Hospital trip(updated a bit)

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Blackhat's P.O.V
there on the floor was Flug laying in his own puddle of blood that seemed to be coming from his many injuries. His broken arm was healed but, badly bruised. His breathing was erratic as if he wasn't getting enough air in his system which for that I put on the air mask that I had purchased from a store disguised as a normal male with jet black hair and glasses a week earlier.

It was pricey but, I was willing to get it if it meant I could save 'my' Flug. If I took him to the hospital they could help but, with his demon blood mixing with his human blood they would take it as contamination instead of a part of his anatomy and likely stick a bunch of stuff in which would cause more harm so for now I had to get his wounds wrapped quickly and tightly.

As I ran to the medical cabinet and I grabbed as many rounds of bandages and cotton as I could find and got to work. Dementia was pacing in the background while 5.0.5 held the supplies and kept a cloth up so Dementia didn't have to see the blood surrounding Flug.

As I worked even I was getting concerned and despite better judgement. After I was sure the demon blood was no longer a issue which dissipated about ten minutes after I found Flug I got into the car that Flug drove and got him to the hospital taking on the disguise of the man again to seem less noticable.

The staff took him in on a gurney to extensive care. I filled the reception person in on the info they needed as I knew basically all of the stuff they needed sense Dr.Flug was my employee and then was told to wait in the waiting room. Dementia had come along however she wore a oversized hoodie and hid her tail under it. 5.0.5 had to stay home as bringing in a large blue bear would cause issues as it would scare people despite him being nothing but a softy.

We waited for about three hours before we got any kind of news which was very concerning and the look on the doctor's face didn't help. We were told by the doctor that Flug would have to stay overnight to make sure no other complications came up but their main concern was with how thin he was and his blood count was low as well and had been given a transfusion. His blood type was a bit uncommon as it was AB+ but, they had it in stock luckily or they would of had to of gotten a transfer which would of been risky. I was told that if I hadn't of wrapped the wounds and would of waited any longer to bring him in then flug would of passed from blood loss.

Hearing that my heart dropped relizing how close I was to losing him and then I wouldn't of been able to live with myself. Dementia would of been without her father/mother figure sense she was created from an infant that had been abandoned by her own Blood parents. I did manage to find their names however they had passed in a car crash nearly 2 years ago due to being under the influence.

I didn't have the heart to tell her as because she already suffered self esteem issues as well as abandonment issues. She would of likely blamed herself for their accident if she would of been told despite being nowhere around them at the time.

She asked a few times when she was younger and understood the concept of her being abandoned which hurt. I know i'm a demon and don't have relations like humans do but, when Flug told her the very harsh truth she just took it in stride and shrugged her shoulders and said "I have my family right here,I have two cool fathers and a friend to play with." and then her and 5.0.5 played fetch in the enclosed activity area however I could tell her heart wasn't in it and saw tears stream down her face slightly. That was probably the second hardest thing to see but, she is a fighter and bounced back to her normal self the next day.

She had taken the situation well but, my guess is that sense she was abandoned before she even opened her eyes fully that she didn't have any memories of her birth parents. She had gone through a lot of pain all because she wanted to feel useful, Dr. Flug being the person he was didn't wish to hurt her but, she persisted till Flug broke down and did as requested.

He tried making it as painless as possible but, not everything goes to plan and during a outage her genes were mixed with a lizard's and now she possessed lizard abilites and had lizard features such as her tail and the spikes down her back. Dr.flug stopped all other expiraments on her after that as her body was surprisingly stable and compatiable with the lizard blood in her.

As we went to head home I could tell the news on Flug's conditon was effecting Dementia and in a very rare kind gesture I offered to take her to the store so she could get more clothes and if desired some other stuff that she wanted. Her smile gave me hope that things would turn out ok and so I went to get a surprise for Dr.flug that I hoped he could use when he was 100% again. This feeling of love towards him was weird but, in a way it was nice. It proved to me that even demons like me can still have feelings even though we easily outlast human lifespans and have seen many events that would break anyone that sees it leaving scars in its wake.

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