Confessions ~Ruby Martinez~

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"Here, I brought you ice cream" You said, smiling softly at your best friend. 

"Oh, thank you" Ruby smiled kindly up at you as you sat on the hot sidewalk beside him. You looked over at him, the sun shining on him, making him more attractive if that was possible. He had a grin on his face that could light up the darkest of rooms. His eyes were shining like the finest of the diamonds. He looked so pretty.  You hadn't even noticed you had been staring at him until he turned to look at you. "(Y/n)?" 

"Huh?" You hummed, his voice snapping you back into reality. 

"What are you staring at? Is there something on my face?" He asked, confusion lacing his tone.

"No, nothing. I'm just admiring" You said, not meaning to say the last part aloud. "Uh, I mean.. yeah, admiring.. the view.." 

"The view, huh?" He rose a brow, licking a side of his ice cream. 

"Yes. The view." You nodded, not taking your eyes off of him. The bright summer sun caused him to have a slight tan, and his eyes were bright and had a certain sparkle to them that you couldn't quite place. 

You smiled nervously, your heart rate increasing exponentially. The truth is, you're in love with him. Completely and utterly in love with him. You wanted to tell him, you did, but you didn't want things to change. You had decided today would be the day you would tell him. 

The two of you sat in a comfortable silence for a while, enjoying each other's company. The ice cream had long been finished, and the sun was setting over the two of you. You had decided that now was the time to tell him. You inhaled and looked towards him.

"H-hey, Ruby" You started off and nervously played with the strings of your sneakers.

"Yeah?" He looked away from the sky to you.

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you" You explained, looking at him, and almost immediately becoming at a loss for words.

Golden hour looked good on him.

"Well, the thing is, before I start.. it's okay if you don't feel the same way, or if you don't wanna talk to me anymore, or feel awkward, or-"

"Hey, there's nothing you can tell me that will cause me to stop talking to you." He placed a hand on your knee, a comforting smile on his face.

"Okay, well. Here it goes.. Ruby, I'm in love with you," You explained bluntly. "Completely and utterly in love with you. I have been for a while now. You're just so perfect and shit and.. I just had to tell you"

"You love me?" He asked, shock evident in his tone. 

"I do, yeah." You nodded, avoiding eye contact. You felt a cold hand on your cheek pull your head to look at him. "

You only had a second until you felt lips on yours. Your eyes widened, until you registered what was happening.

Your eyes fluttered shut as you began to kiss back. You moved your hands to wrap around his neck as his soft lips molded against yours.

You only pulled away from air, catching your breath you turned to look at him.

"I love you, too" He said simply, a smile on his face. 

"You do?" You asked, as your fingers lifted up to brush your lips lightly. 

"I do, yeah."

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