotchu.

She says before grabbing Sprig, jumping out the window and bolting on out of there.

Hop Pop: Hey! What do you two think you're doing!?

Sprig: This was your plan?!

Anne: Duh.

Sprig: Anne, you've done it again!

Anne: Thanks, dude. This is exactly what me and my sister did when our dad couldn't change mom's mind.

She says before they eventually stop in front of one of the structures.

Anne: Okay, Hop Pop will be onto us in about a minute. So let's take some selfies and head back.

Sprig: Yeah!

He says, leaning against the structure's door as our duo strike a pose for the selfie.

But then the door suddenly opened as Sprig fell inside, rolling down a steep path.

Anne: Sprig!

She yelled as she slides down the path after him, they stopped in a large room as the two look on in awe and wonder at what looks to be something akin to modern technology.

Anne: The hell? Are these computers? I thought you guys were medieval or something?

Sprig: I'm gonna touch everything!

He says with excitement as he explores the massive room.

Sprig: There's so much to see!

He said as Anne smiles upon seeing the young pink frog enjoying himself.

Only a couple seconds later, Anne could hear yelling as she turned around to see that Hop Pop had followed after them, falling face first onto the floor.

Hop Pop: Do you two realize how many rules you broke?! 17, 29, 36, 55-!

Anne: Yeah, yeah, you and your shitty hundred thousand rules!

She yells in annoyance with the old frog as Sprig lets out a groan.

Sprig: For real, forget about the rules already! Just look at this place, Hop Pop. It has everything. Cool atmosphere, implied historical significance and-hey, a lever!

He says upon seeing a large lever several feet above him.

Hop Pop: Don't you dare! Rule Number 68, never EVER pull a lever!

He says as he and Sprig narrowed their eyes at one another.

Anne: Pull the lever, dude.

She says to which Sprig hood several feet into the air, landing the lever as it gets pushed down.

After a few seconds, they waited and were surprised that nothing has happened.

Sprig: Well, look at that. I broke rule number 68 and we're all still alive.

He says the lever suddenly disappeared, the young pink frog falling to the floor as the many machines of this strange facility began to turn on.

Computer: Start-up engaged.

Sprig: Woah! The building can talk?! Not sure how to feel about that.

Computer: Assembly line activated. Routine protocols activated.

Anne: Assembly line? This some kind of factory maybe? But what the fuck is it making?

Hop Pop: Wow, it is mighty impressive.

Sprig: Ooh!

Computer: Additional materials required. Please place them on the glowing access point.

Hop Pop: Glowing what now?

He asks before the three of them noticed that the old frog was standing in a glowing blue circle.

Suddenly, metal restraints appeared, taking hold of Hop Pop's feet.

Hop Pop: Help! It's got me!

He says before being pulled down a hole.

Anne: Hop Pop!

She yells, popping out her claws and slicing the metal hatch opens only to see that he's gone.

Hop Pop: And it tickles!

His voice echoed before suddenly appearing on the assembly line, his feet now tied to a conveyor belt.

Hop Pop: See this right here, kids?! This is why we follow the rules!

He says before his eyes widened upon seeing he was approaching a bunch of red lasers up ahead.

He gasps and closed his eyes before going right through them without harm.

Hop Pop: Well that wasn't so bad.

He says before his clothes had been torn to shreds, leaving in nothing but his underwear, making the old frog yell in fright and embarrassment.

Hop Pop: I'm not beach-ready!

Anne: Alright, time to shut this thing down!

She yells, charging towards the computer before slicing and stabbing it repeatedly before sparks of electricity came out of it.

Computer: System compromised. System compromised. System compromised.

The computer continued to repeat itself as the facility started to shake along with the conveyor belt coming to a halt.

Anne: Sprig, get out of here! I'll get Hop Pop!

She yelled as she jumps through the glass and runs along the assembly, not caring about any wounds she sustains as her healing factor negates the damage.

She then carefully uses her adamantium claws to cut Hop Pop free, grabbing him and running as fast as she could.

Sprig was already outside, waiting anxiously for Anne and Hop Pop just before the two exited the facility.

Anne then grabs Sprig, carrying both the frogs as she continued running.

The three of then started screaming as the facility blew up in a fiery explosion with Anne leaping away and shielding the other two with her body as the explosion sends them flying.

Anne was quick to break Sprig & Hop Pop's fall as she hit the ground hard.

They looked in the distance to see the facility on fire as Anne lets out a sigh of relief.

Anne: Damn that was close!

Sprig: Levers. Am I right?

Anne: Dude.

She said as Hop Pop groans in anger.

Sprig: I know, I know. We should've followed the rules.

Hop Pop: You think!? You two should be more like Polly! I told her to stay put and-!

Anne: Wait, you told Polly to stay put?

Hop Pop: Yes I did!

Anne: Do you honestly think that she, of all people, will listen?

She asks before Hop Pop realizes that Polly, Bessie and the wagon were gone.

Hop Pop: Where'd they go?!

He yelled in a panic before hearing Polly let out a joyful scream as she takes the wagon on a joyride throughout the ruins before making a stop in front of everyone.

Polly: Boom, baby!

She says before realizing that everyone was back.

Polly: . . . Bessie made me do it.

She says before Hop Pop groans in anger.

Polly: Alright! I'm sorry, okay?! That's the last time I break a rule. I swear.

Anne: Not me.

Hop Pop: What?!

Anne: No offense, HP. But the reason me and Sprig ran off is because you were being way too strict with all these rules.

She says to which Hop Pop lets out a sigh.

Hop Pop: You're right, I'm sorry kids. It's just that . . . we've never taken a trip like this, and I just wanted it to go smoothly. So what do you say we set aside the rules for a bit and make a stop or two?

Anne: Really?

Sprig: Can we stop at the Hills of Impalement? I've heard it will traumatize you for life!

Hop Pop: No. But maybe we can head on back to Amphibia's Best Diner and get some Crickets and Cream ice cream?

Everyone: Yes!

They said in unison before quickly getting back into the wagon as Hop Pop turns Bessie around in the direction of the diner.

-To be continued-

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If any of you have any ideas for a story you'd like me to write, feel free to let me know in the comments or in my DM.

With that said, I hope you all have a nice day.

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