Chapter 4 Day Out

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(Summers) Sabine's p.o.v

"Okay Sabine how did yesterday's challenge go." Said Kanan

"I came in second again." I said

"Let me guess Ezra came in first." Said Hera

"Ya but the way he did it." I said

"What happened." Said Zeb

"He used the force." I said

There was a salience

"And the Inquisitor said he was training to became a sith." I said

"Anything else." Beeped chopper

"Ya there inquisitor was talking to some guy I couldn't tell who is was though." I said

There was more salience

"You guys want some good news." I said

"Oh so that wasn't the good news." Everyone said

"Ezra said he could trust me." I said

"He did?!" Said Kanan

"Ya I was shocked to." I said

"Well anyways any closer to getting that information about the crystals." Said Hera

"Ya its hidden but Iv been looking for it, it's hard because troopers are always around." I said

"Great keep up the good work." Said Kanan

I hung up and headed back into the academy.

Kanan's p.o.v

"No way Ezra trusts her." I said

"Well he may not trust Sabine but he does trust Summer." Said Hera

"What's so special about this kid anyways." Said Zeb

"Were you even paying attention to he conversation." I said

"Maybe not as much as I should have." Said Zeb

"Well he's special because he can use the force, but he's training to become a sith." I said

"Well maybe Sabine might be able to change him." Said Zeb

"I don't think she will be able to." I said

Then I got up and walked out

I hope she can I thought

Ezra's p.o.v
I heading to the next challenge when I ran into Summer.

"Oh hey Ezra." Said Summer

"Hey Summer." I said

"I glad I found you." Said Summer

"Oh ya why is that." I said

"I wanted to ask you a question." Said Summer

I was about to say something one the inquisitor came up to me.

"Ah they you are Ezra Iv been looking everywhere for you." Said the inquisitor

"What is it master." Said I said

"The challenge is about to start." Said the inquisitor

"Ok then come on Summer lets go." I said

I started to walk away but the inquisitor stopped me.

"Not you Ezra you have different training." Said the inquisitor

Summer looked at me with worry all over her face I wonder why there's nothing to be worried about.

"Come my apprentice we have training to do." Said the inquisitor

"See you later Summer." I said

(Summers) Sabine's p.o.v

I didn't think he would start training so soon I at least thought that the guy the inquisitor was talking to was going to come here first to see Ezra. I hope Ezra will be okay.

"I am sorry to say but there will be no training today." Said Admiral Salmon

"Why is that." I said

"The inquisitor was supposed to assist with this lesson today but he is helping Ezra with something so there is no training." Said Admiral Salmon

"Everyone is dismissed." Said Admiral Reed

I walked out to go call the crew.

"Sabine aren't you supposed to be training." Said Hera

"Training got canceled today." I said

"Why." Said Zeb

"So the inquisitor was suppose to assist with the lesson today but he decide to start training Ezra to become a sith today so they had to cancel training." I said

"He started his training today." Said Kanan

"Yup." I said

"That's bad." Said Kanan

"Why is that." I said

"The more he becomes a sith the less he will trust be able to trust." Said Kanan

I stayed silent for a moment

"I have an idea." I said

"What is it." Beeped chopper

I was able to answer when a trooper started walking my way.

"I'll have to tell you later a trooper is coming my way." I said

"Okay then bye." Said Hera

"Bye." I said

I hung up and walked back in the academy before the trooper could see me.

Ezra's p.o.v
I am so tired this sith training is exhausting. First he tried to get me to fight him I lost so bad and he tried to teach me how to block with a lightsaber I got hit some many times. But he did say it will take time for me to get better I just have to practice. He said we will have practice twice a week. I was heading to my room since the inquisitor gave me my own since I'm his apprentice when Summer came up to me.

"Hey Ezra." Said Summer

"Hi." I said

"Can I ask you a question." Said Summer

"You just did." I said

She just started at me smiling

"You can ask me anything." I said

"Do you wanna hang out." Said Summer

"I would love to but I'm really tried training to become a sith is really tiring." I said

"Oh come on you've been hear longer then me name haven't you hung out with any of your friends before." Said Summer

"I didn't have any friends." I said

"Well you do now and I say we go hang out and relax." Said Summer

I smiled she said we were friends

"Alright you win." I said

"Great come on." Said Summer

"Where are we going." I said

"You'll see, now come on." Said Summer

"Alright I'm trusting you." I said

Summer's (Sabine's) p.o.v
We were almost there but Ezra kept asking me where we're going I wanted to keep it a surprise but he makes it impossible

"Will you tell me where we're going now." Said Ezra

I smiled

"Sure just go look over the hill." I said

"Why did you take me here." Said Ezra smiling

"Well someone told me this was your hometown and I figured you haven't visited your hometown in a while." I said

"Ya I just never had the chance I mean the academy is on lothal just not in my hometown and they always kept me busy there." Said Ezra

"Ezra, when was the last time you took a break from the academy." I said

"I don't take breaks I just...." Said Ezra before he trailed of

"Ezra everyone needs a break once in a while." I said

"Ya I guess your right." Said Ezra

"When have I ever been wrong." I said

"So what are we gonna do." Said Ezra

"Well I thought since this is your hometown you could show me around." I said

"Fine but I'm not gonna take you everywhere we Will have to go back to the academy soon." Said Ezra

"That's fine with me." I said

Ezra's p.o.v
I look around it's been so long since Iv been here.

"So where are we going to go first if you don't know where I know there's something's I would like to see." Said Summer

"Oh ya what would you like to see." I said

"How about where you grew up." Said Summer

I stayed silent for a minute I haven't been to that place in ages. I debated weather to or not I decide yes.

"Ezra are you okay you kinda zoned out for a minute." Said Summer

"Ya I'm fine let's go." I said

(Time skip till they get there because I got that power😜)

We finally made it to my home I decide to take her to where my parents use to speak out against the empire.

"What is this place Ezra." Said Summer

"My parents use to do broadcasts against the empire down here." I said

"What's this." Said Summer

"Probley just one of them, anyways come on I want to show you something else." I said

I wanted to show her my tower she said she wanted to see where I grew up well I used my tower a lot before I joined the academy.

(Timeskip till they get there (don't have me for this because it's not exactly here yet) because "This is Halloween everybody make a Sean" 😂😂

"What is this place." Said Summer

"You said you wanted to see where I grew up and well this is where I would go a lot of the time when I was younger and before I joined the academy." I said

"You collected a lot of the trooper helmets." Said Summer

"Ya when I was against the empire I thought it would fun to collect them." I said

"Lothal is such a pretty place." Said Summer

"Ya expect when those rebels are here." I said

"Your still really mad at them aren't you." Said Summer

"Yup." I said

"You know all Rebels aren't bad." Said Summer

"Well Iv never been given any other reason to think otherwise." I said

I could tell Summer was about to say something but I heard this com link go off that the inquisitor gave me when he needed to contact me.

"Ezra I need you and Summer to comeback I need to discuss something with you guys." Said the inquisitor

"Okay where on our way." I said

Hey guys sorry for the delay in chapters I blame school they give us homework every single day pluse all the kids in my math group make me do all the work it sucks I also had a test today and a Halloween parade at my school I decide to update today because I didn't get any homework this weekend yay anyways what are you guys being for Halloween comment below bye

Nya5555 out
May the force be with you

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