Awhile: Cesar

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Spoilers: No

Warnings: Foul language

Siblings: No

Prompt: "I've liked you for a while now" 

    "Come on, (y/n), you've got to tell him!" Ruby groans "If you don't, another girl will snatch him up" 

   You and ruby were sitting on the couch talking, you've grown quite close over the summer. You were the first to know about him liking Olivia, and he was the first one you could even think of telling about you liking Cesar.

    "I won't tell him. Unless-" You start but get cut off by someone entering the room.

"Tell who what?" Olivia asks plopping herself down between you two.

    "Um.. Uh" you stutter "Nothing.. Anyway! Ruby! How's Olivia's Quince going?"  You laugh nervously and give him a pleading look. Olivia couldn't know, you were pretty sure she and Cesar had a thing. You weren't sure, though. It broke your heart, and it broke you even more to think about how Ruby would feel. 

    "Not great.. The juggler canceled on us.. I'll have to find another performer.." He sighs leaning back into the couch. "But don't worry, Princessa, It'll be okay." You smiled at that, he really cared for her. Olivia nodded and turned to me, smiling. 

    "I think you should tell him how you feel." Olivia said, her smile changing into a smirk. 

    "Wait.. wait what? How did you know? I mean- What are you talking about?" You fumbled over your words. You noticed Ruby stifle a laugh in the background. Wait. Oh shit.

"(N/n), Tell him" She smiled placing a hand on your knee. "I overheard you, by the way." She laughs and pulls her hand away. You nodded and took a deep breath. 

"Okay.. yeah okay I'll tell him." You smile nervously, how would you tell him? You didn't wanna be the girl who broke up a relationship. You shook the thought out of your head and decided you would. You took a deep breath and stood up "I'm going to go do it. Right now."

       You grabbed your phone from off the table and began to walk out the door.  

    "Good luck!" Olivia called, smiling. Ruby nods in agreement before going to talk Olivia. 

You began making your way to his house, trying to figure out what to say. How would you tell him? Would he hate you? You almost backed out and went to Monse's house, but you wouldn't give up that easily. You arrived at his house, walking up the stairs you took a deep breath and shakily knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal Oscar.

"Yeah?" He asked crossing his arms 

"HI! Um I'm actually here to see Cesar.. yeah uh that guy.." You stumbled out, giggling nervously. 

"Yeah. Sure, Come in" He moved to the side so you could enter. "He's in his room" You nodded and began walking towards his room. Once you made it you knocked on the door before entering. 

"Cesar! Hi! I wanted to tell you something.." you said, fumbling with your hands. He stopped what he was doing and looked up.

"(N/n), hey! What is it?" He asks, smiling brightly at you.

"So uh.. I guess I should just say it, right?" you laugh nervously, he nods standing up. "Cesar, I've liked you for a while now.." you whisper. Avoiding his eyes you begin to regret your decision of telling him. Before you could turn to leave you feel his hand on your cheek. He lifts your face to look up at him. Leaning in, to where his lips were barely touching yours, he whispers,

"I like you, too." Before closing the gap between you, you were shocked at first, before you slowly started kissing back. It was slow and sweet, perfect to you. You wish this moment could last forever, but all good things come to an end. You both pulled apart for air, leaning your forehead against his you smile and stare into his eyes. 

"That.. was" He started breathless

"Perfect" You finished, " does this mean we're like.. together?"

Cesar nods "Yeah, if it's okay with you." 

"Yeah, it is" You grin, leaning up to kiss him again.

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