009: Deception

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"There are two suits left. Take this one."

You say, handing the dark brown suit over to Mia who discards her torn one. The sun began to dip, and the sky turned a deep shade of purple, one that matched with the rich hue of the soil beneath them.

You gaze up at the sky in awe as Mia ties her hair up into a tight bun.

"Jiyoo.. what if we don't find them?"

She asks, her eyes glued to the floor. You turn to her with furrowed eyebrows, leaning against the window.

"We will find them."

"I mean, what if they are d-"

She purses her lips together, turning away as the word refuses to leave her mouth. You droop your head as your heart clenches at the thought.

"I'd never forgive myself if that happens, but we don't know that yet. So while we have the chance, let's get them back."

You say, placing a hand on her shoulder, caressing it.

"You know I love him, right?" Mia mutters, and you chuckle, shaking your head.

"You made it so obvious. I'm sure he would've picked it up with his big brain."

Mia nibbles on her lower lip as she puts on her helmet. Determination now graced her petite face, and you clap your hands to hype yourselves up before grabbing your weapons.

"Don't stray out of my sight."

You say, slowly stepping out of the safety of your ship before closing the hatch.

The setting sun bathed the land in its purple glow, and shed a whole new spectrum of the area before them. Just as it was in the beginning, an eerie silence flows through the paths of the forest. The trees creak and the wind rustles the leaves that lay on the soft forest bed.

With your large guns held up in front of you, the two of you tread back to the river where Namjoon and Jake were taken. The journey was surprisingly steady and there were no encounters with the mysterious creature.

The torches on your guns lit up the way, and Mia guides her light to where the tracks once were.

"They're gone."

"Fuck. Should we search in the direction they were taken?"

You ask, pointing to the bushes. Mia hesitantly stares ahead before nodding. All of a sudden, a revolting scream echoes through the air, and you startle as Mia turns to you with wide eyes.

"That was Joon. I'd recognize his voice anywhere."

Without waiting for a reply, she begins running into the bushes. You yell, running after her.

"Mia, wait!"

Another higher pitched scream resonates in the forest, and you pick up your pace, recognizing the voice.


You catch up with Mia, who now had tears streaming down her face as she ran.

"Mia, stop. We're running blind!"

She ignores your words, continuing to run ahead of you.

"We're losing our way for Christ's sakes, stop!"

You yell in frustration as she finally slows to a stop, dropping to her knees.

"I c-can't lose h-him, Jiyoo. I can't."

She says between heavy breaths with a wavering voice.

"That doesn't mean you take off into this fucking forest with no direction. Get a grip, Mia!"

You yell, shaking her shoulders as she looks at you with hooded eyes. She leans her helmet against yours, her heavy breaths fogging up the glass. You were now shrouded in darkness, the neon lights on your suits and torches were the only source of light.

You ears perk up when you hear heavy footsteps rushing in your direction, and Mia stands up too.

"Who's there?"

You yell out loud, and the running footsteps continue to get closer and closer until you're suddenly hurled to the ground.

You yelp, and the person above you screams, scrambling off you.


You yell in surprise as he crawls away from you, whines leaving him with a terrified expression on his face.

"J-jake, it's us! Mia and Jiyoo!"

Mia says, crouching down and taking his hand in hers. His heavy breaths slowly die down as he bursts into tears, fogging up his helmet. Your heart sinks into your stomach as you wrap your arms around him, pulling him into a tight embrace.

"Thank god you're alive. You're safe now, Jake."

You mutter, as Mia still stands a little away from the two of you.

"Where's Joon?"

She asks, crouching down and staring at Jake with trembling eyes.

Jake sniffles, shaking his head.

"They t-took him. I managed t-to escape before they c-could catch me."

Your eyes travel his suit, perfectly untouched.

"Where?" Mia asks, pulling him up to stand.

"There's a whole fucking city in this place. I'll guide you there."

He says, walking ahead of the two of you, his tears now gone.

"What were they?" You ask.

"Uh... they were h-hideous creatures. But one of them seemed to have power over the others, ordering them about. He was quite handsome."

You scrunch your nose at the unusual remark, glancing at Mia.

Jake hates complementing people. Especially people he doesn't like.

Mia stares back at you with the same confused expression as the three of you continue trekking your way through the forest. The bushes beside you begin to rustle, and scurrying steps reach your ears.

You shine your torch immediately onto it, holding your gun steady as Mia does the same. A small, slithering creature around the size of your hand crawls out from the bush and you lower your gun.

"Cute." Mia mumbles, and Jake steps forward to look at it. All of a sudden, the creature lets out a painful cry as it cowers, crawling away from the three of you until it disappears into another bush.

"What was that about?" You ask with gaping eyes, staring at Jake. He shrugs his shoulders, walking ahead of the two of you. Mia nudges you, gesturing at Jake with her head and then shrugging her shoulders, so as to say 'what's up with him?'

You shrug your shoulders too, shaking your head as your eyes linger on his straight form walking through the forest.

Why does he seem... different? From the way he talks to the way he walks, it's all just so... different.

You shake the thoughts out of your head.

I'm thinking too much into this. Jake's alive and safe here. What more could you want, Jiyoo?

The forest suddenly opens out into an open land, a towering neon city on display suddenly before you.

You gawk up in awe at the numerous colored lights that rose into the sky, The neon lights resembling ever exploding fireworks in the cold, deep black of night.

"Oh my god." Was all you managed to say before you tap the side of your helmet twice and it captures a panoramic image of the view before you, travelling straight to the chip in your neck where all the information regarding this mission was stored.

All of a sudden, large hands are laid upon you, forcefully bringing your hands behind your back. You grunt, trying to pull yourself away from it but it's force was beyond those of a normal person.

You look over to Mia to see her in the same situation, with different shaped creatures around her. You press manage to close your fingers to press a button on your palm. Knives jut out of your suit on your elbow, and with a groan, you plunge your elbow into the body of the creature behind you.

A revolting shriek echoes from it and you make your escape. Your victory is short lived as a hand grabs your hold of yours and Jake appears in front of you, his index finger moving from side to side.

"Tch, tch. That won't be necessary."

Your heart jumps into your throat when you hear his voice. It seemed as though there were two tones resonating out of him. One was his own, and an underlying higher voice came along with it.

You stare terrified into his now silver-ringed eyes.

"J-jake? This isn't you-"

You suddenly felt a piercing pain surge through your body, pushing you down, feeling like your bones were being crushed from the inside out. You scream out in pain as you're brought to your knees and Jake towers over you with a sadistic grin as multiple thoughts flash into your mind.

"Shape-shifting creatures..."

"...Almost human-like."

This isn't Jake, it never was ever since he showed up in the forest.

His silver eyes glowed, piercing through yours before he parts his lips to speak, his morphed voice flowing with the pain that racked your body.

"So gullible."

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