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"No!" He shouted through the muzzle, loosening it. He growled loudly as officers tried to separate them. "Get the fuck away from her!" He shouted again and the muzzle fell off. He held onto her and ran as fast and far as he could away from them. He felt a sting through his back but kept running. The tingles went through his body and he screamed in pain as he fell onto the floor. His eyes grew heavy as he looked at Ladybug. "Don't...let go." He heaved out through the stinging pain.

"I won't Kitty. I won't!" She yelled through her muzzle. He held onto her body and cradled her under him and held her tight. Another shock went through his body and his body grew numb. His body fell on hers and she held him up but held onto him. It took seven tasers to get him down. "No!" She yelled as they tore them apart. He jolted up at the sound of her voice. They yelled for each other as they were separated. Chat was moved into a room on the other side of the building while she was on the other. They sat her down in a seat as they tried to take off her mask.

˚ºOne Week Laterº˚

Sabine picked up the phone and twisted the wire around her finger. "H-Hello?" She bit her lip and looked around the house. Stephanie and Colin were playing in Marinettes old room, their room while Marin, their oldest, was yelling at Tom. Marin was Marinettes age, twins, but she moved him in with her parents so he wouldn't get hurt. When they died a month after Marinette left, he came back to them.

"Mrs.Dupain-Cheng, my name is Tikki and we have your daughter Marinette."

"I-I don't know a Marinette." Sabine lied.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng am I correct? That's your daughters name?" Sabine sighed and bit her lip.

"Y-Yes..." Sabine sighed and looked at her husband. Ever since Marinette left, Tom got even more violent.

"We just wanted to inform you that we have her. If you would like to schedule a visit with her please tell us a suitable time and date."

"Why can't she come home?"

"She's under federal arrest." Sabine gulped.

"Can I come and visit tomorrow at noon?"

The line went silent. "That works. Please come twenty minutes early to fill out paperwork." Sabine hung up and looked at her family. She could only bring Stephanie and Colin. Marin had school and Tom would be at work. She stopped the fight between the boys and brought Marin to the room with the toddlers. Tom and Sabine had one room, then the other one was for their three kids.

"Why do you put up with that man! He abuses you!" Marin yelled, his raven hair sweeping in front of his blue eyes. She bit her lip. He sounded so much like her.

"He helps us in ways you don't understand Marin," she went into the drawer and pulled out a first aid kit and fixed him up. She went into his backpack and pulled out his homework. "Please, work on your homework. Please?"

"I can't." He put it to the side and crossed his arms.

"Why?" Sabine was going to cry. She needed to stop Tom from drinking today soon so he wouldn't be that hungover for work. If he does it again he's going to get fired.

"I kinda, sorta, got...expelled?" His voice went up as he scratched the back of his neck. Sabine sighed.

"Oh Marin, what did you do this time?" She didn't want to 'convince' the principal again to let him back in.

"A girl wouldn't shut up while the teacher was talking so I punched her in the mouth and then another guy wouldn't stop making rape jokes so I asked if he'd care if I punched him in the face and he said yeah but I did it anyway since theirs no difference between yes and no."

"I-I'll talk to him over the phone later just please, don't get in anymore trouble." Sabine walked out of the room and stopped Tom. She called the principal and he called her over. She shivered. Sabine bit her lip as she walked into the crappy school. When Marin was with her parents, he went to a better school, DuPont something. Now he went to a shitty school right in the middle of one of the worst parts of the city.

"Sabine!" He smiled and lead her into his office. "Lets, work something out, about Marin." He smirked and closed the door.

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