Sabotage and Caring

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(disclaimer: Violent descriptions of sever injury and cursing)

Blackhat's P.O.V.
Dementia was with Dr. Flug while I went into my room to vent and let off anger. Those 'heroes' are going to regret messing with me and my employees and they will be coming out with more then just meer scratches. I plan on giving them two times the pain and destruction they have inflicted on my company. I have given them plenty of warnings and yet they still want to interfere so with that I faze through the floor then leave a simple note saying "I'm heading out for a bit" signed Blackhat.

Several minutes later I'm in the Hero's hideout that had imprisoned my doctor about a week earlier and quickly laughed inwardly as I looked around. Have these fakers never heard of security guards? The only security I saw was a simple door lock and a door with their password out in the open. The side their supposedly on isn't supposed to beat people to a inch of their life yet that's exactly what they did to Dr.Flug.

It would be comical how unprepared they were if I didn't know first hand what they were capable of. These particular 'heros' were more evil then most would think. The supposed evil ones they capture get restrained with a belt and kept in place then they commence to beat the shit out of their prisoner. When their done they toss out their prisoner and walk away. These 'heros' beat Dr.Flug despite the fact he never attacked them.

We avoided attacking this lair as we all knew something more sinister existed then even I could pull off every time we happen to walk past. I swear these fuckers attack for the simple fact they could without being reprimanded by the police. Dr.Flug was minding his own business and suddenly all I hear is crashing and silence which alerted me instantly and I went to check on him only to see he was gone and a huge hole was in the wall of the lab.

Several days later after checking every dark alleyway, the dump, basically anywhere he could of been tossed into I find him on the sidewalk during my 2am walk passed out and covered in dried blood, whip marks and a broken arm. His body was shivering in the cold and his bag was removed and ripped into pieces. If it hadn't been for the shivering I would of thought he had died. His body had looked so broken and lifeless on the sidewalk that if it wasn't for my ability to see in the darkness he would of looked like a discarded jacket because his lab coat had sprawled out around him in shreds. During that event I picked him up carefully and only took a quick look over to check just how many injuries he had then teleported back home not bothering to finish my walk.

Back in the present I quickly sabotage several machines and cut their power with the fuze box then burn all their torture items to dust and damaged their punishment room in quick succession and then teleport away and back home before they suspected anything. Back at home I check on Dr.Flug who had managed to put on the new bag I had left him as it was a sort of comfort item to him.

Seeing he was up made me slightly happy but, he seemed to have a concussion as he appeared unfocused and looking at his arm which now had a cast on after I had used magic to put the bone back into place so it could heal effectively. In the background Dementia was comforting 5.0.5. As he was crying in a corner because his creator had yet to acknowledge him despite his efforts. Relizing this I went closer to Dr.Flug to try and see if he even recognized the others which apparently looked intimidating to him as he quickly tried to get up and apologized profusely for lazing around and not working. Seeing him like this made me feel pissed and surprisingly concerned as I tried to calm him down saying "I'm not mad", "calm down" and "you should rest".

The last one seemed to work as he tried calming his breathing and after about five minutes his panic attack calmed down and seemed to tire him as he had passed out shortly after. As I covered him up again I knew right away Dr.Flug would likely never feel normal again and that we were going to have a long path of recovery ahead.

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