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I sigh as I approach my lunch table. 

I've avoided all of the texts asking if I was okay.

I was a little disappointed seeing that Will hadn't texted, and the fact that Nichole and him were all over each other this morning. 

But who cares?

You do idiot.


"Hey sweetie" Makayla smiles. 

"Hey..." I sigh, sitting down next to Sophie. 

"Are you-" 

"Yes. I'm fine" I snap, cutting Mason off. 

Mason frowns. 

I've never snapped at him like that.

"S-sorry I just haven't been myself lately" I shake my head. 

"Pull it together girl! Nutcracker auditions are in two weeks, Junior team is expected to audition, and if Kendal gets Clara, I might throw up" Sophie explains. 

I laugh "My mom was just asking about auditions" 

Makayla smiles "How is she?" 

"She's doing better...I guess" I shrug "Only 3 more rounds of chemo!"

Makayla smiles "Yay!"

My mom had always been great to Mason and Makayla.

Their parents were cool, but were always busy with work. 

So my mom stepped in as a second mom. 

"I have an announcement" Jordan smiles "Tristian is off blackout!" 

I smile "That's amazing!" 

"And he should be coming home for a while soon!" Jordan explains. 

"He should come back for nutcracker!" Sophie states. 

"That would be amazing! But I don't know when he'll be here" Jordan shrugs. 

"Get him a ticket just incase" Mason states. 

"Well...Well...Well....If it isn't the freak show"  

I turn around to see Nichole and her minions. 

"Ugh, What do you want?" Sophie asks. 

"I just wanted to make it clear to Ava here that Will is officially mine" Nichole smirks. 

My stomach flips "So? Why should I care?" 

"Well he told me about the whole hand holding thing, And I'm sorry about your Panic attack, Sounds like they all hate you now" Nichole says. 

I look over at the football team, They all look away besides Justin. 

He gives me a soft smile before being hit in the head by Olivia.

"They're just being idiots" Mason shrugs. 

"Who told you about her panic attack?" Makayla insists. 

"William of course! He tells me everything" Nichole explains "Anyway, I'll see you guys later!" 

And with that she walks away. 

"He's dead to me" Sophie says. 

"And to think they were coming around" Mason scoffs. 

I sigh "They were never coming around" 

"What do you mean?" Jordan questions. 

"It was all part of that stupid deal, they are all selfish assholes who only care about themselves" I state. 

Sophie stares at me shocked. 

I knew what was going on with her and Justin. 

I look at her "Soph I-"

"No...You're right" She nods. 

"I'm sorry" I whisper. 


"Sharper!" Mrs. Hanna yells. 

We had done our group dance twice today, the rest of practice filled with us correcting stupid mistakes we were making. 

The football boys had coordination training all day, so we wouldn't see them unless in the dressing room. 

"Straight legs Kendal! You look sloppy!" Mrs. Hanna yells. 

My smile had faded throughout the dance. 

When we ended Mrs. Hanna sighed. 

"Good job, go take a drink, Kendal, A word"  Mrs. Hanna stated. 

We all made our way out of the room as Kendal stayed behind. 

Faith walked over to me "I just wanted to say I'm sorry if Kendal and I were the ones who upset you yesterday" 

I shake my head "It's fine Faith"

She frowns and makes her way over to her bag. 

I take a sip of my Gatorade and look over to Sophie who was looking at her phone smiling. 

"What's up with you?" I smile. 

"Nothing" She shrugs. 

"Mhm" Makayla laughs. 

Rodger makes his way over to her grabbing her phone and holding it above his head.

He was the tallest out of all of us, so Sophie couldn't reach it. 

"It's from Justin!" He says. 

"Oh?" I ask. 

"He's not-"

"He asked her out!" Rodger yells. 

"Shut up!" Sophie states "He's in studio C" 

"You're kidding!" I laugh. 

"No, He explained to me that he did really like me and he was wondering if we could hang out this weekend at the competition" Sophie explains.

"Aw!" Makayla smiles. 

We all go back into the studio, Kendal ready to do the dance again. 

"From the top!" Mrs. Hanna states. 


I walk inside and take my shoes off. 

"We're home!" Ryder calls out. 

"Are we waiting on Paige? Because dinner is ready!" My dad calls. 

"No, She has a few more classes to teach" I state. 


Ryder and I make our way to the kitchen. 

"Olivia is out with some friends, so it's only us and Darren" My dad explains. 

"Where's Darren?" I ask. 

"In the living room watching TV" My dad says "Could you go get him?" 

I nod, walking into the living room. 

"Hey kiddo, Food is ready" I state. 

"Okay!" Darren smiles, getting up and running  to the dinning room. 

I take my phone out of my pocket and check it. 

I left it on silent at dance. 

I had 3 texts from Will. 

Will: Hey, I just wanted to check up with you. 

Will: And I'm sorry about Nichole.

Will: Please don't ignore me...  

I shut my phone off. 

I didn't want to talk to him, not now. 

He had to make up his mind. 

And he technically did. 

He chose Nichole. 

So I chose not to associate with him. 

I walk into the dinning room and sit down next to Darren, plastering a fake smile on my face as I talked about my day, Leaving the bad parts out. 

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