Chapter 24: If only it were the hum of happiness

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    They actually returned before New Year's Eve, rather than the 29 they were in London. Kim house was filled with the laughter of the boys. Luna told Jin about her plan to surprise them on New Year's Eve. She was so eager to prepare it, she created the outfit from the souls of great boys to dedicate to the most special people in their hearts.

     A good and happy day, together waiting for the moment of New Year's Eve to come. Raise a glass to wish each other the best as the Big Ben clock in the Elizabeth Tower rings. Everywhere is filled with a joyful atmosphere to welcome the new year, hugs, wishes, or kisses seem to be more meaningful than ever at this moment. 

    Standing together to watch the fireworks sky from the Palace of Westminster at Jin's bedroom, an ideal place to admire makes each of them feel a lot lighter.
   "Happy New Year guys" Luna said softly as her eyes turned towards the lights of the night sky -     "Be happy" "Happy New Year Moon" they wished back.
   "Another new year has come" Jin said
   "As long as we're together, the desert turns into an ocean" RM told his loved ones. Luna stepped back to look at these tenacious boys. They give each other a big hug of 7 people, showing the great love they give each other. How strong these boys were, they grew up together, weathered the stormy waves together, and then found peace together again. She cherished their moment and she really wished they could return home together. Decided to let the other boys have weak moments together. Luna walked back to her room and texted her best friend:                   
   "Happy New Year babe"                                              

                                               "Be happy, mate"         
   "Congratulations to your parents"

                                             "It's been 8 hours over here, but it's ok"                                                                                                                    "Where are the others?"       
    "Just talking, I'll go to the room first"
                                             "Did Jin confess his love to you?"
                                                                                                                                    "Ah, if not, have you confessed your love yet?"                                                                                                         ":33333"     
     "What nonsense are you talking about!"
                                              "Oh, seriously, no one"
     "No, think nonsense, go to sleep"

                                                   "Ok, bye"

     My best friend's imagination has gone beyond the universe to be able to be written into a movie! Luna chuckled. She never thought that any of them would confess their love. To her, they were the people he loved, the friends she treasured, and then the love grew stronger than the thing called love. She doesn't like to control others, and she doesn't like having to choose, just simply loving them with all her heart. Silently hoping that Soo's words were just a joke, was it because her awareness knew it was a painful ending, so she didn't dare to take the risk.

        When the fireworks gradually dissipated into the clouds, the other boys were still confiding in each other, a little wet and emotional, they reviewed old memories together and spoke together, expecting miracles to happen. out so that they could return, but regretted everything here and most of all regretted her.      I don't know how long they talked, only when they returned to the room, the Moon was already sleeping soundly in Jin's bed. Smiling at each other, they quietly left the room to let her sleep. It seemed that tonight was so much fun for them, that the laughter of the other 7 people in the living room echoed all the way up to Jin's room.

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