Drunk ~Ruby Martinez~

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Warnings: None

A/n: Aged up to 21

Requested: Yes, but I don't remember who. I'm so sorry! I looked through everything a few times but I couldn't find you! Prompt number 6: "You called me, remember?"

You were drunk and heartbroken. Your boyfriend, well, now ex-boyfriend, had just broken up with you. You had been together for four years. You were devastated, so you decided to go to the nearest bar to try to forget.

You couldn't remember how much you drank, you just knew you couldn't take a single step without falling or almost falling. You stumbled into the bathroom and tried to pull out your phone. 

You dialed the top contact, Ruby's.  You pressed call and heard it ring a few times before someone answered.

"Hello?" Came his groggy response on the other end "(Y/n)? Do you have any idea what time it is?" 

"Ye-yes! Wait, no.. yeah, no I don't" You giggled into the phone as you leaned on the wall of the bathroom.

"It's four in the morning. Where are you?" He asked, you heard rustling on the other end, signaling he was getting out of bed. 

"Uh, I'm at the b-bar" You hiccuped, looking around the room.

"The bar? (Y/n)! Why are you at the bar?" He asked, worry lacing his tone. 

"'Cause Luke dumped me" You giggled "In an asshole way. C-can you come.. uh come get me?"

"He what?" He shouted, you looked around the room, gasping when someone walked in. 

"Oh my gosh! I love your dress!" You shouted, dropping your phone, and giggling as you ran toward her. She gasped and proceeded to gush over your hair. 

"Your makeup is so fuckin' good! Did you do it?" You asked as you examined her face.

"I did! I'm a makeup artist! Well, trying to be, anyway.." She explained "But have you seen yourself? I didn't mean to intrude but I heard about some asshole who broke up with you?"

"Yeah, L-Luke" You stuttered, leaning on the sink for support. 

"Honey, he must not like girls if he left someone as smokin' as you" 

"Really? You think I'm hot?" You said, tears welling up in your eyes.

"Duh! Hotter than hot!" She laughed, nodding her head. "Like look at you! You got a beautiful face and a hot bod!"

"Aw, thank you! You're so nice!" You wiped a tear off your face "And so hot, too" 

"My name's Tara!" 

"(Y/n)!" You smiled, extending your hand to shake hers. Suddenly, the door burst open.

"(Y/n)?" Ruby called, a hand shielding his eyes. 

"Ruby?" You asked, dropping the girls hand as you stumbled over to him. "What're you d-doing here?" 

"You called me, remember?"

"What?" You asked, a confused look crossing your face. 

"You called me earlier, just a few minutes ago. You wanted me to come get you."

"Oh, yeah! I remember!" You nodded, putting your hands on his shoulders. "I wanna go home."

Ruby nodded and wrapped his arms around her shoulders 

"Hey! (Y/n), do you know this man?" Tara asked, gripping onto your hand, glaring at Ruby.

"Yeah, he's my best f-friend" You explained, with a hiccup at the end of your sentence. 

"Oh, okay, just makin' sure" Ruby gave her a grateful smile as he helped you out of the bathroom and into the crowded bar. "Come on, just a little further." He coaxed, as he pulled you into the chilly winter air. 

"I'm sleepy" You yawned, starting to slow your movements down until he was practically dragging you along the sidewalk. He sighed and stopped. He let his arm slip from your shoulder as he leaned down to pick you up bridal style. 

He struggled to open the door of his car as he placed you in the passenger seat. He shut the door and walked over to the driver side of the car. He jammed the car keys into the ignition and turned the car on.

He pulled out of the parking lot as he took a glance over to you. You had your head leaning against the window.

"Are you okay?" He asked gently, his eyes focused on the dark road ahead of him. "Do you want me to take you to the apartment?" 

"No. He's there, it was his apartment, anyway." You scoffed rolling your eyes. You turned your head to look at him, you felt a pang of guilt when you saw him. He had messy hair and a sleep shirt on. "I'm sorry for waking you up."

"Don't be, love, I'd rather it be me than you know who" He explained, stopping at a red light.

"You can stay at mine for a few, and then maybe we'll talk to Monse about living with her. Does that sound good?" You nodded sleepily as your head rolled back to lean on the window. 


You yawned and sat up, immediately regretting it. Your head was pounding. Eventually, after your eyes adjusted to the light, you looked onto the familiar bedside table. You grabbed the advil and water, quickly taking them you downed the glass of water. You picked up the note and read over it.

"Take these for the massive headache you have" You mumbled aloud. You quickly climbed out of bed, thankful you were wearing clothes. Your feet carried you to the kitchen as you smelled something heavenly. 

"Ruby? What am I doing here?" You asked, as you leaned onto the counter top. 

"You called me late last night" He explained, flipping a pancake.

"Oh" You nodded "We didn't, uh, you know.." 

"No, we didn't" You let out a sigh of relief, smiling gratefully as he placed the plat of pancakes in front of you. 

"What happened last night?" You asked through a mouth full of pancakes. 

"You got insanely drunk" He stated bluntly, turning back around to make himself pancakes. 

"Well, yeah, but after"

"You called me, I took you here, and you fell asleep. I took the couch" 

"Thank you" You smiled gratefully at him once again. 

"Anything for you"

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