Oh, Baby ~Cesar Diaz~

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A/n: Aged up to mid to late 20s. Also I might start a Peter Parker imagine book. Thoughts?


You felt a large grin spread across your face as you stared down at the small pink stick. It held two lines, meaning positive.

"I'm pregnant," You mumbled, not taking your eyes off the stick "I'm actually pregnant!"

Your smile soon faded as nerves replaced your joy.

What if he's mad?

What if he isn't ready?

What if he leaves me?

What if-

"(Y/n)! Baby, I'm home!" You heard your fiancé shout before a door slammed shut. Your eyes widened as you quickly tried to hide all evidence of the test you held in your hand.

You heard the footsteps approach the bathroom door as you threw the test in the trash, reminding yourself to hide it better later.

You wanted to tell him, you did, but you aren't sure how, or when.

The door opened just as you stood to wash your hands.

"Oh! Hey, honey! Didn't here you come in." You smiled nervously, drying your hands off and pulling him in for a hug.

"Really? 'cause I shouted that I was home"

"Right. Yeah, I knew that."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, great actually!"

He stared at you for a moment, a skeptical expression crossing his face. He eventually gave in and nodded.

"Okay, well, I'm hungry. Chinese or Mexican?" He asked as he left the room.

"Mexican! I want chips and salsa!"


You climbed into bed with a yawn. You started to get ready as you waited for your soon to be husband to make his appearance. Your eyes closed, and you were nearly asleep when you heard your name called.

"(Y/n)? What's this?" Your eyes popped open as your heart sped up at the question that reminded you of the test.

Oh shit. You thought. I forgot to hide the test.

"Uh, that's a pregnancy test." You explained, sitting up and staring at him. He held the small pink test in his hand as he stared you, brows furrowed.

"Is it your pregnancy test?" He pressed, taking steps until his shins touched the end of the bed.

"I- uh, yeah. Yeah it is"

"Why didn't you tell me? How long have you known?"

"Just today.. and I was gonna tell you! I just.."

"You just what?"

"I was scared! I still am! Okay?"

"Scared of what?" By now, you had stood on the bed, a glare was now present on your face.

"You leaving me!"

"Are you serious?"


"I wouldn't leave you over this, baby. Or at all. I love you so damn much"



"Good!" Your glare softened as your legs bending so you could sit on the bed.

"So, it's really true? There's really a little (Y/n) or Cesar in there?"

You nodded a smile spreading across both of your faces.

"That's amazing! We're gonna be parents! I'm gonna be a daddy!" He jumped forward, pushing you onto the bed as he hovered over you.

"You already are" He rolled his eyes and leaned his head down to kiss you softly.

"I love you"

"I love you, too"

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