Chapter 14: Familiar

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     Snowflakes have begun to gently fall, this place is gradually turning into winter. Here in Scotland, the rays of the sun cannot penetrate the thick clouds, making it a gray color in winter. The courtyard of the castle is very large, including a vast lake, a dense forest, several greenhouses planted with trees, watchtowers, and a Quidditch yard all covered with melancholy.

       But in this little Luna's heart is a great joy, winter comes, Christmas comes, she just expects that. Gently lifting her toes, hops across the hallway, Luna's joy bloomed. A familiar figure appeared in front, the muscular rabbit clearly visible as Luna approached. "Can only see a happy moon when winter comes" Kook looked at her.     "Very nice for a butterbeer at Hogsmeade, do you want to come along?" Luna smiled at him.     "Why not"    "Then see me in 5 minutes at the school gate, put on more coats" Confirming the agreement, Luna continued to roam the school hall.    "Why is she so friendly to me today!" Where did Joon appear behind Kook" - swear to Merlin, if I don't keep up, Kook's heart will jump out immediately     "Then my IQ 148 didn't even answer, so I think you know"     "Yeah, right" Joon looked at his younger brother who was scared to turn pale by himself.     "Will you come with me?" Kook asked     "I'd love to but I'm sorry, I can't avoid Snape's class" Joon was as sad as a bowl of cold rice greeting Kook.

     Hogsmeade village is located near the school, from term 5 onwards, students are free to come to the village if they have enough signatures of guardians. The road to the village was dotted with a few students, Luna and Kook also walked on it and enjoyed the winter weather. The third time he caught his friend sneaking glances at her "You should stop looking at me and tell me what's wrong" Luna began when she couldn't stand it.       "Look at me, a little familiar but a lot of the strange" Kook replied.Yes! The 7 of them always like to say crazy things, for months Luna has to listen to it, maybe it's because of playing together, so it's contagious - Luna guessed.       "And if you don't tell me I won't know where that strange place is." Luna put on a bored face.Butterbeer shop is never free for customers, students have, people have. It took a long time to find an empty table deep in the corner, it looked a bit dark but Luna liked it, it was quiet. Order 2 butterbeer, drink it in one go, it's crazy to drink beer in winter, it gives me a terrible headache, she loves it, it makes Luna laugh at Kook.       "That's so familiar" Kook pointed to her after trying.       "At least the strange hobby doesn't go away" Luna continued to enjoy. "So what's strange?"Silently looking at the water stain on the side of the cup, each drop of water flowing down clearly shows the yellow beer in the glass. Kook wondered the answer and Luna of course patiently waited.       "My eyes are on you"       "Come on, I think this is the scene of a romance movie" Luna joked. But then she regretted it because Kook's eyes looked at her with no lack of seriousness. She pursed her lips, pondering      "I'm sorry" – "Actually, it's not that I haven't tried, but I don't know how to receive your attention".        "None of the 7 forces you to try, either before or now, it's just that I'm a little helpless. I don't know why either!" Kook looked at her, his words jumbled up.        "Soo told me to forget the past to continue living in the present and now I want to tell you the same thing. Holding on to the past is not a good way" Luna also doesn't know if her advice really works, because she herself is always entangled in the past.        "I don't want to forget, it was so beautiful to me" Kook regrets.        "Then make it more beautiful" Luna encouraged        "I want to.." Kook seemed to have gone too far.        "If you don't mind, paint another, more perfect picture" she understood what she was doing.To Kook, this seemed to be the best butterbeer he had ever had after hearing that quote from Luna. In his memory, Luna appeared like the bright moon, she was always there when he needed it, so he regretted that she now considers him a stranger. He really didn't want to let go, even for a moment he wanted to hold her, but then it was all like fluorine powder, dissipating in the chimney.      I don't know how many beers Kook drank, only knowing that he talked a lot on the way home, Luna had difficulty bringing him home without being caught by the examiner by the way she found out after walking around the school a few times. Just know, after that day, Luna's look changed

      The feeling of familiarity only comes when we have used something for a long time. And only those who make us comfortable, know us well, are ready to embrace and comfort us.

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