Memories ~Monse~

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Spoilers: None
Warnings: none
Requested: No
A/n: Idk if I chose the right person for this but ya know. Here we go I guess? Also you guys are around 20-21 in this

Your P.O.V.

   You sighed, taking a sip of your hot chocolate. You were waiting for your girl- ex-girlfriend, Monse. You were waiting for her to bring all of the stuff you had forgotten at her apartment after moving out.

  You frowned and looked around at the people in the small cafe. A table just across from you sat a young woman and a man sat at the table. Laughing and smiling they leaned forward and kissed. That used to be us. You looked away as the sinking feeling in your chest made its way from your heart all throughout your body. You looked near the back of the cafe and noticed a young man sitting alone. He was pale and had chocolate colored hair. You couldn't see what color his eyes were behind his glasses. He had a plaid shirt on with black jeans.

   You looked away from him and towards the door as you heard the small bell chime.

  There she was. She looks as beautiful as she always does. Her hair was up in a bun and she held a cardboard box in her hands labeled with name. She looked around before her eyes landed on you.

   Smiling sadly, she made her way over to you. Placing the box on the table she sat down.

  "Hey.." she whispered "how are you?"

  "Hi.. I'm.. I'm okay" you shrugged.

  "I brought your things" she pushed the box closer to you. You nodded solemnly and took it.

  "Thanks, ba- Monse.." you stood up and picked the box and your drink up.

   "I'll see you around, I guess? Goodbye, Monse" she nodded and waved, as you walked out the door you looked back through the window. Only now noticing she had gotten up and sat infront of the guy in the back.

  You tore your eyes away from the window and started making your way home.


   You sat on the couch, placing your mug of hot chocolate next to the box. Taking a deep breath you opened the box.

The first thing you pulled out was a small teddy bear. It was a light tan color with a small pink bow wrapped around its neck. It's one of the things you had gotten for her on your two year anniversary.. The day she asked you to move in. It's funny how things that are going so well can go so wrong so very fast.

  You smiled and walked into the elevator. Looking down at the bear, flowers, chocolate, and a small pair of earrings you noticed her eyeing at the mall. You hoped it was enough. You walked out of the elevator when it stopped. You walked down the halls until you found apartment 673. When you found it you opened the door and walked in.

  "I'm here, baby! Happy two years!" You smiled and walked into the kitchen, placing the gifts on the breakfast bar. You walked in and wrapped your arms around her.
    "Hi, beautiful" she smiled and turned around, planting a kiss on your lips. "Happy two years"  She smiled and looked towards the counter.

  "What's this? Y/n, this is wonderful" You smiled as she opened the earrings. Hearing her gasp and turn around she threw her arms around you. You smiled and returned her hug.

  "I saw you looking at them so.. I figured 'hey why not?' Right?"

  "But, all I did was make you your spaghett.." she frowned. "Wait! The spaghett!" She cursed and ran towards the stove.

"It's okay, baby" you smiled and walked over to her, lifting yourself onto the counter you stirred the sauce.

  "So.. I have one more question for you" she flipped the garlic bread.

  "Shoot." You plucked a piece of bread from her hand and took a bite.

  "Do you wanna move in?"

You choked.

   "What? Y-yea! Yes!" You grinned and hopped down from the counter and pulled her in for a kiss.

You smiled softly and sadly, putting the bear aside you reached into the box again. Picking up a necklace you wiped away a tear. This necklace was the one you wore to a wedding

  "You look absolutely stunning today " Monse smiled, leaning against the door. You had a long black dress on.

  "Thank you, baby" you smiled and looked at her through the mirror. You were going to Ruby and Olivia's wedding.

  "I have something for you" she smiled and walked over pulling out a beautiful diamond necklace.

  "I- Monse.. it's amazing. Thank you" she smiled and turned your body towards the mirror. She placed the necklace around your neck and clasped it.

You looked in the box and picked out a couple picture frames. Your trip to Tahiti, the Colorado mountains, and your first Chirstmas.

  "Merry Christmas!" You sang throwing the door open

"Merry Christmas!" Monse smiled and hugged you, around the gifts. As she pulled away she lifted something above her head. Looking up you noticed it was mistelto. You rolled your eyes and smiled, leaning forward you placed a soft kiss on her lips.

"I love you, baby" you smiled into the kiss

"I love you more" you giggled.

   You spent the day baking cookies and dancing to Christmas, watching Christmas movies, and a lot of cuddles and kisses.

   You looked at the rest of the pictures. The couples Halloween costume you did, the first time you baked together. Boy, was that a time.. you guys ended up covered in the ingredients and instead of actually getting your cookies you showered together and postmated cookies after cleaning up.

   The final picture you looked at was the first date. You had gone to the beach and had a picnic.

  "Monse! Hey are you ready?"  You called and walked into her apartment.

"Yeah! I'm coming hold on!"  She jogged in.

"You're gonna be doing that tonight too!" You joked "sorry" you giggled at her flushed face.

  "Let's just..go" she mumbled and walked out the door. You followed her out after locking her apartment.

"So what's the plan?" She questions turning her head towards you.

"We're going to the beach to have a picnic."

"Really? T-that's cool."  You grabbed  her hand and intertwined her hand. Swinging them back and forth.
  You could tell this was the start of something beautiful.

   You wipe away the tears and put the stuff aside. You didn't know something so beautiful such as love could hurt you so badly.

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