It's you? ~Jasmine~

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A/n: I'm really sorry if this is terrible, i haven't had a pretty crappy day.
Requested by: norminahcaptain
Prompts: None

Soulmates. You found the concept of soulmates very interesting. The idea that there was someone out there for you. Someone who would love you no matter what. Some people would hear their soulmates first words, which unfortunately, also happened to be their last.

Each person had their soulmates first words imprinted permanently on their arm in their soulmate's favorite color. When you got close the words would start to glow.

You had the words "It's you? It's you. Damn." The colors would change, at the moment it was a pinky purple color, almost magenta, but not quite.

You couldn't wait to meet yours, but you never actively searched for them. You believed in destiny and that whoever they were, you would find each other when the time was right.

You waved goodbye to your mom and shut the door behind you. You walked down the steps of your house and off to the park nearby. You stared at your arm absentmindedly as you turned the corner.

You hummed softly to yourself as the heat of the summertime sun burned down on your shoulders and neck. You kicked a few rocks as you entered the park and started towards your usual bench.

You waved to some of the children you babysit and finished your walk to the bench, stopping when you saw a girl sitting there. You were too preoccupied to notice the words that had started to glow.

She looked.. sad or frustrated. You frowned as you walked over at sat next to her slowly.

"Hey," You started gently, your tone laced with concern. "You look like you're questioning everything. What's up?"

Her head moved to stare at her arm before it snapped to you, her eyes widening.

"It's you? It's you." She paused to look you up and down, "damn."

Your heart stopped as pure joy flooded your body. A large grin spread across your face as a pink blush dusted your cheeks.

"Holy shit, you? My soulmate?" Your e/c eyes widening as your jaw dropped. "Wow.."

"Not what you were expecting?" Her smile faltered,  but she quickly recovered it.

"Huh? Oh, no, no. I just wasn't expecting to find you today." You placed your hand on her shoulder comfortingly.

"Neither was I.."

"What's your name, beautiful?"

"It's Jasmine.."

"Y/n, Y/n Y/l/n." You giggled with a wink. "Coffee?"

"Coffee." She agreed, smiling.

The two of you became best friends extremely fast as you agreed you wanted to take the getting together part slowly.

It took only six months for you to give in. You had your first date at the same park you met at. That also happened to be where the two of you got engaged four years later.

You thanked destiny each day you woke to see her sleeping face next to yours. You smiled lovingly at her as you moved to gently push some hair out of your face.

"I love you.." You whispered, e/c eyes shining.

"I love you, too."

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