Empty ~Olivia~

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Empty. All you felt was emptiness. You weren't sad, angry, and you definitely were not happy. You hadn't cried, you haven't spoken a word, you've barely mover since it happened.

You felt numb. You felt empty inside. Your best friend and the girl you loved, the person you treasured most, was violently ripped away from you three weeks ago.

The two of you were dancing when it happened. You and Ruby survived.. she didn't.

You haven't eaten, showered, or even moved in a week. You only laid in your bed, staring at the ceiling. You missed her.

Your heart ached for her everytime her name was mentioned. Your mind put you in a constant state of torture everytime you closed your eyes. All you saw was her taking her last breaths as you cried and screamed out for her.

Your mind replayed memories of the two of you on repeat, it's all you could think about. Nothing else mattered to you anymore. She is the only thing that matters.

She was the only thing that truly mattered to you. But she wasn't here anymore, and you were a wreck.

Your soul ached everytime your eyes closed. You saw her. You saw her smiling, you saw her crying, you saw her yelling at the boys, you saw her laughing.

You saw her dying. Your soul ached. You felt as if you had lost a part of yourself, and you did. You lost the love of your life. Your soulmate. You lost the person you loved most.

Monse, Jamal, Cesar, Ruby, and even Oscar were worried about you. They'd  try to call you with no answer. Your phone had died long ago, and you never bothered to charge it.

People would come to check up on you, try to talk to you. But you'd never say a word back. The only response any of them would receive was a blank stare back at them.

Your once bright and shining e/c eyes had lost their shine, they were no longer bright and full of life. They were dull.

Your once beautiful s/t had paled, it looked as if you were sick. You had only slept a few hours this week, causing bags to form under your eyes.

Your cheeks and eyes were sunken, your body was week. You didn't care anymore, you had locked the door of your room so your parents couldn't get in.

Finally, Monse and Cesar broke the door down. They pulled you out of your bed, Monse forced you to shower while Cesar managed to cook breakfast without burning down your house.

The two stared at you in silence after they forced you to eat.

"Olivia wouldn't wan-" Cesar started, a frown present on his face.

"Don't," you whispered weakly. Your voice was raspy and hoarse from not being used for so long. "Please, don't."

Cesar nodded as you finished your food in silence. The couple's stare lingered on you as you swallowed your last bite.

Cesar's heart hurt as he stared at you, you looked so broken. Like the shell of a once amazing person. You looked so broken. So empty.

He felt guilty. If he had just done what Oscar told him, you would be happy and Olivia would still be alive.

Your e/c eyes stared blankly at the pair as you stood to go back to your room, your heart and soul still feeling the dull ache you were sure would never leave.

You felt empty.

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