Here we go

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"Do you need this?" Darren asks. 

"Yup" I state, setting a swimsuit in my suitcase. 

Darren nods, setting my makeup bag into my suitcase. 

"Putting the kid to work?" My dad asks, walking into my room.

"What else are little brothers for?" I ask. 

My dad chuckles, sitting on my desk chair. 

"What about this?" Darren asks, holding up my solo costume. 

"I defiantly need that" I laugh "Put it in that bag over there" 

I point to my garment bag and Darren goes and hangs my costume in the bag. 

My dad furrows his eyebrows "So you do this work for her but not me?" 

Darren nods, putting my hairbrush in my suitcase. 

"Guess I'm just better than you" I shrug. 

My dad shakes his head "Sure" 

"Why are you up here?" I ask.

"Hiding from Paiges friends, they scare me" My dad admits. 

"Ha! Sucks to be Ryder! Why are they here?" I ask.

"She's asking about brides maids" My dad explains. 

"Oh" I nod "Makes sense" 

"What time is you're flight tommarow?" He asks. 

"We have to be at the studio by 6" I frown "That's to early"

"You'll live, be happy you get to miss school" He shakes his head. 

I shrug "I am" 

My phone dings and I pick it up to see who it is. 

Will: Hey....We need to talk tommarow. 

 Oh hell no.

"Shoot" I mutter. 

"What?" Dad asks.

"Nothing, Isn't it Darrens bedtime?" I ask. 

Dad looks at the clock and nods "Lets go Darren" 

Darren frowns but willingly follows my dad out, closing the door behind him. 

I sigh and flop backwards on my bed.

I'm screwed. 


"It's too early" I whine, walking onto the bus and handing Mrs. Hanna my garment bag.

"I promise" Mrs. Hanna says, checking my name on her list "You can sleep on the way to the airport and on the plane" 

I smile "Yay!" 

I go to the back and sit next to Jordan. 

"You kissed someone!" Sophie accuses. 

"How did you know?" I ask. 

"During group rehearsal you had that stupid goofy grin on your face! Who was it?" Jordan asks. 

"About that" I sigh. 

I see Wills car pull up and 5 guys get out of it. 

I feel my face get hot as he looked over to me and waved. 

"You kissed Will?" Makayla asks. 

"No" I shake my head as they let out a sigh "He kissed me" 

Mason hits me in the back of the head "Are you insane?" 

"Okay Ow!" I state. 

"Ava" Jordan sighs "It's William Sanders" 

"I know but-" I sigh "When we kissed there was something there" 

"Shut up" Sophie says "No there wasn't!" 


"Ava! Clear your mind of this, You have to focus on the dance" Makayla snaps. 

I nod. 

I couldn't focus on this. 

We all sat down as the football team starts coming onto the bus. 

Will looks back at me but I avoid eye contact. 

"Is everyone ready?" Mrs. Hanna asks. 

"Yeah!" The junior team yells. 

"I said is everyone ready?" Paige asks. 

"Yeah!" We Shout "Move the bus!" 

The bus starts moving as we dissolve into laughter. 

The bus driver turns up the radio and we all sing and dance along. 

Some of the football players even joined in.

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