Jealousy and Fights ~Jamal~ PT1

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Warnings: None
"Are you crazy?" You huffed, rolling your eyes.

"Y/n! Just one date! Please? To get her off my back! Please?" He pleaded, clasping his hands together and getting on his knees.

"I'm with Jamal, you know how worried he gets about you trying to steal me from him" you softly smiled at him as you put your hand on his bicep and pulled him up, your hand lingering a tad bit longer than it should have. You had to admit it.

Alex is hot.

"I know.. it's fine, y/n/n, I'll find another girl.. do you think Monse or Olivia will help?" He asked, pulling you back to reality. You clear your throat and pull away your hand.

"I- No, if you need me.. I'll tell Jamal about it" you mumbled, almost inaudible. His lips turn up into a smile, showing off his pearly white teeth.

Damn. You thought. That smile of his, so pretty and perfect.

No. Stop it. You're with Jamal. You love him, not Alex.

"Really?" His stormy grey eyes sparkled as he grabbed your hands.

"Y-yeah, yes, of course" you nodded breaking your gaze away from his and pulling your hands back and placing them at your sides. "I'll see you at school, bye, Alex"


"This is a really bad idea" Monse shook her head "like stupid bad"

Olivia nodded "yeah! You used to be like in love with him, right?"

"I mean- yeah.. no! Okay, in like.. eighth and tenth grade.. then I met you guys and I'm with Jamal now" you argued sitting up deom her bed

"You hesitated" Olivia said knowingly.

"I did nothing of the sort!" You defended, throwing your hands up.

"You did." Monse said looking up from her phone.

"What do I do? I already agreed! How do I tell Jamal?"

"Tell me what now?"

"Nothing!" You shouted, standing up quickly.

"Uh.. okay.." he gave you a weird look before slowly walking out.

"Well that could have been a disaster"

"It is, Olivia, it already is a disaster" Monse said getting off the bed "well it's late, I'm gonna head home."

"M'kay. Later, gater" you said before looking back down at your phone.

"Agreeing was a mistake." Olivia said, pulling your phone out of your hands.

"Yeah, I know! But he did that look he does! With the puppy dog eyes! I can't say no to it!" You huffed "that boy has me wrapped around his finger"

"Well, unwrap yourself! It isn't fair to Jamal, and you know it."

"I know, I know! But how am I supposed to tell him?"

"I don't know. You need to figure it out."

"I will, but it's not like I can just be like 'hey! Remember Alex? Yeah my best friend? The one I was in love with for like three years? Well I agreed to be his pretend girlfriend' now can I?" Olivia's eyes had widened and her jaw dropped.

"You did what?" You heard him snap from behind you.

Oh no. Oh no.

  "Oh! H-Hi Jamal! Baby, hi, I didn't do anything!"

"I didn't do anything? What do you mean you didn't do anything? You can't just do that!" He said angrily.

"And why not? I'm my own person! You don't control me!" You snapped back, you knew you were in the wrong, but you didn't want to believe that.

  "Yeah! I know! But you're my girlfriend! And now you're gonna have to act all couple-y with him! You were in love with him! He could make you fall again!"

  "So what if he does?" You shouted back, immediately regretting it. "W-wait, shit, I didn't mean that!"

  He scoffed and shook his head, before walking out the door, mumbling something about bitches being bonkers.

"You messed up" Olivia said from her bed

  "Yeah, I realize that, captin obvious"

"You gotta fix it" she said shrugging "I'm going to Cesar's"

  "Wait! How do I fix it?"

  "I don't know, not my problem" she smiled sarcastically and shut the door.

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