Fake ~Ruby~ Pt 4

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Warnings: mentions of a shooting. I'll add a thing where it starts and where it ends.
Spoilers: for episode 10. Don't read authors note if you haven't seen it
Requested: yes. -disneyfreak-
Prompt: 20. "Just pretend to be my girlfriend, please?"
A/n: in this you get shot instead of Ruby

"Ruby! S-stop!" You giggled, he was tickling you, again. "C-come on we have to.. to go to her quince" He smiled and nodded as you got up to catch your breath. You walked over to the mirror and fixed your hair. Ruby wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on your shoulder.

"You look stunning, lo- Y/n" you smiled and turned to face him

"Thank you, Ruby. You don't look too bad yourself. Now let's get going" you smiled and took his arm.

You were dancing with Ruby, at Olivia's quince. Everything was going amazingly. Until he showed up.

Gunshots rang throughout the backyard. You heard screaming, then you felt unbearable pain. You felt your body hit the ground as you stared up into the sky, feeling hot tears running down your face.

"Y-y/n? Y/n!" Ruby shouted, dropping to his knees infront of you. He pulled your head onto his lap. You looked up at him, slowly. "Stay with me, love, stay with me"

"It-it hurts s-so bad, Ruby" you choked out "please make it stop, please"

"J-just don't.. don't go to sleep, okay?" You nodded slightly, but your eyes got heavy. They finally closed as you heard the sirens in the distance.

~~~~~~~WARNING OVER~~~~~~

Ruby's P.O.V

"No! Y/n, wake up! Please wake up!" I cried. Why did this have to happen? It wasn't fair. I watched as my tears slipped off my face and onto her forehead. I looked up at Monse, who was applying pressure to her gunshot. The paramedics and police stormed in. Taking Olivia and Y/n" I followed them and tried to get in.

"Family only, sir" he gave me a sympathetic look and shut the door. I ran my hands through my hair.

"Come, come, get in the car" abuela said, rushing to get her keys. Monse, Cesar, and I all rushed to the car. Getting in as she sped off towards the hospital.


I sat in the waiting room, the constant tic of the clock the only thing filling the room with sound. I stared down at my blood stained clothes, silent tears falling down my face and onto my hands. Each minute that passed felt like an eternity.

"Y/n Y/l/n?" A doctor asked walking into the room. I shot up and ran over to him.

"Yes? That's me! I mean us.. is she okay?"

"She lost a lot of blood, and was in shock.. she's asleep right now. There is no telling when she'll wake up.. you can see her If you'd like. She's in room 602" she smiles sympathetically and turns to walk off. Cesar, Monse, and I all take off running towards her room. When the elevator stopped we made our way towards her room.

When we arrived at her room and stepped in, it was a sight that almost made me break down.

Y/n laid there, eyes closed and hooked up to many different machines with purposes that I'm not sure on. Even in this broken and vulnerable state she still looked perfect.

I walked over and sat next to her. Grabbing her hand and sighing I began to draw circles on her hand slowly.

"Please wake up, love, I-I can't do it without you.." my voice cracked.

"The.. the doctor said to keep it positive.. gives her a higher chance of waking up.." Monse said quietly. I nodded and started telling her things we would do when she wakes up.

~~~~three days later~~~~~

"And prom? Remember.. you're going to look amazing in your f/c dress" I smiled slightly. I closed my eyes and leaned back

"Don't forget about the tie" she croaked out. My eyes snapped open and I shot forward.

"You're awake!" I exclaimed, a large smile on my face.

"Of course I am, couldn't let you go through highschool without me, now could I?" Her voice was still hoarse, but it was music to my ears.

"I- just.. I'm so glad your awake" I smiled and traced circles on her hand again. "When..when I almost lost you.. I just couldn't bear the thought of losing you"

"Ruby-" she started

"Please.. let me finish?" She nodded "and that's when I realized that this relationship.. somewhere along the like it stopped being fake.. and it became real to me" she smiled and leaned forward, planting a soft kiss on my lips.

"It was always real to me"

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