The Bus ~Ruby~

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Warnings: None
A/n: Takes place during ep 7-8

  "Ruby's in love with Olivia!" Monse shouted, pointing at him.

  "Y-yeah, well.. (Y/n's) in love with Ruby!" Cesar shouted, covering his mouth quickly. You gasped, standing up.

  "Cesar! What the hell?" You shouted pointing at him "you can't just throw me under the bus like that!" You grabbed your jacket and stomped towards the door.

  "Wait, wait, wait, where are you going?" Jamal questioned as you threw open the door.

  "Home!" You slammed it shut and started making your way to your house. You were beyond upset, you had trusted him, and only him with that.

  You knew you shouldn't have told anyone, kept it to yourself. You couldn't get hurt if no one knew. That's what your mom always told you.

  You didn't even know you were crying until you wiped a stray tear off your face.

  Why were you crying? Was it because now you had to face rejection? Because your trust was betrayed? Because no one followed you? Or because Olivia and Ruby would both hate you now? You weren't sure but you just wanted to curl up in your bed and watch Netflix.

  You sighed as you crossed the street to your home.

  "(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Wait!" You turned around and glared at Cesar as he stopped in front of you.

  "What? What do you want?" You snapped putting your hands on your hips.

  "I'm sorry.. I don't know why I said that.." He looked down sadly.

  "I trusted you with that! You knew I didn't want anyone to know! Especially him!" You said, quite loudly, as you turned around to go into your house. Shutting your door you made your way up into your room.

   You flopped on to your bed and reached for your phone in your hoodie pocket. Turning it on you noticed texts from everyone. Some from Jamal, being proud of himself and apologizing for what Cesar said. A few from Monse, asking why you didn't tell her. There were none from Olivia and two from Ruby that you didn't want to look at.

You shut off your phone and laid it beside you. Hearing a knocking on your window, you turned over to see who it was.

  Upon seeing it was Ruby you sighed and rolled off the bed. Standing, you walked over to the window and opened it.

  "C-Can I help you?" You asked, trying to act normal and cursing yourself for stuttering.

  "Is it true?" He leaned on the window sill and looked up at you.

  "Is uh- is what true?" You nervously tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and pulled the hoodie sleeves over your hands.

  "What Cesar said. Is it true?" He asked again, entering your room as you backed away and motioned for him to.

  You stayed silent as you thought. You nervously big your nails as you turned around and faced your mirror.

  "Hey, It's okay, don't be embarrassed"

  "W-why would I be embarrassed?" You turned to look at him "I mean.. it's.. it's not true.."

  His face fell and his arms dropped. "It's not?"

  "I mean.. is. But it doesn't matter, anyway, you like Olivia." You sat down on the bed and gripped the teddy bear you had.

  "What if I like you? Does that change your answer?" He sat down beside you and gently took the bear away from you.

  "You're just saying that! Because, and I quote, 'I'm only into girls who are into me' you just 'like me' because I like you!"

  "That's not true" he took your hands in his. "I like you, I always have. Olivia was just a distraction.. from my true feelings"

  "R-really?" You asked looking toward him. He nodded and a grin broke out onto your face.

  "Can I kiss you?" You asked leaning forward.

  "You don't have to ask" he replied, placing his hands on your cheeks.

  "It's polite, and consent is important" you whispered as he pressed his lips against yours. It felt like fireworks and that you were the only two people in the world.

You pulled apart shortly after for air.

"Wow" you whispered "best kiss I've ever had"

  "Isn't it the only kiss?" He asked playing with a piece of your hair.

"Nope. It was Jamal, last year"


"You dared me to, remember?"

  "Oh. Right. I knew that" you giggled softly and pressed your lips against his again.

  You're going to have to thank Cesar for this. You thought as you leaned your forehead agaisnt his.

  "Then I guess we're boyfriend and girlfriend" you smiled brightly at him

  "One condition" your smile fell as nervousness made its way through your body.


  "I get to be the boyfriend" he smiled teasingly.

  "Ruby! I got nervous!"

  He laughed and kissed you softly again. "You're cute when you're nervous"



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