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"You're still in you clothes" Olivia points out. 

I look down at my leotard and sweatpants "Oops" 

"Change" Olivia orders. 

"Nah" I shake my head.


"You're still in your uniform" I point out. 


I roll my eyes and turn my attention back to the TV where an episode of glee was playing. 

"I'm in charge, go change" Olivia snaps. 

"Actually Ryder is in charge, so why don't you shut your mouth and go tattle on my like the 5 year old you are" I snap. 

Olivia scoffs and storms upstairs. 

"Wow. You're a nice person" Ryder laughs, jumping over the back of the couch. 

"I'm well aware" I shrug. 

"What are we watching?" He asks. 

"Glee" I state. 

"Which season?" He asks. 

"What one do you think?" 

"Season 3" 

I nod, taking a bite of my apple. 

"Where's Darren?" I ask. 

"Upstairs sleeping" Ryder explains "He crashed a half our ago" 

"When is dad coming home?" I ask. 

"In about an hour" 

I sigh "Okay" 

"How was dance? From the viewing room it looked like you guys were over it" Ryder explains. 

"We were, Out of my 5 hours of dance during the weekday, we have 3 hours with the football team" I complain. 

"Well, Will looked pretty taken aback by Hannas strictness" He chuckles. 

"Will wont last a week" I laugh "He's to snobby" 

"Give him a chance, I know he's a bully, but he'll come around" He explains. 

"Yeah, sure" I shrug. 

"Give it time" Ryder says. 

I nod "I can't believe they are coming to the competition with us though, We are going to be in Florida! They don't deserve to come with us" 

"Ava what did I just say?" Ryder chuckles. 

"Give them a chance" I sigh. 

"Exactly" He nods. 

I get up and throw away the apple core "I'll be in my room" 

"Okay" Ryder says, his eyes glued to the TV. 

I run upstairs and go to my room. 

I grab a towel and go to my conjoining bathroom, turning on the shower. 

I get in and roll my neck. 

Give them a chance Ava, That's all they need. 


I walk up to my group before school and smile. 

"Did any of you guys finish the math homework?" Jordan asks. 

"Yeah" I nod.

Jordan smiles "Please" 

I take the homework out of my backpack and hand it to him. 

"Thank you" He smiles, beginning to copy it down. 

"No problem" I smile. 

"How do you finish it? I have to stay up so late" Sophie whines. 

"I have an hour break between classes" I shrug "Also photo math is a life saver" 

They nod. 

Makayla has her earbuds in, doing some motions with her hands. 

I take out one of the earbuds "Hey" 

"Hey Ava!" She smiles. 

"You okay?" I ask. 

Makayla looks down at the ground. 

I look over at Mason. 

"Mrs. Hanna said if Makayla doesn't place in the top three with her solo...She'll be kicked off the team" Mason explains. 

"What?" Sophie asks wide eyed. 

"Yeah. It's because the solos I had last season, I froze up or forgot it" Makayla explains.

I furrow my eyebrows "This is stupid" 

"We've been a group ever since we were minis" Jordan frowns. 

"I know..." Makayla frowns. 

"Who else is going to be Rodgers duet partner?" Sophie frowns. 

Rodger and Makayla have been doing duets for forever.

There trust factor was through the roof. 

"I'm guessing the new girl Mrs. Hanna will get to replace me or Kendal and Faith" Makayla frowns. 

"This sucks!" Jordan states. 

"What does?" Justin asks, sitting by Jordan. 

We furrow our eyebrows as the football team sits by us. 

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask. 

"Relax princess, We have a deal" Will smirks. 

"We aren't interested"  Mason shakes his head. 

"Shut up" Alex snaps. 

Will glares at Alex. 

"Listen...You don't want us at your studio and we don't want to be there, but if we pretend to get along...Maybe the whole thing will disappear" Justin explains. 

"What do you mean?" I ask. 

"What do you think? We are in this together, We have to get along" Will states. 

We all burst into laughter. 

"Why are you laughing? We are serious!" Will says. 

"Sure you are! You couldn't be nice to us for one hour" I laugh. 

"Well maybe we need to change that" Justin says. 

"No, you could probably be nice to us, besides Ava" Sophie says to Will. 

"What?" Will asks. 

"Oh please, You've been picking on Ava since Middle school" Mason laughs. 

"If you start being nice to her, Mrs. H will know something is up" Jordan adds. 

I laugh along with the rest of my group. 

"Well sucks, I'm not spending anymore time in that studio than I have to, So just-" Will sighs "Please" 

I look around at the football team. 

They were desperate. 

I could tell. 

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