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Marin bit his lip as Adrien punched him in the stomach again. He hazily looked up at his sister, his vision beginning to fad as his body grew weak. Marinette grabbed his jaw and forced him to look at her, her face screaming with anger but her eyes screaming for attention. He was older, by a few minutes. "Why?" She barked and Marin tore his jaw out of her grasp and spit blood out of his mouth.

"Why what?" He leaned against the chair he was tied too and looked to the side, seeing a dead body in the corner. He shivered and Marinette traced his eyes, smirking at the blonde corpse, the white of her blue eyes bloodshot.

"Chloe Bourgeois," Adrien laughed as he crossed his arms. "She was so weak, and dumb for that matter. Thought she had a secret admirer and fell into our trap."

"To think she was missing for two weeks," he spit blood out of his mouth and looked up at his younger sister. "Why what?"

"Why did he suddenly changed!" Marinette shouted, her voice screaming for an answer of why he didn't do that years ago.

"Who?" Marin lifted a brow and Marinette growled.

"Tom! Fucknut! Papa!" The last one slid out of her mouth so easily it surprised both siblings. She held her hand over her mouth as no purpose tears slid down her cheeks. "Why did he change?"

"Uncles and aunts forced him to rehab. Nothing big little sis," Marin cockily smiled up at her. "Can I go now or do you have to get more anger out?"

"Listen Marin-" Marinette held Adrien back by putting her hand on his chest before he could get to close to him.

"Why didn't they do it years ago?" Her voice was fragile.

"Because he cut off the phone line so no one could call us and when went on a family thing they saw the bruises on me and Maman. They knew something was always wrong with him-"

"Why didn't they step in!" Marinette screamed, they tears of anger spreading down her cheeks and onto the floor.

"I don't fucking know! Don't you think it would've been nice to see my mom more then twice a year! Don't you think it wouldn't been nice not to fight with Papa every two seconds! Why don't you just-"

Marinette punched Marin square in the nose, knocking him out. She shook her hand, her knuckles bleeding. "Put him in the back." Marinette walked into the bedroom and sat on the bed as Adrien carried him into a room. It had a small cot, a chair and a small table and a toilet.

Adrien walked into the bedroom and looked at Marinette. "Princess," he held her hand gently kissing her knuckles. "It'll be alright. It always is." He brushed the hair away from her eyes and kissed her cheek.

"I know Kitty." Marinette smirked as she looked at Adrien who got the massage and kissed her lips roughly as they back against the bed.

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